make_test_GRanges <- function()
GRanges(Rle(factor(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3")), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
IRanges(1:10, end=10, names=head(letters, 10)),
Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
seqinfo=Seqinfo(paste0("chr", 1:3)),
score=1:10, GC=seq(1, 0, length=10))
make_test_GRangesList <- function() {
a <- make_test_GRanges()
b <- GRanges(Rle(factor(c("chr2", "chr4", "chr5")), c(3, 6, 4)),
IRanges(1:13, end=13, names=tail(letters, 13)),
Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "-")), c(4, 5, 4)),
seqinfo=Seqinfo(paste0("chr", c(2, 4:5))),
score=1:13, GC=seq(0, 1, length=13))
GRangesList(a=a, b=b)
test_shift_GenomicRanges <- function()
## empty, reversibility, recycling 'x'
gr <- make_test_GRanges()
checkIdentical(shift(GRanges(), 10), GRanges())
checkIdentical(gr, shift(shift(gr, 10), -10))
x <- 1:2
checkIdentical(start(shift(gr[1:4], x)), start(gr[1:4]) + x)
## no seqlength or circularity
checkIdentical(start(gr) + 10L, start(shift(gr, 10)))
checkIdentical(width(gr), width(shift(gr, 10)))
gr <- GRanges("chrA", IRanges(20, 30))
checkIdentical(IRanges(8, 18), ranges(shift(gr, -12)))
checkIdentical(IRanges(98, 108), ranges(shift(gr, 78)))
## seqlength and circularity combos
gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(5, width=6))
isCircular(gr) <- TRUE
checkIdentical(start(shift(gr, -10)), -5L)
seqlengths(gr) <- 20
isCircular(gr) <- NA
warn <- FALSE
res <- withCallingHandlers({
shift(gr, -10)
}, warning=function(w) {
warn <<- TRUE
checkTrue(warn == TRUE)
checkIdentical(start(res), -5L)
isCircular(gr) <- FALSE
warn <- FALSE
res <- withCallingHandlers({
shift(gr, -10)
}, warning=function(w) {
warn <<- TRUE
checkTrue(warn == TRUE)
checkIdentical(start(res), -5L)
test_shift_GRangesList <- function()
grl <- make_test_GRangesList()
shifted <- shift(grl, 10)
checkIdentical(start(grl) + 10L, start(shifted))
test_resize_GenomicRanges <- function()
gr <- make_test_GRanges()
checkException(resize(gr, 10, fix = "middle"), silent = TRUE)
checkException(resize(gr, 10, fix = rep("end", 3)), silent = TRUE)
resized <- resize(gr, 10)
checkIdentical(rep(10L, length(gr)), width(resized))
checkIdentical(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 1L, 1L), start(resized))
checkIdentical(ranges(resize(gr, 10, fix = "center")),
IRanges(rep(1:5, each=2), width = 10,
names = head(letters, 10)))
checkIdentical(ranges(resize(gr, 10, fix = c("start", "end"))),
IRanges(c(1L, 1L, 3L, 1L, 5L, 1L, 7L, 1L, 1L, 10L),
width = 10, names = head(letters, 10)))
## No-ops.
checkIdentical(gr, resize(gr, width=width(gr)))
checkIdentical(gr, resize(gr, width=width(gr), fix="end"))
checkIdentical(gr, resize(gr, width=width(gr), fix="center"))
test_resize_GRangesList <- function()
grl <- make_test_GRangesList()
target <- endoapply(grl, resize, width=5)
current <- resize(grl, width=5)
checkIdentical(target, current)
## No-ops.
checkIdentical(grl, resize(grl, width=width(grl)))
checkIdentical(grl, resize(grl, width=width(grl), fix="end"))
checkIdentical(grl, resize(grl, width=width(grl), fix="center"))
test_flank_GenomicRanges <- function()
checkIdentical(flank(GRanges(), 10), GRanges())
gr_seqnames <- c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chrM")
gr_ranges <- IRanges(21:24, width=10)
gr_strand <- strand(c("+", "-", "*", "-"))
gr <- GRanges(gr_seqnames, gr_ranges, gr_strand)
## NO warning expected.
S4Vectors:::errorIfWarning(current <- flank(gr, 10))
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(11, 32, 13, 34), width=10)
target <- GRanges(gr_seqnames, target_ranges, gr_strand)
checkIdentical(target, current)
## NO warning expected.
S4Vectors:::errorIfWarning(current <- flank(gr, 10, start=FALSE))
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(31, 12, 33, 14), width=10)
target <- GRanges(gr_seqnames, target_ranges, gr_strand)
checkIdentical(target, current)
## NO warning expected.
S4Vectors:::errorIfWarning(current <- flank(gr, 30))
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(-9, 32, -7, 34), width=30)
target <- GRanges(gr_seqnames, target_ranges, gr_strand)
checkIdentical(target, current)
## NO warning expected.
S4Vectors:::errorIfWarning(current <- flank(gr, 30, start=FALSE))
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(31, -8, 33, -6), width=30)
target <- GRanges(gr_seqnames, target_ranges, gr_strand)
checkIdentical(target, current)
seqlengths(gr) <- c(chr1=60, chr2=50, chrM=35)
## Warning expected.
current <- flank(gr, 10)
), silent=TRUE)
suppressWarnings(current <- flank(gr, 10))
), silent=TRUE)
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(11, 32, 13, 34), width=10)
checkIdentical(target_ranges, ranges(current))
isCircular(gr) <- c(chr1=NA, chr2=FALSE, chrM=TRUE)
## NO warning expected.
S4Vectors:::errorIfWarning(current <- flank(gr, 10))
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(11, 32, 13, 34), width=10)
checkIdentical(target_ranges, ranges(current))
## Warning expected.
current <- flank(gr, 20)
), silent=TRUE)
suppressWarnings(current <- flank(gr, 20))
), silent=TRUE)
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(1, 32, 3, 34), width=20)
checkIdentical(target_ranges, ranges(current))
test_promoters_GenomicRanges <- function()
checkTrue(length(promoters(GRanges())) == 0)
## upstream / downstream
gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(5, 10), width=1), "+")
target <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(5, 10), width=0), "+")
current <- promoters(gr, 0, 0)
checkIdentical(target, current)
strand(gr) <- c("+", "-")
target <- IRanges(c(3, 11), width=2)
current <- ranges(promoters(gr, 2, 0))
checkIdentical(target, current)
target <- IRanges(c(5, 9), width=2)
current <- ranges(promoters(gr, 0, 2))
checkIdentical(target, current)
gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(0, width=6), "+")
target <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(-3, 2), "+")
current <- promoters(gr, 3, 3)
checkIdentical(target, current)
checkTrue(validObject(current) == TRUE)
gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(rep(10, 3), width=6), c("+", "-", "*"))
target <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(7, 13, 7), c(12, 18, 12)),
c("+", "-", "*"))
current <- suppressWarnings(promoters(gr, 3, 3))
checkIdentical(target, current)
## treat "*" as "+"
gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(5, width=6), "+")
target <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(2, 7), "+")
current <- promoters(gr, 3, 3)
checkIdentical(target, current)
strand(gr) <- "*"
strand(target) <- "*"
current <- suppressWarnings(promoters(gr, 3, 3))
checkIdentical(target, current)
## metadata
gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(0, width=6), names="A", strand="+", score=99)
current <- promoters(gr, 3, 3)
checkIdentical(mcols(gr), mcols(current))
checkIdentical(names(gr), names(current))
checkIdentical(seqinfo(gr), seqinfo(current))
test_restrict_GenomicRanges <- function()
gr <- make_test_GRanges()
st <- structure(c(4,5), names = c("chr1", "chr2"))
en <- structure(c(8,9), names = c("chr2", "chr3"))
res <- restrict(gr, start = st, end = en)
checkIdentical(mcols(gr), mcols(res))
checkIdentical(seqnames(gr), seqnames(res))
checkIdentical(seqinfo(gr), seqinfo(res))
target <- IRanges(start=c(4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
end = c(10, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9),
checkIdentical(ranges(res), target)
test_trim_GenomicRanges <- function()
checkIdentical(trim(GRanges()), GRanges())
gr_seqnames <- c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chrM")
gr_ranges <- IRanges(0:3, width=30)
## NO warning expected.
S4Vectors:::errorIfWarning(gr <- GRanges(gr_seqnames, gr_ranges))
checkIdentical(trim(gr), gr)
gr_seqlengths <- c(chr1=50, chr2=NA, chrM=NA)
## Warning expected.
seqlengths(gr) <- gr_seqlengths
), silent=TRUE)
suppressWarnings(seqlengths(gr) <- gr_seqlengths)
), silent=TRUE)
gr <- trim(gr)
target_ranges <- IRanges(c(1, 1, 2, 3), width=c(29, 30, 30, 30))
checkIdentical(target_ranges, ranges(gr))
isCircular(gr) <- c(chr1=FALSE, chr2=FALSE, chrM=TRUE)
## NO warning expected.
gr_seqlengths <- c(chr1=50, chr2=NA, chrM=15)
S4Vectors:::errorIfWarning(seqlengths(gr) <- gr_seqlengths)
checkIdentical(trim(gr), gr)
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