knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
                      eval = TRUE,
                      message = FALSE,
                      warning = FALSE)



What is ChIPUtils

ChIPUtils is a package for very general ChIP-seq analysis. The basic idea behind this package is to gather several of the common procedures we use when starting to analize a new ChIP dataset. To load the package is necessary to use:


For the vignette we use the following samples which are based on ENCODE datasets:

bamfiles = list.files(system.file("extdata",package = "ChIPUtils"),
                   full.names = TRUE,recursive = TRUE,
                   pattern = "bam")
bamfiles = bamfiles %>% {.[-grep("bai",.)]} 
bamfiles %>% basename()

ChIPdata: ChIPUtils base structure

To use the different methods that the package contains, it is neccesary to create a ChIPdata object, for which is necessary to have a file in bam format with aligned reads and to indicate if the reads are single or paired ended:

example = ChIPdata(bamfiles[1],isPE = FALSE)
example %>% slotNames()

and the number of aligned reads in the experiment can be retrieved by:


Quality Control (QC) metrics

Using ChIPUtils we can calculate the PBC and SCC, which are the two most commonly used QC metrics for ChIP-seq:

scc = SCC(example,shift = seq(1,300,by = 10),verbose = FALSE)
fl = scc[which.max(scc$corr),]$shift
rl = reads(example)[1] %>% 
scc %>% 
  ggplot(aes(shift,corr))+geom_line(colour = "red")+
  geom_vline(xintercept = fl,linetype = 2)

Using the SCC curve above, we can calculate the Normalized Strand Cross-Correlation by:


and the Relative Strand Cross-Correlation by:


Quick note: To calculate the SCC method is parallel it is only necessary to specify the processing cores to use something like the following chunk:

options(mc.cores = 2)

If this option is not defined, the SCC method will be run in only one core by default.

Bin exploration

ChIPUtils contains a collection of genome sizes, which can be seen by using:


For example after picking the r "hg19" genome, we can partition it into fixed length bins by using:

data("chromSizes",package = "ChIPUtils")
createBins(1e4,chrom = chromSizes[["hg19"]]) 

Furthermore, we can use the same command to count the number of extended reads that overlap each bin, by adding a ChIPdata object and specifying the unobserved fragment length r fl:

## we are using only the first three chromosomes 
bins = createBins(1e3,chipdata = example,chrom = chromSizes[["hg19"]][1:3],fragLen = fl)
tibble(tagCounts = bins$tagCounts) %>% 
  filter(tagCounts > 0) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(tagCounts))+geom_histogram(fill = "white",colour = "black")

welch16/ChIPUtils documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:18 a.m.