
# Gumbel-Hougaard Copula
"GHcop" <-
function(u, v, para=NULL, tau=NULL, tau.big=0.985, cor=NULL, ...) {

  if(! is.null(cor)) tau <- cor

  # tau.big <- 0.985 # tests show at least a failure rate < 1/10000 in simCOP
  # if tau is kept this low, which is a really large tau.
  para.big <- 1/(1-tau.big)

  if(is.null(para)) {
     if(is.null(tau)) {
        if(    length(u)     ==  length(v) &
              (length(u) > 1  &  length(v) > 1)) {
           tau <- cor(u,v, method="kendall")
        } else {
           warning("Argument para (Alpha) is NULL and u an v have unequal length",
                   "that prevents Alpha estimation by Kendall's Tau, returning NULL")
        para <- 1/(1-tau)
        if(para < 1) {
           warning("negative correlation can not be fit with this copula, ",
                   "returning NULL")
        names(para) <- "theta"; names(tau) <- "tau"
        return(list(para=para, tau=tau))
     } else {
        if(tau < 0) {
           warning("Kendall's Tau is negative, not compatible with this copula, ",
                   "returning NULL")
        para <- 1/(1-tau)
        names(para) <- "theta"; names(tau) <- "tau"
        return(list(para=para, tau=tau))

  if(length(para) == 1) {
     if(para[1] < 1) {
        warning("Parameter Theta < 1")
     if(para[1] > para.big ) {
        warning("Parameter Theta (para) is big (numerically too big), returning M(u,v)")
  } else if(length(para) == 2) {
    go <- TRUE
    if(para[1] < 1) {
       warning("Parameter Beta1 is < 1");  go <- FALSE
    if(para[2] <= 0) {
       warning("Parameter Beta2 is <= 0"); go <- FALSE
    if(! go) return(NULL)
  } else if(length(para) == 3) {
     if(para[1] < 1) {
        warning("Parameter Theta (para[1]) is < 1, returning NULL")
     if(para[2] < 0 | para[2] > 1) {
        warning("Parameter Pi1 is not in [0, 1], returning NULL")
     if(para[3] < 0 | para[3] > 1) {
        warning("Parameter Pi2 is not in [0, 1], returning NULL")
  } else {
     stop("Should not be here in logic---too many parameters")

  if(length(u) > 1 & length(v) > 1 & length(u) != length(v)) {
    warning("length u = ",length(u), " and length v = ",length(v))
    warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length, ",
            "no recycling")
  # The extra hassle of vectorization made here is to handle situations
  # in which nested integrals are used where uneven vectors can be passed
  if(length(u) == 1) {
     u <- rep(u, length(v))
  } else if(length(v) == 1) {
     v <- rep(v, length(u))

  if(length(para) == 1) {
     # R's defaults catch Inf correctly so no need to check on the finiteness
     # and make a local copy
     return(exp(-(((-log(u))^para + (-log(v))^para)^(1/para))))
  } else if(length(para) == 2) {
     b1 <- para[1]; b2 <- -para[2]
     cop <- (((u^b2 - 1)^b1 + (v^b2 - 1)^b1)^(1/b1) + 1)^(1/b2)
  } else if(length(para) == 3) {
     pi2 <- para[2]; pi3 <- para[3]; di <- 1/para[1]
     x <- -log(u); y <- -log(v)
     cop <- exp(-(((pi2*x)^para[1] + (pi3*y)^para[1])^di + (1-pi2)*x + (1-pi3)*y))
     cop[is.nan(cop)] <- 0
  } else {
     stop("Should not be here in logic")
wasquith/copBasic documentation built on March 10, 2024, 11:24 a.m.