
Defines functions scrape_rl_calls preprocess_rl_calls getDatesArrayOfMonths endDateOfTheMonth startDateOfTheMonth nextMonthDate build_df_rl_calls formatGermanNumber scrape_rl_auctions getAuctionIds callGETforAuctionResults build_df_rl_auctions scrape_rl_need_month preceedingZerosForMonths getDateCodesArray buildDataFrameForDateCodes getOperatingReserveAuctions getOperatingReserveCalls getOperatingReserveNeeds

Documented in getOperatingReserveAuctions getOperatingReserveCalls getOperatingReserveNeeds preprocess_rl_calls scrape_rl_auctions scrape_rl_calls scrape_rl_need_month

#' The scrapeData script
#' @author Timo Wagner, \email{wagnertimo@gmx.de}
#' It contains main and helper functions to crawl call and auction results data out of
#' @references \url{https://www.regelleistung.net/ext/data/}
#' @references \url{https://www.regelleistung.net/ext/tender/}
#' Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
#'  Build and Reload Package:  'Cmd + Shift + B'
#'  Check Package:             'Cmd + Shift + E'
#'  Test Package:              'Cmd + Shift + T'



#' @title scrape_rl_calls
#' @description This function scrapes the reserve calls and returns the POST response in its raw format.
#' @param date_from the start date w
#' @param date_to the end date
#' @param uenb_type the UENB (50Hz, ....)
#' @param rl_type the operating reserve power type (e.g. SRL)
#' @return a text content of a POST response. It has to be formatted @seealso preprocess_rl_calls.
#' @export
scrape_rl_calls <- function(date_from, date_to, uenb_type, rl_type) {

  url = 'https://www.regelleistung.net/ext/data/';

  payload = list(
     'from' = date_from,
     'to' = date_to,
     'download' = 'true',
     '_download' = 'on',
     'tsoId' = uenb_type,
     'dataType' = rl_type

  postResponse <- POST(url, body = payload, encode = "form", verbose())

  return(content(postResponse, "text"))


#' This function handles the firstly needed preprocessing in the crawling step. It just formats the POST response of @seealso scrape_rl_calls.
#' Further preprocessing is taken by the functions in the @seealso preprocessData.R script.
#' @export
preprocess_rl_calls <- function(response_content) {

  # Preprocess the response data
  # Delete the first 5 rows (unneccessary additional infos)
  # Therefore split first the text
  response_content <-strsplit(response_content, "\n")
  # Now skip/delete the first 5 rows
  response_content <- response_content[[1]][5:length(response_content[[1]])]
  # Paste the char vector back again to a char variable
  response_content <- paste(response_content, sep = "", collapse = "\n")



# This method is used to build a data.frame with monthly date time periods because the calls can only be retrieved within a month.
# Therefore a input time period has to be split in monthly time periods.
#' @export
getDatesArrayOfMonths <- function(d1.start, d1.end) {

  d1.start <- as.Date(d1.start, "%d.%m.%Y")
  d1.end <- as.Date(d1.end, "%d.%m.%Y")

  # calculate the number of monthly date time frames. Be aware of timeframes greater than a year
  length <- (month(d1.end) - month((d1.start)) + 1) + (year(d1.end) - year(d1.start)) * 12

  # init
  d <- d1.start
  dates <- data.frame()

  for(e in 1:length) {

    # Check if the end date was reached
    if(endDateOfTheMonth(d) <= d1.end) {
      # build the monthly timeframe with the start date or start date of the month till the end date of the month
      date <- data.frame(start_date = d, end_date = endDateOfTheMonth(d))

      dates <- rbind(dates, date)
      # Get the next start date of the next month
      d <- startDateOfTheMonth(nextMonthDate(d))


      date <- data.frame(start_date = d, end_date = d1.end)
      dates <- rbind(dates, date)


  # Format into german date format
  dates$start_date <- format(dates$start_date, "%d.%m.%Y")
  dates$end_date <- format(dates$end_date, "%d.%m.%Y")


# This helper method returns the end date of the month of a given date
endDateOfTheMonth <- function(date) {

  return(as.Date(as.yearmon(date), frac = 1))

# This helper method returns the start date of the month of a given date
startDateOfTheMonth <- function(date){

  return(as.Date(as.yearmon(date), frac = 0))


# This helper method returns the last date of the next month of a given date
nextMonthDate <- function(date){


  month(date) <- month(date) + 1
  day(date) <- days_in_month(month(date))



# Ignore the Warning message: header and 'col.names' are of different lengths
# This is a strange error it still works
#' @export
build_df_rl_calls <- function(response_content, fileName) {
  # Write a temporary csv file out of the preprocessed response data.
  # This whole approach with the temp.csv file allows to process bigger files.
  # Write a temporary csv file from the char variable
  write.csv(response_content, file = fileName, eol = "\n")

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("build_df_rl_calls - Called for Reserve Calls. Read in file")

  # Read in the temporary csv file
  # Writing the csv file does not remove the "..." parenthesis of the char variable. Furthermore it adds an extra line at the top: "","x" and at the beginning of the second line: "1",
  # Therefore the read in function uses the parameters:
  #     quote = "" (get rid of parenthesis)
  #     skip = 1 (to get rid off the extra line at the beginning)
  df <- read.csv2(file = fileName, header = TRUE, sep = ";", na.strings = c("","-"), quote = "", skip = 1)

  # Rename the first date column which has a cryptic name because of the "1",)
  colnames(df)[1] <- "DATUM"

  # --> get rid of not needed columns and format variables. BETR..NEG and BETR..POS are numeric values. As factors they caused a problem
  df <- df[, c("DATUM", "UHRZEIT.VON", "BETR..NEG", "BETR..POS")]

  df$DATUM <- as.Date(df$DATUM, "%d.%m.%Y")
  # Change the number style
  # Strange Bug !!! ---> Sometimes pos MW (29.10.2016) or neg MW (e.g. 25.10.2016) have point as decimal delimiter. But in downloaded csv file it is comma
  # and the corresponding neg (pos) is like expected decimal delimiter with comma!!!
  # 25.10.2016 at 17:45 --> value is german format 1.035,150 --> function ignores and can't make numeric --> function has to check if only point and no comma

  # Format first the number values --> has to use apply because of the if statement (the strange bug --> @see formatGermanNumber())
  df[,c("BETR..NEG","BETR..POS")] <- apply(df[,c("BETR..NEG","BETR..POS")], MARGIN=1:2, FUN=function(x2) formatGermanNumber(x2) )

  df$BETR..NEG <- -as.numeric(df$BETR..NEG)
  df$BETR..POS <- as.numeric(df$BETR..POS)

  # DELETE temporary files
  invisible(if (file.exists(fileName)) file.remove(fileName))



# This helper method converts a german number into a classical number systems with just a point as a decimal limiter
# German number is defined: commas as decimal limiter and points as thounds seperator (e.g. 133.456.298,0433)
# Classical number is defined: only a point as decimal delimitir (e.g. 133456298.0433)
# Strange Bug !!! ---> Sometimes pos MW (29.10.2016) or neg MW (e.g. 25.10.2016) have point as decimal delimiter. But in downloaded csv file it is comma
# and the corresponding neg (pos) is like expected decimal delimiter with comma!!!
# ---> so it is check if the value already has a point in the string. If not it will be formatted, if so it stays....
# ----> CAUTION: possible bug --> if values also contain a point for 1000er seperation, like e.g. 10.000.567 for 10000.567 or 10.000,567!!!
formatGermanNumber <- function(x){
  # Only format if there is
  # Just a comma like 123,456 or point and comma like 1.234,567
  # It is assumed that those are the only possible formats
  # Only BUG if there are two points like 1.123.456 than it stays --> Hopefully this wont happen --> otherwise NAs would be created
  if((grepl("\\.", x) == FALSE & grepl(",", x) == TRUE) | (grepl(",", x) == TRUE & grepl("\\.", x) == TRUE)) {
    z <- gsub("[^0-9,.]", "", x)
    z <- gsub("\\.", "", z)
    return(gsub(",", ".", z))
  # If there is just a point (no comma) return that value



scrape_rl_auctions <- function(date_from, productId) {

  url = 'https://www.regelleistung.net/ext/tender/';

  payload = list(
    'from' = date_from,
    'productId' = productId

  postResponse <- POST(url, body = payload, encode = "form", verbose())



# Crawl the results table of the auctions to get the auctionIds within the given timeframe. The results of the auction table contain all acutionIds from the given start date till the current date
getAuctionIds <- function(response, date_from, date_to) {

  # Calculate the time difference in weeks of the given start and end date. This value sets the needed amount of auctionIds from the response since they are weekly auctions
  tdiff <- floor(as.double(difftime(as.Date(date_to, format = "%d.%m.%Y") ,as.Date(date_from, format = "%d.%m.%Y") , units = c("weeks")))) + 1

  parsedHtml <- htmlParse(content(response, "text"))

  # Xpath exppression to retrieve all links in the results (tender) table
  # There are three links in all table column containing the auctionId -> just get a unique/distinct link (contains 'details')
  link_elements <- xpathSApply(parsedHtml, "id('tender-table')/tbody/tr/td/a[contains(@href,'details')]/@href")
  endWeek_elements <- xpathSApply(parsedHtml, "id('tender-table')/tbody/tr/td/span[2]/text()",saveXML)

  auctionIds <- c()
  i <- 1
  # Go through a while loop and stop when an endWeek element occurs which is greater or equal to the date_to variable. Then the end is reached

    # Split the link on the slashes '/' and take only the last element, this is the auctionId
    splitstring <- strsplit(link_elements[i], "/")[[1]]
    auctionId <- splitstring[length(splitstring)]

    auctionIds <- append(auctionIds, auctionId)

    if(as.Date(endWeek_elements[i], "%d.%m.%Y") >= as.Date(date_to, "%d.%m.%Y")){
    i <- i + 1

  #print(paste("Auction IDs: ", auctionIds))



callGETforAuctionResults <- function(auctionId, filename) {

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("callGETforAuctionResults - Called for ", auctionId))

  url = paste('https://www.regelleistung.net/ext/tender/results/anonymousdownload/',auctionId, sep = "");

  getResponse <- GET(url, write_disk(filename, overwrite = TRUE), verbose())

  return(content(getResponse, "text"))


# Ignore the Warning message: header and 'col.names' are of different lengths
# This is a strange error it still works
#' @export
build_df_rl_auctions <- function(fileName, productId) {

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("build_df_rl_auctions - Read in file", fileName))

  # Init result data.frame
  df <- data.frame()
  # Use try catch block to skip empty csv files
  df <- tryCatch({
    read.csv(file = fileName,
             header = FALSE,
             sep = ";",
             dec = ",",
             na.strings = c("","-"),
             quote = "",
  }, error = function(err) {
    # error handler picks up where error was generated
    if(getOption("logging")) logerror(paste("build_df_rl_auctions - Read file <", fileName, "> didn't work! --> Error: ", err))

  # Check if csv file could be read and hence df is not empty
  if(!is.null(df)) {

    # SRL
    if(productId == "2") {
      # Skip last column --> this column is strangely added. Dont know why
      df <- df[,1:9]
      colnames(df) <- c("date_from","date_to","product_name","power_price","work_price","ap_payment_direction","offered_power_MW","called_power_MW","offers_AT")
      # Delete last row -> there is an additional row with a parenthesis and NAs
      # df <- df[1:nrow(df)-1,]
    # PRL
    else if(productId == "1") {

      # Columns for PRL:
      df <- df[,-length(df)] # Skip last column --> this column is strangely added. Dont know why
      colnames(df) <- c("date_from","date_to","product_name","power_price","offered_power_MW","called_power_MW","country")
    # MRL
    else if(productId == "3") {

      # Columns for PRL:
      #df <- df[,-length(df)] # Skip last column --> this column is strangely added. Dont know why
      colnames(df) <- c("date_from","date_to","product_name","power_price","work_price","ap_payment_direction","offered_power_MW","called_power_MW", "Zuschlag", "Kernteilskennzeichnung")

    df$date_to <- as.Date(df$date_to, "%d.%m.%Y")
    df$date_from <- as.Date(df$date_from, "%d.%m.%Y")


  # DELETE temporary files
  invisible(if (file.exists(fileName)) file.remove(fileName))




# Requirement of secondary operating reserve energy (Bedarf an SRL)
# Data Dowload: https://www.transnetbw.de/de/strommarkt/systemdienstleistungen/regelenergie-bedarf-und-abruf
# --> 4sec SRL requirement of the Regelnetzverbund since July (07) 2010 monthly data
# [http://www.50hertz.com/de/Maerkte/Regelenergie/Regelenergie-Downloadbereich --> no zip and only yearly]

# This helper function downloads the zip file and returns a data.frame of a given date code.
# The date code is specified by the year and month e.g. "201612". All the files have a standard naming.
scrape_rl_need_month <- function(date_code) {
  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("scrape_rl_need_month - Scrape data for ", date_code))

  # Create a temporary file to store the downloaded zip file in it
  tempFileName <- paste("needs_", date_code, sep = "")

  temp <- tempfile(tempFileName, "./")
  # CAUTION --> LINK structure changes before including september 2015 --> add extra "... .csv.zip"
  if(as.numeric(date_code) <= 201509) {
    url = paste('https://www.transnetbw.de/files/bis/srlbedarf/', date_code, '_SRL_Bedarf.csv.zip', sep = "");
  } else {
    url = paste('https://www.transnetbw.de/files/bis/srlbedarf/', date_code, '_SRL_Bedarf.zip', sep = "");

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("scrape_rl_need_month - Download data for ", date_code))

  download.file(url, temp)

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("scrape_rl_need_month - Read csv for ", date_code))

  # Unzip in read in the csv file into a data.frame
  # TODO Handle exceptions of 01.2017, 11.2016 and 04.2016 --> at this date codes there is no datacode in the unziped file name just "SRL_Bedarf.csv"
  #       --> Maybe even more month!
  #       --> So do a step by step process
  #           ---> unzip file by getting the the first file. Then get the name of the csv and read it in. Delete all files after use.

  # Get the filename of the zip. It has a strange cryptic ending concatenated, no glue why. But it starts with the "needs_" prefix
  zipF <- list.files("./")[startsWith(list.files("./"), "needs_")]
  # unzip the temp file

  # delete the temporary file. Not needed anymore after csv is unzipped

  # get the csv file name of the unzipped temp file. This step is important because sometimes the filename changes.
  # So no faster process is possible
  csvf <- list.files("./")[endsWith(list.files("./"), ".csv")]

  # Read in the unzipped csv file
  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("scrape_rl_need_month - Read in csv file for ", date_code))
  dft <-  read.csv(csvf, header = FALSE, sep = ",", dec = ".")

  # delete the csv file
  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("scrape_rl_need_month - Delete csv file for ", date_code))

  # Since there are no headers, include appropriate header names
  # CAUTION!! --> FOR 2011 and below, NO Type variable only 3 columns
  if(as.numeric(date_code) <= 201112) {
    colnames(dft) <- c("Date", "Time", "MW")
  } else {
    colnames(dft) <- c("Date", "Time", "Type", "MW")
    dft <- dft[ , !(names(dft) %in% c("Type"))]



# THis is a little helper function to deal with preceeding zeros in the numbers under 10. This is needed to handle the date format of months
# The parameter month is in the string format M (e.g. for august 8 which has to be converted into 08 and for november 11 it stays)
preceedingZerosForMonths <- function(month) {

  if(as.integer(month) < 10) {
    month <- paste("0",month, sep = "")


# This function builds up an array containing all the date codes needed to build the whole data.frame.
getDateCodesArray <- function(date_from, date_to) {

  # Init
  dateCodes <- c()
  date_to_month <- strsplit(date_to, "\\.")[[1]][2]
  date_to_year <- strsplit(date_to, "\\.")[[1]][3]
  # Defines the stop criteria for the while loop
  date_to_code <- paste(date_to_year, date_to_month, sep = "");
  date_month <- strsplit(date_from, "\\.")[[1]][2]
  date_year <- strsplit(date_from, "\\.")[[1]][3]

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("getDateCodesArray - Building the dateCodes in while loop")

  # Fill the dateCodes array by counting up the number of months (and year if there is a year change) since the end date (date_to_code) is reached
    # Build up the date code
    dateCode <- paste(date_year, date_month, sep = "")

    if(getOption("logging")) logdebug(paste("Building the dateCode ", dateCode))

    # Append it to the result array
    dateCodes <- c(dateCodes, dateCode)
    # Check if end date is reached
    if(dateCode == date_to_code){
    # Next date
    # Count up to the next month, but be aware of a year change
    if (date_month == "12") {
      date_year <- toString((as.integer(date_year) + 1))
    # Don't forget the preceeding zeros!
    date_month <- preceedingZerosForMonths(toString((as.integer(date_month) + 1) %% 12))
    date_month <- ifelse(date_month == "00","12", date_month)


# This method uses all the date codes within the specified time period to merge the individual data.frames together
buildDataFrameForDateCodes <- function(dateCodes) {
  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("buildDataFrameForDateCodes - Looping through dateCodes to scrape data")

  # Init progress bar
  if(getOption("logging")) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(dateCodes), style = 3)

  # Init
  dfall <- data.frame()
  for(i in 1:length(dateCodes)){

    df <- scrape_rl_need_month(dateCodes[i])
    dfall <- rbind(dfall,df)

    # update progress bar
    if(getOption("logging")) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

  # CLose the progress bar
  if(getOption("logging")) close(pb)

  # Change the factor Date variable to an actual Date Type
  dfall$Date <- as.Date(dfall$Date, format = "%Y/%m/%d")




#' @title getOperatingReserveAuctions
#' @description This main function retrieves the operating reserve auction results from \url{https://www.regelleistung.net/ext/tender/}.
#' The data contains all auctions from a given starting date till an end date. Be aware of the weekly data and take care of the latest week. It is already in the data table of the website but there is no downloadable data available.
#' @param date_from the starting date to retrieve all auctions till NOW in the date format DD.MM.YYYY (e.g.'07.03.2017')
#' @param date_to the end date to retrieve all auctions. Format DD.MM.YYYY (e.g.'07.03.2017')
#' @param productId PRL (1), SRL (2), MRL (3), sofort abschaltbare Lasten (4), schnell abschaltbare Lasten (5), Primärregelleistung NL (6)
#' @return data.frame with the results of the auctions held from starting date till now
#' @examples
#' getOperatingReserveAuctions('07.03.2017', '2')
#' @export
getOperatingReserveAuctions <- function(date_from, date_to, productId) {

  # Retrieve all auctions (scrape the auction table) since the the given start date
  auctionsResponse <- scrape_rl_auctions(date_from, productId)
  # Extract the auctionIds from the scraped auction table to retrieve the actual auction data
  auctionIds <- getAuctionIds(auctionsResponse, date_from, date_to)

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("getOperatingReserveAuctions - GET request and build of auctions")

  # Init progress bar // CAUTION --> the length of auctionIds can be longer than needed (retrieves all auctionIds but stops at the input end date)
  if(getOption("logging")) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(auctionIds), style = 3)

  # Get the first (initial) auction data and add it to the df_auctions data.frame
  filename <- paste("temp_auctions_", auctionIds[1], ".csv", sep = "")

  response_content <- callGETforAuctionResults(auctionIds[1], filename)
  df_auctions <- build_df_rl_auctions(filename, productId)

  # If only one auctionId (= just auction data of one day) is called, then stop and return the initial auction data
  if(length(auctionIds) > 1) {

    for(j in 2:length(auctionIds)) {

      # Stop if the end date for the auctions is reached
      if(df_auctions$date_to < as.Date(date_to, "%d.%m.%Y")) {

        # TODO improve this function --> causes arbitrary errors while writing and reading in the temp csv file
        filename <- paste("temp_auctions_", auctionIds[j], ".csv", sep = "")
        response_content <- callGETforAuctionResults(auctionIds[j], filename)
        df <- build_df_rl_auctions(filename, productId)

        df_auctions <- rbind(df_auctions, df)

        # update progress bar
        if(getOption("logging")) setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
      else {

  # CLose the progress bar
  if(getOption("logging")) close(pb)

  # Delete All temporary files in the data/auctions directory
  #invisible(do.call(file.remove, list(list.files("data/auctions", full.names = TRUE))))

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("getOperatingReserveAuctions - DONE")



#' @title getOperatingReserveCalls
#' @description This main function retrieves the operating reserve calls from \url{https://www.regelleistung.net/ext/data/}.
#' @param date_from sets the starting date in format: DD.MM.YYYY
#' @param date_to sets the ending date in format: DD.MM.YYYY
#' @param uenb_type [50Hz (4), TenneT (2), Amprion (3), TransnetBW (1), Netzregelverbund (6), IGCC (11)]
#' @return data.frame variable containing the operating reserve call table
#' @examples
#' getOperatingReserveCalls('07.03.2017', '14.03.2017', '4', 'SRL')
#' @export
getOperatingReserveCalls <- function(date_from, date_to, uenb_type, rl_type) {

  # First split the input timeframe into processable monthly dates
  # Then loop through the monthly timeframes and process like before.
  dates <- getDatesArrayOfMonths(date_from, date_to)

  df <- data.frame()

  # Init progress bar
  if(getOption("logging")) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(dates), style = 3)

  for(e in 1:nrow(dates)) {

    if(getOption("logging")) loginfo(paste("getOperatinReserveCalls - POST request for timeframe: ", dates[e,1], " - ", dates[e,2], sep = ""))

    # Do the POST request and retrieve the response from the server
    r <- scrape_rl_calls(dates[e,1], dates[e,2], uenb_type, rl_type)
    # Preprocess the response
    p <- preprocess_rl_calls(r)

    # Build up the data.frame
    # TODO improve this function --> causes arbitrary errors while writing and reading in the temp csv file
    filename <- paste("temp_calls_", e, sep = "")
    d <- build_df_rl_calls(p, filename)

    df <- rbind(df, d)

    # update progress bar
    if(getOption("logging")) setTxtProgressBar(pb, e)


  # CLose the progress bar
  if(getOption("logging")) close(pb)
  # Delete All temporary files in the data/calls directory
  #invisible(do.call(file.remove, list(list.files("data/calls", full.names = TRUE))))

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("getOperatingReserveCalls - DONE")


#' @title getOperatingReserveNeeds
#' @description This main function retrieves the operating reserve needs from \url{https://www.transnetbw.de/de/strommarkt/systemdienstleistungen/regelenergie-bedarf-und-abruf}. The resolution is 4sec. The function can take awhile since it has to download sever MBs of data. The oldest data that can be retrieved is July (07) 2010.
#' @param date_from sets the starting date in format: DD.MM.YYYY
#' @param date_to sets the ending date in format: DD.MM.YYYY
#' @return data.frame variable containing the operating reserve need table for the specified time period
#' @examples
#' getOperatingReserveNeeds("30.12.2015", "02.01.2016")
#' @export
getOperatingReserveNeeds <- function(startDate, endDate) {

  # Extract all the dataCodes to build the whole data.frame by downloading the zip file
  df <- buildDataFrameForDateCodes(getDateCodesArray(startDate, endDate))

  # Delete All temporary files in the data/calls directory
  #invisible(do.call(file.remove, list(list.files("data/needs", full.names = TRUE))))

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("getOperatingReserveNeeds - Subset the data.frame")

  # Subset the whole data.frame to the given time period
  df <- subset(df, Date >= as.Date(startDate, format = "%d.%m.%Y") & Date <= as.Date(endDate, format = "%d.%m.%Y"))

  if(getOption("logging")) loginfo("getOperatingReserveNeeds - DONE")


wagnertimo/rmarketcrawlR documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:37 p.m.