
context("Objective Functions")

test_that("Fixed Point for Robust Random Effect is correct", {
    # Test Data
    u <- rnorm(100, sd = 10)
    y <- 2 * 1:5 + u + rnorm(100, sd = 2)
    X <- cbind(1, rep(1:5, 20))

    Ve <- list(
        mat = diag(4, 100),
        sqrtInv = diag(0.5, 100)

    Vu <- list(
        mat = diag(10^2, 100),
        sqrtInv = diag(1 / 10, 100)

    fhFit <- rfh(y ~ x, data.frame(y = y, x = X[, 2], dirVar = 4), "dirVar")
    beta <- fhFit$coefficients

    convCrit <- function(xn1, xn0) all(abs(xn0 - xn1) < 1e-3)

    fpFun <- fixedPointRobustRandomEffect(
        y, X, beta, matVFH(100, rep(4, 100)), . %>% psiOne(k = Inf)

    # when k -> inf then this should be the estimator for u:

    uDirect <- as.numeric(
        Vu$mat %*% solve(Ve$mat + Vu$mat) %*% (y - X %*% beta)

    directBs <- diag(Vu$mat %*% solve(Ve$mat + Vu$mat))
    robustBs <- diag(as.matrix(matBConst(y, X, beta, matVFH(100, rep(4, 100)), . %>% psiOne(k = Inf))(uDirect)))
    summary(abs(directBs) - abs(robustBs))
    testthat::expect_equal(directBs, robustBs)

    # This is the solution with the fixed point (k = Inf).
    solutionFP <- fixedPoint(fpFun, uDirect, addMaxIter(convCrit, 10000))

    # They roughly the same:
    summary(abs(uDirect) - abs(solutionFP))
    testthat::expect_equal(uDirect, solutionFP)


test_that("Fixed Point for Robust Beta is correct", {
    # Test Data
    y <- 2 * 1:5 + rnorm(100)
    X <- cbind(1, rep(1:5, 20))
    V <- diag(1, 100)
    Vinv <- solve(V)

    convCrit <- function(xn1, xn0) all(abs(xn0 - xn1) < 0.001)

    # Equivalence to Newton-Raphson
    scoreFuns <- scoreRobustBeta(y, X, matVFH(0, rep(1, 100)), psiOne)
    fpFun <- fixedPointRobustBeta(y, X, matVFH(0, rep(1, 100)), psiOne)

    solutionNR <- newtonRaphson(scoreFuns, x0 = c(0, 2), convCrit = convCrit)
    solutionFP <- fixedPoint(fpFun, c(0, 2), addMaxIter(convCrit, 2))

    testthat::expect_equal(solutionNR, solutionFP, tolerance = 1e-3)

    # equivalence to OLS
    fpFun <- fixedPointRobustBeta(y, X, matVFH(0, rep(1, 100)), . %>% psiOne(k = 100))
    solutionFP <- fixedPoint(fpFun, c(0, 2), addMaxIter(convCrit, 2))
    testthat::expect_equal(solutionFP, as.numeric(solve(crossprod(X), crossprod(X, y))))

test_that("Fixed Point for Robust Variance is correct", {

    # Test Data
    df <- data.frame(
        y = 2 * 1:5 + rnorm(100) + rnorm(100),
        x =  rep(1:5, 20),
        dirVar = 1
    df$y[1] <- 100 # outlier

    y <- df$y
    X <- cbind(1, df$x)

    convCrit <- function(xn1, xn0) all(abs(xn0 - xn1) < 1e-5)

    # Sanity checks
    fpFun <- fixedPointRobustDelta(y, X, c(0, 2), . %>% matVFH(rep(1, 100)), psiOne, K = getK(1.345))
    estVarRobust <- fixedPoint(fpFun, 1, convCrit)
    estVarFH <- sae::eblupFH(y ~ x, dirVar, method = "FH", data = df)$fit$refvar

    testthat::expect_is(estVarRobust, "numeric")
    testthat::expect_true(estVarRobust < estVarFH)

    # Approximately equal to non robust FH? Not at the moment. It is not clear
    # if this implementation has some bug or if there is something in sae - or
    # if they are both correct but different.
    fpFun <- fixedPointRobustDelta(
        y, X,
        # to have the same parameter estimates beta:
        sae::eblupFH(y ~ x, dirVar, method = "FH", data = df)$fit$estcoef[,"beta"],
        . %>% matVFH(rep(1, 100)),
        . %>% psiOne(., k = 10000), K = getK(10000)

    estVarRobust <- fixedPoint(fpFun, 1, convCrit)
    ee <- robEstEqu(
        y, X,
        sae::eblupFH(y ~ x, dirVar, method = "FH", data = df)$fit$estcoef[,"beta"],
        NULL, # don't need this value at this time
        matVFH(estVarRobust, rep(1, 100)),
        . %>% psiOne(., k = 10000),
    testthat::expect_equal(ee$delta(), 0)


test_that("Newton Raphson basics", {

    sqrtNr <- function(.p) {
        f <- function(x) x^2 - .p
        f1 <- function(x) 2 * x

    nr <- function(...) newtonRaphson(..., convCrit = function(xn1, xn0) abs(xn0 - xn1) < 0.001)
    fp <- function(funList) fixedPoint(
        function(xn1, xn0) abs(xn0 - xn1) < 0.001)

    expect_equal(nr(sqrtNr(2), 2), sqrt(2), tolerance = 1e-3)
    expect_equal(nr(sqrtNr(2), 2), fp(sqrtNr(2)))

test_that("NR for robust betas", {
    y <- 2 * 1:5 + rnorm(5)
    X <- cbind(1, 1:5)
    V <- diag(1, 5)
    Vinv <- solve(V)

    score <- scoreRobustBeta(y, X, matVFH(0, rep(1, 5)), psiOne)
    # as.numeric, because score uses Matrix classes.
        as.numeric(score$f1(c(0, 2))),
        as.numeric(-crossprod(X, Vinv) %*% X)

    # one outlier
    y <- 2 * 1:5 + rnorm(5)
    score <- scoreRobustBeta(y, X, matVFH(0, rep(1, 5)), psiOne)
        as.numeric(score$f1(c(0, 2))),
        as.numeric(-crossprod(X, Vinv) %*% diag(c(1, 1, 1, 0, 1)) %*% X)

    # Equivalence to OLS
    y <- 2 * 1:5 + rnorm(100)
    X <- cbind(1, rep(1:5, 20))
    V <- diag(1, 100)
    Vinv <- solve(V)

    funs <- scoreRobustBeta(y, X, matVFH(0, rep(1, 100)), function(...) psiOne(..., k = 100))

            x0 = c(0, 2),
            convCrit = function(xn1, xn0) all(abs(xn0 - xn1) < 0.001)),
        as.numeric(solve(crossprod(X)) %*% crossprod(X, y)))

wahani/saeRobustTools documentation built on March 16, 2024, 11:29 a.m.