
Defines functions one_incites_req try_incites_req backoff_wait get_url split_uts get_urls pull_incites

Documented in pull_incites

#' Pull data from the InCites API
#' \strong{Important note:} The throttling limits on the InCites API are not
#' documented anywhere and are difficult to determine from experience. As such,
#' whenever \code{pull_incites} receives a throttling error from the server, it
#' uses exponential backoff (with a maximum wait time of 45 minutes) to determine
#' how long to wait before retrying.
#' @param uts A vector of UTs whose InCites data you would like to download.
#' Each UT is a 15-digit identifier for a given publication. You
#' can specify the UT using only these 15 digits or you can append the 15 digits
#' with "WOS:" (e.g., "000346263300011" or "WOS:000346263300011").
#' @param key The developer key that the server will use for authentication.
#' @param as_raw Do you want the data frame that is returned by the API to be
#' returned to you in its raw form? This option can be useful if the API has
#' changed the format of the data that it is serving, in which case specifying
#' \code{as_raw = TRUE} may avoid an error that would otherwise occur during
#' \code{pull_incites}'s data processing step.
#' @param ... Arguments passed along to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}.
#' @return A data frame where each row corresponds to a different publication.
#' The definitions for the columns in this data frame can be found online at
#' the API's documentation \href{http://about.incites.thomsonreuters.com/api/#/}{page}
#' (see the \code{DocumentLevelMetricsByUT} method details for definitions).
#' Note that the column names are all converted to lowercase by
#' \code{pull_incites} and the 0/1 flag variables are converted to booleans.
#' Also note that not all publications indexed in WoS are also indexed in
#' InCites, so you may not get data back for some UTs.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' uts <- c(
#'   "WOS:000346263300011", "WOS:000362312600021", "WOS:000279885800004",
#'   "WOS:000294667500003", "WOS:000294946900020", "WOS:000412659200006"
#' )
#' pull_incites(uts, key = "some_key")
#' pull_incites(c("000346263300011", "000362312600021"), key = "some_key")
#' @export
pull_incites <- function(uts, key = Sys.getenv("INCITES_KEY"), as_raw = FALSE, ...) {
  if (key == "") {
      "You need to provide an InCites API key to use `pull_incites()`",
      call. = FALSE
  urls <- get_urls(trim_uts(uts))
  out_list <- pbapply::pblapply(urls, try_incites_req, key = key, ... = ...)
  unique(process_incites(do.call("rbind", out_list), as_raw))

get_urls <- function(uts) {
  ut_list <- split_uts(uts)
  lapply(ut_list, get_url)

split_uts <- function(uts) {
  len <- seq_along(uts)
  f <- ceiling(len / 100)
  split(uts, f = f)

get_url <- function(uts) {
    paste0(uts, collapse = ",")

backoff_wait <- function(try) {
  exp_backoff <- ceiling((2^try - 1) / 2)
  ifelse(exp_backoff > 32, 45, exp_backoff)

try_incites_req <- function(url, key, ...) {

  # Try making the HTTP request up to 10 times (spaced apart based on exponential backoff)
  for (i in 1:10) {
    maybe_data <- try(one_incites_req(url, key, ...), silent = TRUE)
    if (!("try-error" %in% class(maybe_data))) {
    } else {
      if (grepl("limit", maybe_data[1])) {
        minutes <- backoff_wait(i)
        mins_txt <- if (minutes == 1) " minute." else " mintues."
          "\nRan into throttling limit. Retrying request in ",
          minutes, mins_txt
        Sys.sleep(60 * minutes)
      } else {

  stop("\n\nRan into throttling limit 10 times, stopping")

one_incites_req <- function(url, key, ...) {
  response <- httr::GET(url, ua(), httr::add_headers(c("X-TR-API-APP-ID" = key)), ...)
  raw_txt <- httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
  if (grepl("rate limit quota violation", raw_txt, ignore.case = TRUE))
  if (httr::http_error(response))
  json_resp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(raw_txt)
  maybe_data_frame <- json_resp$api$rval[[1]]
  if (is.data.frame(maybe_data_frame)) maybe_data_frame else NULL
vt-arc/wosr documentation built on Sept. 27, 2022, 5:44 a.m.