
Defines functions clip_plot

#' create a shapefile out of vegetation structure data with lat/lon coordinates
#' @inheritParams str_detect
#' @return A list of dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples from_inventory_to_shp()
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @import sf, reticulate, stringr
clip_plot <- function(plt, list_data, which_python = "pyenv", bff=20, 
                      #outdir = "////orange/idtrees-collab/test_plots/"
                      outdir = "///orange/ewhite/s.marconi/brdf_traits//plots_hsi_corrected/"){
  # get tile for the plot
  plt <- data.frame(t(plt), stringsAsFactors=F)
  #convert plots coordinates from character to numeric
  plt[["easting"]]<- as.numeric(plt[["easting"]])
  plt[["northing"]]<- as.numeric(plt[["northing"]])
  tile <- paste(plt[["plt_e"]], plt[["plt_n"]], sep="_")
  tile <- grep(tile, list_data, value = TRUE)
  missed_plots <- list()
  #in case of multiple data products per neon product
  for(f in tile){
      #load raster or las file
      if(substr(f, nchar(f)-4+1, nchar(f))==".tif"){
        prd = substr(f, nchar(f)-8+1, nchar(f)-4)
        prd = "bdrf"
        #get object with  extent of plot center + buffer
        e <- raster::extent(plt[["easting"]] - bff,
                            plt[["easting"]] + bff,
                            plt[["northing"]] - bff,
                            plt[["northing"]] + bff)
        tif <- raster::crop(f, e)
        #and save
        raster::writeRaster(tif,  paste(outdir, prd, "/",
                                        plt[1,1], ".tif", sep=""), overwrite=TRUE)
      }else if(substr(f, nchar(f)-4+1, nchar(f))==".laz"){
        #skip files in metadata
        if(!str_detect(f, "Metadata")){
          #read pointcloud
          f <- lidR::readLAS(f)
          #clip by extent
          las <- lidR::lasclipRectangle(f, xleft = plt[["easting"]] - bff,
                                        ybottom=plt[["northing"]] - bff,
                                        xright=plt[["easting"]] + bff,
                                        ytop=plt[["northing"]] + bff)
          #and save
          lidR::writeLAS(las, paste(outdir, "/las/", #./outdir/plots/las/",
                                    plt[1,1], ".las", sep=""))
      }else if(substr(f, nchar(f)-3+1, nchar(f))==".h5"){
        #get epsg from h5
        epsg <- get_epsg_from_utm(plt[["utmZone"]])
        #convert h5 into a tif for the extent of the plot using python
        use_python(which_python, required = T)
        #check if the libraries required are installed in the virtual environment
        h5py <- import("h5py")
        h5_to_tif <- extract_hsi(f,
                                 plt[["easting"]] - bff,
                                 plt[["easting"]] + bff,
                                 plt[["northing"]] - bff,
                                 plt[["northing"]] + bff,
                                 ras_dir = paste(outdir, "/hsi/", sep="")) #
                                 #ras_dir = './outdir/plots/hsi/')
      }}, error = function(e) {
        missed_plots[[plt[1,1]]] <- c(f, plt[1,1], plt[["easting"]], plt[["northing"]])
vscholl/neonVstAop documentation built on Sept. 9, 2021, 3:11 p.m.