
#' @title VMS File Class
#' @description  VMS File reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{path} character path of the vms file}
#' \item{\code{data} data.frame data from the vms file}
#' }
#' @details \code{vms_File} class is a reference class for the VMS file.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases vms_File-class
#' @name vms_File

vms_File <- setRefClass("vms_File",
  fields = list(
    path = "character",
    data = "data.frame"

#' @title VMS DataBase class
#' @description VMS DataBase reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{dir} character path of the VMS DataBase}
#' \item{\code{db} character name of the VMS DataBase}
#' \item{\code{tab} character tables in the VMS DataBase}
#' }
#' @details \code{vms_DB} class is a reference class for the VMS DataBase.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases vms_DB-class
#' @name vms_DB

vms_DB <- setRefClass("vms_DB",
  fields = list(
    dir = "character",
    db = "character",
    tab = "character"

#' @title VMS DataBase Query class
#' @description VMS DataBase Query reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{dir} character path of the VMS DataBase}
#' \item{\code{db} character name of the VMS DataBase}
#' \item{\code{que} character query for the VMS DataBase}
#' }
#' @details \code{que_vms_DB} class is a reference class for the VMS DataBase.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases que_vms_DB-class
#' @name que_vms_DB

que_vms_DB <- setRefClass("que_vms_DB",
  fields = list(
    dir = "character",
    db = "character",
    que = "character"

#' @title LogBook File Class
#' @description LogBook File reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{path} character path of the logbook file}
#' \item{\code{data} data.frame data from the logbook file}
#' }
#' @details \code{log_File} class is a reference class for the LogBook file.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases log_File-class
#' @name log_File

log_File <- setRefClass("log_File",
  fields = list(
    path = "character",
    data = "data.frame"

#' @title LogBook DataBase class
#' @description LogBook DataBase reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{dir} character path of the LogBook DataBase}
#' \item{\code{db} character name of the LogBook DataBase}
#' \item{\code{tab} character tables in the LogBook DataBase}
#' }
#' @details \code{log_DB} class is a reference class for the Logbook DataBase.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases log_DB-class
#' @name log_DB

log_DB <- setRefClass("log_DB",
  fields = list(
    dir = "character",
    db = "character",
    tab = "character"

#' @title LogBook Clustering class
#' @description LogBook Clustering rData file reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{data} character The Clustering result data}
#' \item{\code{options} character Metier manual annotation}
#' }
#' @details \code{log_Cla} class is a reference class for the Logbook Clustering rData file.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases log_Cla-class
#' @name log_Cla

log_Cla <- setRefClass("log_Cla", fields = c("data", "options"))

#' @title Harbours Coordinates Shape File class
#' @description Harbours coordinates Shape File reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{path} character The Path to the harbours coordinates shape file}
#' \item{\code{data} SpatialPointsDataFrame The loaded harbours coordinates data}
#' }
#' @details \code{harbCoo} class is a reference class for the Harbours Coordinates shape file.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases harbCoo-class
#' @name harbCoo

harbCoo <- setRefClass("harbCoo",
  fields = list(
    path = "character",
    data = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"

#' @title Land Map Shape File class
#' @description Land Map Shape File reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{path} character The Path to the Land Map shape file}
#' \item{\code{data} SpatialPolygonsDataFrame The loaded Land Map data}
#' }
#' @details \code{polymap} class is a reference class for the Land Map shape file.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases polymap-class
#' @param path character The Path to the Land Map shape file
#' @param data SpatialPolygonsDataFrame The loaded Land Map data
#' @name polymap

polymap <- setRefClass("polymap",
  fields = list(
    path = "character",
    data = "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"

#' @title Bathymetry rData File class
#' @description Bathymetry rData File reference Class
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{path} character The Path to the Bathymetry rData file}
#' \item{\code{data} XYZ-matrix The loaded Bathymetry data}
#' }
#' @details \code{bathymetry} class is a reference class for the Bathymetry rData file.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases bathymetry-class
#' @name bathymetry

bathymetry <- setRefClass("bathymetry", fields = c("path", "data"))

miso_list <- R6Class("miso_list",
  portable = FALSE,
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    th_lst = NULL,

    add_sou = function(new_dataset) {
      self$th_lst <- c(th_lst, new_dataset)


    rem_sou = function() {
      self$th_lst[length(th_lst)] <- NULL


    upd_sou_num = function() {
      len_lis <- length(self$th_lst)
      if (len_lis != 0) {
        for (j in 1:len_lis) {

    upd_sou_idt = function(num, value) {

mix_sou <- R6Class("mixsou",
  portable = FALSE,
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    dbPath = NULL,
    objNum = NULL,

    sourceName = NULL,
    vessIds = NULL,
    ids_typ = NULL,

    vessDate = NULL,
    n_ping = NULL,
    n_vess = NULL,
    n_day = NULL,
    n_pida = NULL,
    flee_ids = NULL,
    ids_tab = NULL,
    res_mat = NULL,
    widFrame = NULL,
    #                      widGroup = NULL,
    widEdit = NULL,

    set_ids_typ = function(value) {
      self$ids_typ <- value
    set_objNum = function(value) {
      self$objNum <- value

    initialize = function(db_path, main_cont = "", sel_wid, cur_sou) {
      obj_lst <- cur_sou$th_lst

      self$dbPath <- db_path
      self$objNum <- length(obj_lst) + 1
      self$vessIds <- as.character(read.csv.sql(dbPath, sql = "select distinct I_NCEE from file", sep = ";", eol = "\n")[, 1])
      self$vessDate <- read.csv.sql(dbPath, sql = "select DATE from file", sep = ";", eol = "\n")[, 1]
      self$n_ping <- length(vessDate)
      self$n_vess <- length(vessIds)
      self$n_day <- length(unique(round(vessDate)))
      self$n_pida <- as.numeric(table(floor(vessDate)))

      if (class(main_cont) == "gGroup") {
        self$widFrame <- gframe(container = main_cont, horizontal = TRUE)

        self$widEdit <- gedit(text = paste("Source ", length(obj_lst) + 1, sep = ""), width = 10, container = widFrame, handler = function(h, ...) {
          self$sourceName <- svalue(widEdit)
          plot_comp(svalue(sel_wid), cur_sou$th_lst)

        self$sourceName <- svalue(widEdit)
        gimage(system.file("ico/view-refresh-5.ico", package = "vmsbase"), container = widFrame, handler = function(h, ...) {
          self$sourceName <- svalue(widEdit)
          plot_comp(svalue(sel_wid), cur_sou$th_lst)

        gimage(system.file("ico/list-remove-4.ico", package = "vmsbase"), container = widFrame, handler = function(h, ...) {
          if (gconfirm("Remove this dataset from the list?", title = "Confirm", icon = c("warning"), parent = NULL)) {
            delete(main_cont, widFrame)


            if (length(cur_sou$th_lst) != 0) {
              plot_comp(svalue(sel_wid), cur_sou$th_lst)
            } else {


        if (objNum == 1) {
          self$flee_ids <- vessIds
        } else {
          items <- cbind(obj_lst[[objNum - 1]]$flee_ids[1:5], vessIds[1:5])
          #                            colnames(items) <- c(obj_lst[[objNum-1]]$sourceName, sourceName)
          temp_dia <- gbasicdialog(title = "Please, select an option", do.buttons = FALSE)
          size(temp_dia) <- c(550, 350)
          up_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = temp_dia)

          glabel("\nThis is a sample of the vessel IDs found in your dataset:", container = up_g)
          addSpace(up_g, 15)
          tab_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = up_g)
          size(tab_g) <- c(450, 150)

          id_ty_1 <- gradio(c("CFR", "MMSI", "IMO", "Other"), selected = 1, container = tab_g)
          svalue(id_ty_1) <- "CFR"
          t_tab_1 <- gtable(items[, 1], container = tab_g, expand = TRUE, fill = TRUE)

          names(t_tab_1) <- obj_lst[[objNum - 1]]$sourceName

          t_tab_2 <- gtable(items[, 2], container = tab_g, expand = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
          id_ty_2 <- gradio(c("CFR", "MMSI", "IMO", "Other"), selected = 1, container = tab_g)

          names(t_tab_2) <- sourceName

          svalue(id_ty_2) <- "CFR"

          addSpace(up_g, 15)
          dia_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = up_g)
          bu1_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = dia_g)
          gimage(system.file("ico/document-save-2.ico", package = "vmsbase"), container = bu1_g)
          gbutton("\t    Merge\nvessels ID 'as it is'", container = bu1_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
            self$flee_ids <- unique(c(cur_sou$th_lst[[objNum - 1]]$flee_ids, vessIds))
            cur_sou$upd_sou_idt(objNum - 1, svalue(id_ty_1))

          bu2_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = dia_g)
          gimage(system.file("ico/address-book-new.ico", package = "vmsbase"), container = bu2_g)
          gbutton("\t      Load\nAssociation Table", container = bu2_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
            tmp_tab <- gsub("\\\\", "/", gfile(
              text = "Select Pairs", type = "open",
              filter = list(
                "ID Pairs data" = list(patterns = c("*")),
                "All files" = list(patterns = c("*"))
            self$ids_tab <- read.csv(tmp_tab, header = FALSE)

            tab_matc <- ids_tab[ids_tab[, 1] %in% vessIds, 1]
            tab_lst <- as.list(ids_tab[ids_tab[, 1] %in% vessIds, 2])
            names(tab_lst) <- tab_matc

            for (i in names(tab_lst)) {
              self$vessIds[which(vessIds == i)] <- as.character(tab_lst[i])

            self$flee_ids <- unique(c(cur_sou$th_lst[[objNum - 1]]$flee_ids, vessIds))

            cur_sou$upd_sou_idt(objNum - 1, svalue(id_ty_1))

          bu3_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = dia_g)
          gimage(system.file("ico/insert-link-2.ico", package = "vmsbase"), container = bu3_g)
          gbutton("\t  Run\nPairing Code", container = bu3_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
            cur_sou$upd_sou_idt(objNum - 1, svalue(id_ty_1))

            merge_dia <- gbasicdialog(title = "Set the parameters", do.buttons = FALSE, parent = temp_dia)
            glabel("\nWarning!\n\n", container = merge_dia)

            bi_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = merge_dia)

            bi2_g <- gframe("Parameters", horizontal = TRUE, container = bi_g)
            par1_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = bi2_g)
            par1_l <- glabel("Rounding Level", container = par1_g)
            par1_s <- gslider(from = 2, to = 4, by = 1, container = par1_g)
            par2_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = bi2_g)
            par2_l <- glabel("Overlap Threshold", container = par2_g)
            par2_s <- gslider(from = 1, to = 30, by = 1, value = 10, container = par2_g)

            start_b <- gbutton("   Start\nMerging", container = bi2_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
              data_2 <- read.csv.sql(obj_lst[[1]]$dbPath, "select I_NCEE, LON, LAT, DATE from file", sep = ";")
              data_1 <- read.csv.sql(dbPath, "select I_NCEE, LON, LAT, DATE from file", sep = ";")
              if (nrow(data_1) != 0 & nrow(data_2) != 0) {
                self$res_mat <- merge_source(data_source1 = data_1, data_source2 = data_2, rnd_level = svalue(par1_s), minover = svalue(par2_s))
                Obs_med <- as.numeric(self$res_mat)
                Obs_med <- Obs_med[which(Obs_med < 20)]
                hist(Obs_med, 100)
                abline(v = 10, col = 2, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
              enabled(bigra_g) <- TRUE

            bigra_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = bi_g)

            par3_g <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = bigra_g)
            par3_l <- glabel("Distance Threshold", container = par3_g)
            par3_s <- gslider(from = 0.1, to = 20, by = 0.1, value = 5, container = par3_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
              Obs_med <- as.numeric(res_mat)
              Obs_med <- Obs_med[which(Obs_med < 20)]
              hist(Obs_med, 31)
              abline(v = svalue(par3_s), col = 2, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
              pos_pairs_D <- which(res_mat < svalue(par3_s), arr.ind = TRUE)
              cat("\n", nrow(unique(cbind(rownames(res_mat)[pos_pairs_D[, 1]], colnames(res_mat)[pos_pairs_D[, 2]]))), " pairs with a ", svalue(par3_s), "-kilometer threshold", sep = "")

            ggraphics(width = 500, height = 300, container = bigra_g)

            save_b <- gbutton("   Save\nMerging", container = bigra_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
              pos_pairs_D <- which(res_mat < svalue(par3_s), arr.ind = TRUE)
              self$ids_tab <- unique(cbind(rownames(res_mat)[pos_pairs_D[, 1]], colnames(res_mat)[pos_pairs_D[, 2]]))

              tab_matc <- ids_tab[ids_tab[, 1] %in% vessIds, 1]
              tab_lst <- as.list(ids_tab[ids_tab[, 1] %in% vessIds, 2])
              names(tab_lst) <- tab_matc
              for (i in names(tab_lst)) {
                self$vessIds[which(vessIds == i)] <- as.character(tab_lst[i])
              self$flee_ids <- unique(c(cur_sou$th_lst[[objNum - 1]]$flee_ids, vessIds))

            enabled(bigra_g) <- FALSE
            visible(merge_dia, set = TRUE)
          visible(temp_dia, set = TRUE)
vmsbase/R-vmsbase documentation built on May 21, 2020, 9:54 a.m.