
Defines functions neuhauser.hothorn.test

Documented in neuhauser.hothorn.test

#' Neuhauser--Hothorn Double Contrast Test for a Monotonic Trend in Variances
#' The test statistic suggested by \insertCite{Neuhauser_Hothorn_2000;textual}{lawstat}.
#' @inherit lnested.test details
#' @inheritParams lnested.test 
#' @return A list of class \code{"htest"} with the following components:
#' \item{statistic}{the value of the test statistic.}
#' \item{p.value}{the \eqn{p}-value of the test.}
#' \item{method}{type of test performed.}
#' \item{data.name}{a character string giving the name of the data.}
#' \item{non.bootstrap.p.value}{the \eqn{p}-value of the test without bootstrap method.}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{levene.test}}, \code{\link{lnested.test}}, 
#' \code{\link{ltrend.test}}, \code{\link{mma.test}}, \code{\link{robust.mmm.test}}
#' @keywords htest robust variability
#' @author Kimihiro Noguchi, Yulia R. Gel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(pot)
#' neuhauser.hothorn.test(pot[, "obs"], pot[, "type"], location = "median", 
#'                        tail = "left", correction.method = "zero.correction")
#' ## Bootstrap version of the test. The calculation may take up a few minutes
#' ## depending on the number of bootstrap sampling.
#' neuhauser.hothorn.test(pot[, "obs"], pot[, "type"], location = "median", 
#'                        tail = "left", correction.method = "zero.correction", 
#'                        bootstrap = TRUE, num.bootstrap = 500)
neuhauser.hothorn.test <-
             location = c("median", "mean", "trim.mean"),
             tail = c("right", "left", "both"),
             trim.alpha = 0.25,
             bootstrap = FALSE,
             num.bootstrap = 1000,
             correction.method = c("none",
        ### stop the code if the length of y does not match the length of group ###
        if (length(y) != length(group))
            stop("the length of the data (y) does not match the length of the group")
        ### install the mvtnorm package ###
        ### assign location, tail, and a correction method ###
        location <- match.arg(location)
        tail <- match.arg(tail)
        correction.method <- match.arg(correction.method)
        DNAME = deparse(substitute(y))
        y <- y[!is.na(y)]
        group <- group[!is.na(y)]
        ### stop the code if the location "trim.mean" is selected and trim.alpha is too large ###
        if ((location == "trim.mean") & (trim.alpha > 0.5))
            stop("trim.alpha value of 0 to 0.5 should be provided for the trim.mean location")
        ### sort the order just in case the input is not sorted by group ###
        reorder <- order(group)
        group <- group[reorder]
        y <- y[reorder]
        gr <- group
        group <- as.factor(group)
        original.group <- group
        ### define the measure of central tendency (mean, median, trimmed mean) ###
        if (location == "mean")
            means <- tapply(y, group, mean)
            METHOD = "double contrast test based on the absolute deviations from the mean"
        else if (location == "median")
            means <- tapply(y, group, median)
            METHOD = "double contrast test based on the absolute deviations from the median"
            location = "trim.mean"
            means <- tapply(y, group, mean, trim = trim.alpha)
            METHOD = "double contrast test based on the absolute deviations from the trimmed mean"
        ### calculate the sample size of each group and absolute deviation from center ###
        n <- tapply(y, group, length)
        original.n <- n
        ngroup <- n[group]
        resp.mean <- abs(y - means[group])
        ### assign no correction technique if the central tendency is median, and ###
        ### any technique other than "correction.factor" is chosen                ###
        if (location != "median" &&
            correction.method != "correction.factor")
            METHOD <-
                    "not applied because the location is not set to median",
            correction.method = "none"
        ### multiply the correction factor to each observation if "correction.factor" is chosen ###
        if (correction.method == "correction.factor")
            METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with correction factor applied")
            correction <- 1 / sqrt(1 - 1 / ngroup)
            resp.mean <- resp.mean * correction
            r.means <- tapply(resp.mean, group, mean)
        ### perform correction techniques for "zero.removal" (Hines and Hines, 2000) ###
        ### or "zero.correction" (Noguchi and Gel, 2009).                            ###
        else if (correction.method == "zero.correction" ||
                 correction.method == "zero.removal")
            if (correction.method == "zero.removal")
                METHOD <-
                          "with Hines-Hines structural zero removal method")
            if (correction.method == "zero.correction")
                METHOD <-
                        "with modified structural zero removal method and correction factor"
            ### set up variables for calculating the deviation from center ###
            mean.diff <- y - means[group]
            k <- length(n)
            temp <- double()
            endpos <- double()
            startpos <- double()
            ### calculate the absolute deviation from mean and remove zeros ###
            for (i in 1:k)
                group.size <- n[i]
                j <- i - 1
                ### calculate the starting and ending index of each group ###
                if (i == 1)
                    start <- 1
                    start <- sum(n[1:j]) + 1
                startpos <- c(startpos, start)
                end <- sum(n[1:i])
                endpos <- c(endpos, end)
                ### extract the deviation from center for the ith group ###
                sub.mean.diff <- mean.diff[start:end]
                sub.mean.diff <- sub.mean.diff[order(sub.mean.diff)]
                ### remove structural zero for the odd-sized group ###
                if (group.size %% 2 == 1)
                    mid <- (group.size + 1) / 2
                    temp2 <- sub.mean.diff[-mid]
                ### remove structural zero for the even-sized group ###
                if (group.size %% 2 == 0)
                    mid <- group.size / 2
                    mid2 <- mid + 1
                    ### set up the denominator value for the transformation ###
                    ### set 1 for the "zero.correction" option ###
                    denom <- 1
                    ### set sqrt(2) for the "zero.removal" option ###
                    if (correction.method == "zero.removal")
                        denom <- sqrt(2)
                    ### perform the orthogonal transformation ###
                    replace1 <- (sub.mean.diff[mid2] - sub.mean.diff[mid]) / denom
                    temp2 <- sub.mean.diff[c(-mid, -mid2)]
                    temp2 <- c(temp2, replace1)
                ### collect the transformed variables into the vector ###
                temp <- c(temp, temp2)
            resp.mean <- abs(temp)
            ### multiply the correction factor for the "zero.correction" option ###
            if (correction.method == "zero.correction")
                correction <- sqrt((ngroup - 1) / ngroup)
                correction <- correction[-endpos]
                resp.mean <- resp.mean * correction
            ### update variables used for the contrast vector calculation ###
            group <- group[-endpos]
            n <- n - 1
            r.means <- tapply(resp.mean, group, mean)
        ### set correction.method to be "none" if specified other than those in the option ###
            correction.method <- "none"
            n <- tapply(y, group, length)
            resp.mean <- abs(y - means[group])
            r.means <- tapply(resp.mean, group, mean)
        ### calculate contrast vector (followed Neuhauser and Hothorn (2000)) ###
        k <- length(n)
        a1 <- double(k)
        a1[1] <- -1
        end <- k - 1
        for (i in 2:end)
            start <- k - i + 1
            finish <- k - 1
            a1[i] <- sum(1 / c(start:finish)) - 1
        a1[k] <- sum(1 / c(1:end))
        a2 <- -a1[k:1]
        ### calculate the statistic ###
        s <- sqrt(sum((resp.mean - r.means[group]) ^ 2) / (sum(n) - k))
        T1 <- sum(r.means * a1) / (s * sqrt(sum(a1 ^ 2 / n)))
        T2 <- sum(r.means * a2) / (s * sqrt(sum(a2 ^ 2 / n)))
        statistic <- max(T1, T2)
        ### calculate correlation matrix calculation (followed Bechhofer and Dunnet (1982)) ###
        rho <- sum(a1 * a2 / n) / sqrt(sum(a1 ^ 2 / n) * sum(a2 ^ 2 / n))
        corr <- matrix(data = c(1, rho, rho, 1),
                       nrow = 2,
                       ncol = 2)
        df <- sum(n) - k
        ### calculate the p-value ###
        p.value <-
            1 - mvtnorm::pmvt(
                lower = c(-Inf, -Inf),
                upper = c(statistic, statistic),
                df = df,
                corr = corr
        if (tail == "right")
            METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "(right-tailed)")
            p.value <-
                1 - mvtnorm::pmvt(
                    lower = c(-Inf, -Inf),
                    upper = c(statistic, statistic),
                    df = df,
                    corr = corr
        else if (tail == "left")
            METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "(left-tailed)")
            p.value <-
                1 - mvtnorm::pmvt(
                    lower = c(statistic, statistic),
                    upper = c(Inf, Inf),
                    df = df,
                    corr = corr
            tail = "both"
            METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "(two-tailed)")
            p.value <-
                1 - mvtnorm::pmvt(
                    lower = c(-abs(statistic), -abs(statistic)),
                    upper = c(abs(statistic), abs(statistic)),
                    df = df,
                    corr = corr
        ### store the non-boostrap p-value ###
        non.bootstrap.p.value <- p.value
        ### perform bootstrapping (followed Lim and Loh(1996)) ###
        if (bootstrap == TRUE)
            METHOD = paste("bootstrap", METHOD)
            ### re-initialize some of the variables ###
            n <- original.n
            group <- original.group
            ### step 2 of Lim and Loh (1996): initialize variables ###
            R <- 0
            N <- length(y)
            ### step 3 of Lim and Loh (1996): calculate the fractional trimmed mean ###
            frac.trim.alpha = 0.2
            b.trimmed.mean <- function(y)
                nn <- length(y)
                wt <- rep(0, nn)
                y2 <- y[order(y)]
                lower <- ceiling(nn * frac.trim.alpha) + 1
                upper <- floor(nn * (1 - frac.trim.alpha))
                if (lower > upper)
                    stop("frac.trim.alpha value is too large")
                m <- upper - lower + 1
                frac <- (nn * (1 - 2 * frac.trim.alpha) - m) / 2
                wt[lower - 1] <- frac
                wt[upper + 1] <- frac
                wt[lower:upper] <- 1
                return(weighted.mean(y2, wt))
            b.trim.means <- tapply(y, group, b.trimmed.mean)
            rm <- y - b.trim.means[group]
            ### step 7 of Lim and Loh (1996): enter a loop ###
            for (j in 1:num.bootstrap)
                ### re-initialize some of the variables ###
                n <- original.n
                group <- original.group
                ### step 4 of Lim and Loh (1996): obtain a bootstrap sample ###
                sam <- sample(rm, replace = TRUE)
                boot.sample <- sam
                ### step 5 of Lim and Loh (1996): smooth the variables if n_i < 10 for at least one sample size ###
                if (min(n) < 10)
                    U <- runif(1) - 0.5
                    means <- tapply(y, group, mean)
                    v <- sqrt(sum((y - means[group]) ^ 2) / N)
                    boot.sample <- ((12 / 13) ^ (0.5)) * (sam + v * U)
                ### step 6 of Lim and Loh (1996): compute the bootstrap statistic, and increment R to R + 1 if necessary ###
                if (location == "mean")
                    boot.means <- tapply(boot.sample, group, mean)
                else if (location == "median")
                    boot.means <- tapply(boot.sample, group, median)
                    location = "trim.mean"
                    boot.means <- tapply(boot.sample, group, mean, trim = trim.alpha)
                ### calculate bootstrap statistic ###
                resp.boot.mean <- abs(boot.sample - boot.means[group])
                ### multiply the correction factor to each observation if "correction.factor" is chosen ###
                if (correction.method == "correction.factor")
                    correction <- 1 / sqrt(1 - 1 / ngroup)
                    resp.boot.mean <- resp.boot.mean * correction
                    r.boot.means <- tapply(resp.boot.mean, group, mean)
                ### perform correction techniques for "zero.removal" (Hines and Hines, 2000) ###
                ### or "zero.correction" (Noguchi and Gel, 2009).                            ###
                else if (correction.method == "zero.correction" ||
                         correction.method == "zero.removal")
                    ### set up variables for calculating the deviation from center ###
                    mean.diff <- boot.sample - boot.means[group]
                    k <- length(n)
                    temp <- double()
                    endpos <- double()
                    startpos <- double()
                    ### calculate the absolute deviation from mean and remove zeros ###
                    for (i in 1:k)
                        group.size <- n[i]
                        j <- i - 1
                        ### calculate the starting and ending index of each group ###
                        if (i == 1)
                            start <- 1
                            start <- sum(n[1:j]) + 1
                        startpos <- c(startpos, start)
                        end <- sum(n[1:i])
                        endpos <- c(endpos, end)
                        ### extract the deviation from center for the ith group ###
                        sub.mean.diff <- mean.diff[start:end]
                        sub.mean.diff <- sub.mean.diff[order(sub.mean.diff)]
                        ### remove structural zero for the odd-sized group ###
                        if (group.size %% 2 == 1)
                            mid <- (group.size + 1) / 2
                            temp2 <- sub.mean.diff[-mid]
                        ### remove structural zero for the even-sized group ###
                        if (group.size %% 2 == 0)
                            mid <- group.size / 2
                            mid2 <- mid + 1
                            ### set up the denominator value for the transformation ###
                            ### set 1 for the "zero.correction" option ###
                            denom <- 1
                            ### set sqrt(2) for the "zero.removal" option ###
                            if (correction.method == "zero.removal")
                                denom <- sqrt(2)
                            ### perform the orthogonal transformation ###
                            replace1 <- (sub.mean.diff[mid2] - sub.mean.diff[mid]) / denom
                            temp2 <- sub.mean.diff[c(-mid, -mid2)]
                            temp2 <- c(temp2, replace1)
                        ### collect the transformed variables into the vector ###
                        temp <- c(temp, temp2)
                    resp.boot.mean <- abs(temp)
                    ### multiply the correction factor for the "zero.correction" option ###
                    if (correction.method == "zero.correction")
                        correction <- sqrt((ngroup - 1) / ngroup)
                        correction <- correction[-endpos]
                        resp.boot.mean <- resp.boot.mean * correction
                    ### update variables used for the contrast vector calculation ###
                    group <- group[-endpos]
                    n <- n - 1
                    r.boot.means <- tapply(resp.boot.mean, group, mean)
                    r.boot.means <- tapply(resp.boot.mean, group, mean)
                boot.s <-
                        resp.boot.mean - r.boot.means[group]
                    ) ^ 2) / (sum(n) - k))
                boot.T1 <- sum(r.boot.means * a1) / (boot.s * sqrt(sum(a1 ^ 2 / n)))
                boot.T2 <- sum(r.boot.means * a2) / (boot.s * sqrt(sum(a2 ^ 2 / n)))
                statistic2 <- max(boot.T1, boot.T2)
                if (tail == "right")
                    if (statistic2 > statistic)
                        R <- R + 1
                else if (tail == "left")
                    if (statistic2 < statistic)
                        R <- R + 1
                    tail = "both"
                    if (abs(statistic2) > abs(statistic))
                        R <- R + 1
            ### step 8 of Lim and Loh (1996): calculate the bootstrap p-value ###
            p.value <- R / num.bootstrap
        ### display output ###
        STATISTIC = statistic
        names(STATISTIC) = "Test Statistic"
                statistic = STATISTIC,
                p.value = p.value,
                method = METHOD,
                data.name = DNAME,
                non.bootstrap.p.value = non.bootstrap.p.value
            class = "htest"
vlyubchich/lawstat documentation built on April 17, 2023, 12:47 a.m.