discretize.backend = function(data, method, breaks, extra.args, debug = FALSE) {
if (method == "quantile")
quantile.discretization(data = data, breaks = breaks)
else if (method == "interval")
interval.discretization(data = data, breaks = breaks)
else if (method == "hartemink")
hartemink.discretization(data = data, breaks = breaks,
initial.breaks = extra.args$ibreaks,
initial.discretization = extra.args$idisc, debug = debug)
quantile.discretization = function(data, breaks) {
discretized = lapply(seq(ncol(data)), function(x) {
breaks = breaks[x]
y = minimal.data.frame.column(data, x)
# do not touch discrete variables.
if (is(y, "factor"))
# compute the quantiles for the variable.
quantiles = quantile(y, probs = seq(from = 0, to = breaks)/breaks)
# check whther the quantiles are unique.
if (any(duplicated(quantiles)))
stop("unable to discretize ", names(data)[x], " in ", breaks,
" intervals, some quantiles are not unique.")
# cut the range using the quantiles as break points.
cut(y, breaks = quantiles, include.lowest = TRUE, ordered = TRUE)
# convert the return value to a data frame.
discretized = minimal.data.frame(discretized)
names(discretized) = names(data)
interval.discretization = function(data, breaks) {
# cut the range into intervals and assign observations.
discretized = lapply(seq(ncol(data)), function(x) {
breaks = breaks[x]
y = minimal.data.frame.column(data, x)
# do not touch discrete variables.
if (is(y, "factor"))
# cut the range with the given number of break points.
cut(y, breaks = breaks, include.lowest = TRUE, ordered = TRUE)
# convert the return value to a data frame.
discretized = minimal.data.frame(discretized)
names(discretized) = names(data)
hartemink.discretization = function(data, breaks, initial.breaks,
initial.discretization, debug = FALSE) {
# cache some useful quantities.
nodes = names(data)
nnodes = length(nodes)
ndata = nrow(data)
# perform an initial discretization if needed.
if (is.data.continuous(data)) {
discretized = discretize.backend(data = data, method = initial.discretization,
breaks = rep(initial.breaks, ncol(data)), extra.args = list(),
debug = FALSE)
else {
discretized = data
# nothing to do, move along.
if (initial.breaks == breaks)
# conting down to the desired number of levels ...
for (nlevels in seq(from = initial.breaks, to = breaks + 1)) {
if (debug)
cat("* considering", nlevels, "levels.\n")
# ... for each variable ...
for (node in nodes) {
if (debug)
cat("* considering variable", node, ".\n")
total.mutual.information = numeric(nnodes - 1)
cur.levels = levels(minimal.data.frame.column(discretized, node))
# ... for each pair of levels ...
for (collapsing in seq(nlevels - 1)) {
if (debug)
cat(" > collapsing levels", cur.levels[collapsing], "and", cur.levels[collapsing + 1], ".\n")
# ... collapse them ...
collapsed = discretized[, node]
collapsed[collapsed == cur.levels[collapsing + 1]] = cur.levels[collapsing]
# ... and compute the total mutual information.
total.mutual.information[collapsing] = sum(sapply(nodes[nodes != node],
function(node) {
mi.test(x = collapsed,
y = minimal.data.frame.column(discretized, node),
ndata = ndata)[1]
if (debug)
cat(" > total mutual information is", total.mutual.information[collapsing], ".\n")
# get which collapsing gives the best restults.
bestop = which.max(total.mutual.information)
if (debug)
cat("@ best collapsing is", bestop, ".\n")
# build the new set of levels.
from = strsplit(cur.levels[bestop], "\\(|\\[|,|\\]|\\)")[[1]][2]
to = strsplit(cur.levels[bestop + 1], "\\(|\\[|,|\\]|\\)")[[1]][3]
new.levels = cur.levels
if (is.na(from) || is.na(to)) {
cur.levels[bestop] = gsub("\\[|\\]", "", cur.levels[bestop])
cur.levels[bestop + 1] = gsub("\\[|\\]", "", cur.levels[bestop + 1])
new.levels[bestop] = new.levels[bestop + 1] = paste("[", cur.levels[bestop], ":", cur.levels[bestop + 1], "]", sep = "")
else {
new.levels[bestop] = new.levels[bestop + 1] = paste("(", from, ",", to, "]", sep = "")
# collapse the levels in the discretized data.
levels(discretized[, node]) = new.levels
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