
Defines functions get_simdata4 get_simdata3 get_simdata2

get_simdata2 <- function(seed = 1, coef = FALSE) {

  ## 10 quadratic spline with 3 interior knots, coming from 3 populations.
  ## Return the true coefs if coef == TRUE.

  if(!requireNamespace("withr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"withr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  withr::local_seed(seed = seed)
  x <- 1:20 + stats::rnorm(20, sd = 0.1) # 20 samples for each subject
  K <- 3
  deg <- 2
  n_pops <- 3
  n_subs <- 10
  ## number of curves: 1st group = 3 subs, 2nd group = 3 subs, 3rd group = 4 subs
  n_subs_in_pop <- list('1' = 3, '2' = 3, '3' = 4)
  grp <- list(pop = unlist(purrr::imap(n_subs_in_pop, ~rep(.y, .x * length(x))), F, F),
              sub = as.character(rep(1:10, each = length(x))))

  Bmat <- get_design_bs(x, K, deg)$design
  dim_theta <- K + deg + 1
  dim_delta <- K + deg + 1

  ## theta: 1:dim_theta + std Gaussian
  ## delta: std Gaussian
  theta <- matrix(1:dim_theta + stats::rnorm(n_pops * dim_theta), dim_theta, n_pops,
                  dimnames = list(NULL, seq(1, n_pops)))
  delta <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n_subs * dim_delta) * 0.5, dim_delta, n_subs)
  if (coef) {
    list(theta = theta, delta = delta)
  } else {
    f <- unlist(purrr::imap(n_subs_in_pop, ~rep(Bmat %*% theta[, .y], .x)), FALSE, FALSE)
    g <- c(Bmat %*% delta)
    y <- f + g + stats::rnorm(length(f), sd = 0.2)
    data.frame(y = y, x = rep(x, n_subs), sub = grp$sub, pop = grp$pop, truth = f + g)

get_simdata3 <- function(seed = 1, coef = FALSE) {
  ## same set up as simdata2, but with two extra fixed effect terms
  res <- get_simdata2(seed = seed, coef = coef)
  if (coef) {
    ## mean of level 1 is 1 unit larger
    res$fixed1 <- c(0, 1)
    # mean of level 1 is 1 unit larger, level 2 is 2 units smaller
    res$fixed2 <- c(0, 1, -2)
  } else {
    ## fixed1: sub 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 has level 1, the rest level 0
    res$fixed1 <- as.factor(as.numeric(res$sub) %% 2)
    ## mean of level 1 is 1 unit larger
    res$y[res$fixed1 == 1] <- res$y[res$fixed1 == 1] + 1
    res$truth[res$fixed1 == 1] <- res$truth[res$fixed1 == 1] + 1

    ## fixed2: sub 1, 4, 7, 10 has level 1, sub 2, 5, 8 has level 2, the rest level 0
    res$fixed2 <- as.factor(as.numeric(res$sub) %% 3)
    ## mean of level 1 is 1 unit larger
    res$y[res$fixed2 == 1] <- res$y[res$fixed2 == 1] + 1 
    res$truth[res$fixed2 == 1] <- res$truth[res$fixed2 == 1] + 1 
    ## mean of level 1 is 2 units smaller
    res$y[res$fixed2 == 2] <- res$y[res$fixed2 == 2] - 2
    res$truth[res$fixed2 == 2] <- res$truth[res$fixed2 == 2] - 2

get_simdata4 <- function(seed = 1, coef = FALSE) {
  if(!requireNamespace("withr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"withr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  ## same set up as simdata2, but with one extra fixed and ramdom effect
  res <- get_simdata2(seed = seed, coef = coef)
  withr::local_seed(seed = seed + 1)
  ranef <- stats::setNames(stats::rnorm(50), as.character(1:50))
  if (coef) {
    ## mean of level 1 is 1 unit larger, level 2 is 2 units smaller
    res$fixed1 <- c(0, 1, -2)
    res$random1 <- ranef
  } else {
    ## fixed1: sub 1, 4, 7, 10 has level 1, sub 2, 5, 8 has level 2, the rest level 0
    res$fixed1 <- as.factor(as.numeric(res$sub) %% 3)
    ## mean of level 1 is 1 unit larger
    res$y[res$fixed1 == 1] <- res$y[res$fixed1 == 1] + 1 
    res$truth[res$fixed1 == 1] <- res$truth[res$fixed1 == 1] + 1 
    ## mean of level 1 is 2 units smaller
    res$y[res$fixed1 == 2] <- res$y[res$fixed1 == 2] - 2
    res$truth[res$fixed1 == 2] <- res$truth[res$fixed1 == 2] - 2

    ## random1: 50 levels, each replicated 4 times
    res$random1 <- gl(50, 4, NROW(res))
    res$y <- res$y + ranef[as.character(res$random1)]
    res$truth <- res$truth + ranef[as.character(res$random1)]
weiyaw/flexss documentation built on June 16, 2021, 7:48 a.m.