
#' @title Create a Directory Settings List
#' @description Compose parts of and complete directory settings controls lists. \cr \cr
#'              Most users will not want or need to change the directory folders and file names, but it is helpful to have them be flexible for certain circumstances, and `directory_files`, `directory_subdirectories`, and `directory_settings` gather them into a set of lists for pipeline functionality. \cr
#'              `directory_resources` dictates the `source` and `version` (and any other specialized arguments) for each of the raw resources collected for the directory. \cr
#'              `time_settings` collates the temporal aspects of the data, and can be used to set up alternate forecast timelines for specialized projects and sandboxing. 
#' @param files `list` of `character` names of standard files, see [`directory_files`].
#' @param subdirectories `list` of `character` names of standard subdirectories, see [`directory_subdirectories`].
#' @param resources `list` of `list`s for standard resources, see [`directory_resources`].
#' @param time `list` of time settings, see [`time_settings`].
#' @param newmoons `character` name for the lunar data csv.
#' @param covariates `character` name for the combined historical and forecast covariates csv.
#' @param forecasts_metadata `character` name for the forecast metadata csv.
#' @param metadata `character` name for the Forecast metadata YAML.
#' @param directory_configuration `character` name for the directory configuration YAML.
#' @param datasets_controls `character` name for the YAML of datasets control list(s).
#' @param models_rmd `character` name for the Rmd file for the models page of the app.
#' @param models_html `character` name for the html file where the models page will be saved for the app.
#' @param about_md `character` name for the md file for the about page of the app.
#' @param rodents_profiles_html `character` name for the html file where the rodents profiles page will be saved for the app.
#' @param rodents_profiles_csv `character` name for the csv file containing content for the rodents profiles table for the app.
#' @param species_names `character` name for the csv file containing the output from [`portalr::rodent_species`], with `set = "forecasting"`, `type = "table"`, and `total = TRUE`.
#' @param models_controls `character` name for the YAML of models controls list(s).
#' @param forecasts_evaluations `character` name for the forecast evaluations csv.
#' @param forecasts_results `character` name for the forecast combination results csv.
#' @param resources `character` name for the resources subdirectory.
#' @param data `character` name for the data subdirectory.
#' @param models `character` name for the models subdirectory.
#' @param fits `character` name for the fits subdirectory.
#' @param forecasts `character` name for the forecasts subdirectory.
#' @param www `character` name for the application www helpers subdirectory.
#' @param app `character` name for the application R file.
#' @param PortalData `list` of `source` and `version` elements of `character` values for the Portal Data download. Default values retrieve the latest data from github
#' @param portalPredictions `list` of `source` and `version` elements of `character` values for the archive download. Default values point to github, but `verison = NULL` indicates no download.
#' @param climate_forecasts `list` of `source`, `version`, and `data` elements of `character` values for the climate forecasts download. Default values retrieve the current day's forecast of min, mean, and max temperature and precipitation from the Northwest Knowledge Network's North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) climate forecasts.
#' @param save `logical` indicator controlling if the output should be saved out.
#' @param overwrite `logical` indicator of whether or not file writing should occur even if a local copy already exists.
#' @param force `logical` indicator of whether or not existing files or folders (such as the archive) should be over-written if an up-to-date copy exists (most users should leave as `FALSE`).
#' @param unzip_pause Positive `integer` or integer `numeric` seconds for pausing during steps around unzipping that require time delay.
#' @param download_timeout Positive `integer` or integer `numeric` seconds for timeout on downloads. Temporarily overrides the `"timeout"` option in [`base::options`].
#' @param origin `Date` forecast origin. Default is today's date (set using [`Sys.Date`]).
#' @param forecast_date `Date` of when the forecasts are occurring. Default is today's date (set using [`Sys.Date`]).
#' @param timeseries_start `Date` after which historic samples are included in the timeseries fit. Default value is `1995-01-01`, corresponding to moon 217.
#' @param lead_time `integer` (or integer `numeric`) value for the number of calendar days forward a forecast will cover. \cr
#'   As of version 0.51.0, default is now `365`, which when divided by 29.5 (duration of a lunar month), gives 13. The previous value was previously 12. We are now using 13 to align with the timestep being a lunar month, and 13 lunar months covers a full calendar year.
#' @param max_lag `integer` (or integer `numeric`) maximum number of calendar days that any covariate is lagged for prediction in a model. \cr
#'   Default is `365` for the logistic covariate models.
#' @param lag_buffer `integer` (or integer `numeric`) additional number of calendar days back in time to add to the maximum lag. \cr
#'   Default value of `60` corresponds to two additional lunar months. 
#' @param lead_time_buffer `integer` (or integer `numeric`) additional number of calendar days forward in time to forecast. \cr
#'   Default value of `30` corresponds to one additional lunar month.
#' @param confidence_level `numeric` confidence level used in summarizing model output. Must be between `0` and `1`.
#' @param nsamples `integer` (or integer `numeric`) number of samples used to summarizing model output of sample-based estimates.
#' @return Named `list` of settings for the directory (for `directory_settings`) or `list` of settings components (for `directory_files`, `directory_subdirectories`, and `directory_resources`).
#' @name directory settings
#' @aliases settings
#' @family orchestration
#' @family customization
#' @examples
#'    directory_settings( )
#'    directory_files( )
#'    directory_subdirectories( )
#'    directory_resources( )
#'    time_settings( )

#' @rdname directory-settings
#' @export
directory_settings <- function (files             = directory_files( ),
                                subdirectories    = directory_subdirectories( ),
                                resources         = directory_resources( ),
                                time              = time_settings( ),
                                confidence_level  = 0.95,
                                nsamples          = 1e4,
                                save              = TRUE,
                                overwrite         = TRUE,
                                force             = FALSE,
                                unzip_pause       = 30,
                                download_timeout  = getOption("timeout")) {

  list(files            = files,
       subdirectories   = subdirectories,
       resources        = resources,
       repository       = "portal-forecasts",
       confidence_level = confidence_level,
       nsamples         = nsamples,
       time             = time,
       save             = save,
       force            = force,
       overwrite        = overwrite,
       unzip_pause      = unzip_pause,
       download_timeout = download_timeout)


#' @rdname directory-settings
#' @export
time_settings <- function (timeseries_start = as.Date("1995-01-01"),
                           origin           = Sys.Date( ),
                           forecast_date    = Sys.Date( ),
                           lead_time        = 365,
                           max_lag          = 365,
                           lag_buffer       = 60,
                           lead_time_buffer = 30) {

  timeseries_start_lagged <- timeseries_start - max_lag - lag_buffer
  forecast_start          <- origin + 1
  forecast_end            <- origin + lead_time
  forecast_end_buffered   <- origin + lead_time + lead_time_buffer

  list(timeseries_start        = as.character(timeseries_start),
       timeseries_start_lagged = as.character(timeseries_start_lagged),
       forecast_start          = as.character(forecast_start),
       forecast_end            = as.character(forecast_end),
       forecast_end_buffered   = as.character(forecast_end_buffered),
       origin                  = as.character(origin),
       forecast_date           = as.character(forecast_date),
       lead_time               = lead_time,
       lead_time_buffer        = lead_time_buffer,
       max_lag                 = max_lag,
       lag_buffer              = lag_buffer)


#' @rdname directory-settings
#' @export
directory_files <- function (directory_configuration = "directory_configuration.yaml",
                             app                     = "app.R",
                             newmoons                = "newmoons.csv",
                             covariates              = "covariates.csv",
                             datasets_controls       = "datasets_controls.yaml",
                             models_controls         = "models_controls.yaml",
                             forecasts_evaluations   = "forecasts_evaluations.csv",
                             forecasts_results       = "forecasts_results.csv",
                             forecasts_metadata      = "forecasts_metadata.csv",
                             metadata                = "metadata.yaml",
                             about_md                = "about.md",
                             models_html             = "models.html",
                             models_rmd              = "models.Rmd",
                             rodents_profiles_html   = "rodents_profiles.html",
                             rodents_profiles_csv    = "rodents_profiles.csv",
                             species_names           = "species_names.csv") {

  list(directory_configuration   = directory_configuration,
       app                       = app,
       newmoons                  = newmoons,
       covariates                = covariates,
       datasets_controls         = datasets_controls,
       models_controls           = models_controls,
       forecasts_evaluations     = forecasts_evaluations,
       forecasts_results         = forecasts_results,
       forecasts_metadata        = forecasts_metadata,
       about_md                  = about_md,
       models_rmd                = models_rmd,
       models_html               = models_html,
       rodents_profiles_html     = rodents_profiles_html,
       rodents_profiles_csv      = rodents_profiles_csv,
       species_names             = species_names,
       metadata                  = metadata)


#' @rdname directory-settings
#' @export
directory_subdirectories <- function (forecasts = "forecasts",
                                      fits      = "fits",
                                      models    = "models",
                                      resources = "resources",
                                      data      = "data",
                                      www       = "www") {

  list(forecasts = forecasts,
       fits      = fits,
       models    = models,
       resources = resources,
       data      = data,
       www       = www)


#' @rdname directory-settings
#' @export
directory_resources <- function (PortalData         = list(source  = "github",
                                                           version = "latest"),
                                 portalPredictions  = list(source  = "github",
                                                           version = NULL),
                                 climate_forecasts  = list(source  = "NMME",
                                                           version = as.character(Sys.Date()),
                                                           data    = list(mintemp       = "tasmin",
                                                                          meantemp      = "tasmean",
                                                                          maxtemp       = "tasmax",
                                                                          precipitation = "pr"))) {

  list(PortalData         = PortalData,
       portalPredictions  = portalPredictions,
       climate_forecasts  = climate_forecasts)


#' @rdname directory-settings
#' @export
production_settings <- function (download_timeout  = max(getOption("timeout"), 600)) {

  resources <- directory_resources(portalPredictions = list(source  = "github",
                                                            version = "latest"))

  directory_settings(resources        = resources,
                     download_timeout = download_timeout)


#' @rdname directory-settings
#' @export
sandbox_settings <- function () {

  directory_settings( )

weecology/portalcasting documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, noon