
Defines functions compute_presence bait_presence_absence colony_presence_absence

Documented in bait_presence_absence colony_presence_absence

#' @title Ant Colony Presence Absence
#' @description Get ant species presence/absence by year/plot/stake from colony census data
#' Anomalies in ant colony census protocol over the years means that it can be difficult to discern true absences
#' of all species in all years.  This function uses information from Portal_ant_species.csv and Portal_ant_dataflags.csv
#' to predict true presence/absence of species per plot per year.  If a more conservative estimate is desired,
#' setting the argument 'rare_sp = T' will only include species we are confident were censused regularly. Setting
#' 'rare_sp = F' may include some false absences, since it is unknown if some rare species were censused in all years.
#' Unknowns may also be excluded from output if desired.
#' @param level level at which to summarize data: 'Site', 'Plot', or 'Stake'
#' @param rare_sp include rare species (T) or not (F).
#'   Rare species may or may not have been censused in all years. Setting
#'   `rare_sp = FALSE` gives a more conservative estimate of presence/absence
#' @param unknowns include unknown species (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Unknowns
#'   include those only identified to genus.
#' @inheritParams load_ant_data
#' @return data frame with year, species, (plot if applicable), and presence [1, 0, NA]
#' @export
colony_presence_absence <- function(path = get_default_data_path(),
                                    level = "Site",
                                    rare_sp = FALSE, unknowns = FALSE,
                                    download_if_missing = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
  level <- tolower(level)

  colony <- load_datafile(file.path("Ants", "Portal_ant_colony.csv"),
                          na.strings = "", path = path,
                          download_if_missing = download_if_missing,
                          quiet = quiet)
  antsp <- load_datafile(file.path("Ants", "Portal_ant_species.csv"),
                         na.strings = "NA", path = path,
                         download_if_missing = download_if_missing)
  antsp <- reformat_species_table(antsp)

  # list of species to include
  # if unknowns == F, unkn and those identified only to genus will be removed
  # if rare_sp == F, the species list will be restricted to only the 9 species we absolutely know were censused consistently
  specieslist <- antsp$species
  if (unknowns == FALSE)
    specieslist <- setdiff(specieslist, c("unkn", "camp sp", "phei sp", "novo sp"))
  if (rare_sp == FALSE)
    specieslist <- intersect(specieslist, c("cono bico", "cono insa", "irid prui",
                                            "myrm depi", "myrm mimi", "phei sita",
                                            "phei xero", "pogo dese", "sole xylo"))

  # filter out duplicated data (flag=10)
  colonydat <- dplyr::filter(colony,
                             .data$species %in% specieslist,
                             !.data$flag %in% c(10))

  # additional filtering for stake-level data:
  #   filter out data taken only at plot level (flag=9) or
  #              rows where stake is missing (flag=1)
  if (level == "stake")
    colonydat <- dplyr::filter(colonydat, !.data$flag %in% c(9, 1), !is.na(.data$stake))

  colonypresabs <- compute_presence(colonydat, level)

  # additional checks
  colonypresabs <- colonypresabs %>%
      presence =
          # except "sole xylo" was not censused in 1978-1979, so those go back to NA
          .data$species %in% c("sole xylo", "sole sp") & .data$year %in% c(1978, 1979) ~
          # in 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 they sometimes included myrm depi in myrm mimi
          # counts, so these too shouldn"t be considered true absences
          .data$species == "myrm depi" & .data$year %in% seq(1977, 1981) &
            presence == 0 ~
          # species camp fest was probably not censused regularly (only one record of it)
          .data$species == "camp fest" & .data$presence == 0 ~
          TRUE ~ presence)) %>%


#' @title Ant Bait Presence Absence
#' @description Get ant species presence/absence by year/plot/stake from bait census data
#' Bait census data is more consistent over time than the colony census data. This function assumes that all species
#' present in at least one census were censused in all years.
#' @inheritParams colony_presence_absence
#' @return data frame with year, species, (plot if applicable), and presence [1, 0]
#' @export
bait_presence_absence <- function(path = get_default_data_path(),
                                  level = "Site",
                                  download_if_missing = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
  level <- tolower(level)
  bait <- load_datafile(file.path("Ants", "Portal_ant_bait.csv"),
                        na.strings = "", path = path,
                        download_if_missing = download_if_missing,
                        quiet = quiet)

  baitpresabs <- compute_presence(bait, level) %>%


#' @title Fill in missing presence values based on grouping levels
#' @description A helper function to be used by both
#'   \code{\link{bait_presence_absence}} and \code{\link{colony_presence_absence}}
#' @param df data.frame to modify
#' @param level level at which to generate presence data
#' @return data.frame with 1s and 0s in a new presence column
#' @noRd
compute_presence <- function(df, level)
  grouping <- switch(level,
                     "site" = rlang::quos(.data$year, .data$species),
                     "plot" = rlang::quos(.data$year, .data$plot, .data$species),
                     "stake" = rlang::quos(.data$year, .data$plot, .data$stake, .data$species))
  vars_to_keep <- switch(level,
                         "site" = c("year", "species"),
                         "plot" = c("year", "plot", "species"),
                         "stake" = c("year", "plot", "stake", "species"))

  df %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(vars_to_keep)) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(presence = 1) %>%
                    fill = list(presence = 0))
weecology/portalr documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.