
#' Check hard-coded quantities
#' Checks that the hard-coded quantities for the distributions in the
#' `.quantities` list match the default computations (for example,
#' integrating the quantile function to calculate the mean).
#' @param distribution A distribution object to check.
#' @param name Name of the quantity to check, such as "mean". Character.
#' Should also be the name of a function.
#' @param tolerance The tolerance level in the `expect_equal()` call
#' when comparing the two quantities.
#' @param verbose Logical; print the distribution being tested to screen?
#' @return Invisible, if the name doesn't exist in the `.quantity` list
#' for that distribution, or the output of an `expect_` function from
#' the testthat package.
#' @note If a quantity is infinite, the default computation is expected
#' to be an error (such as through a divergent integral), and so
#' `expect_error()` is used in that situation.
check_quantity <- function(distribution, name, tolerance = 1e-3,
                           verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Testing function: ", name, "\n")
    cat("Distribution: ", distribution$name, "\n")
    cat("Parameters: ", paste(parameters(distribution), ","), "\n\n")
  name_exists <- !is.null(.quantities[[distribution$name]][[name]])
  if (name_exists) {
    name.dst <- paste0(name, ".dst")
    quantity_from_list <- rlang::exec(name, distribution)
    if (is.infinite(quantity_from_list) || is.na(quantity_from_list)) {
      expect_error(rlang::exec(name.dst, distribution))
    } else {
      quantity_default <- rlang::exec(name.dst, distribution,
                                      subdivisions = 2000)
      expect_equal(quantity_from_list, quantity_default, tolerance = tolerance)

test_that("quantities align with numeric computations.", {
  distributions <- list(
    dst_norm(0, 1),
    dst_norm(4, 2),
    dst_unif(0, 1),
    dst_unif(-1, 1),
    dst_unif(-2, 0.8)
    # dst_beta(2,3),
    # dst_beta(0.5,0.9),
    # dst_binom(10, 0.6),
    # dst_binom(8, 0.05),
    # dst_binom(2, 0.89),
    # dst_nbinom(6, 0.05) # Error: the integral is probably divergent
    # dst_nbinom(3, 0.87),
    # dst_nbinom(1.5, 0.5),
    # dst_gpd(0, 1, 1 / 4 - 0.01),
    # dst_gpd(0, 1, 1 / 3 - 0.01),
    # dst_gpd(0, 1, 1 / 2 - 0.01),
    # dst_gpd(0, 1, 1 - 0.01),
    # dst_gpd(0, 1, 1 + 0.01),
    # dst_gpd(0, 1, 0),
    # dst_gpd(0, 1, -1)
    # dst_exp(1),
    # dst_exp(2),
    # dst_geom(0.5),
    # dst_geom(0.2),
    # dst_geom(1)
    # dst_geom(0.05) #seems it will raise "Error: the integral is probably divergent" every time we used 0.05
    # dst_chisq(3), # remove hard-coded median for now
    # dst_chisq(5),
    # dst_chisq(1),
    # dst_cauchy(0, 1) # not fixed yet
    # dst_weibull(1, 1),
    # dst_weibull(2, 2)
    # dst_weibull(1.1, 2.1)
    # dst_weibull(0.85, 3.55)
    # dst_f(3, 1)
    # dst_f(4, 1),
    # dst_f(6, 1),
    # dst_f(8, 1),
    # dst_f(8.2, 1),
    # dst_t(1),
    # dst_t(2),
    # dst_t(3),
    # dst_t(4),
    # dst_t(4.2),
  for (d in distributions) {
    # print(d$name)
    check_quantity(d, "mean")
    check_quantity(d, "variance")
    check_quantity(d, "skewness")
    #check_quantity(d, "kurtosis_exc", verbose = TRUE)
    #check_quantity(d, "median")
vincenzocoia/distionary documentation built on March 5, 2024, 3:13 a.m.