##' Plot and Compare Spectra
##' Plot single or multiple spectra. For multiple spectra, a grid layout can be called using 'nrows'.
##' @param dat The name of the spectral data frame, containing the \emph{m/z}
##' data in the first column.
##' @param mass_dat A character string; the name of the column in \code{dat}
##' containing the \emph{m/z} data.
##' @param spectra_cols A character string; the name(s) of the column(s) in \code{dat}
##' containing the intensity data for the spectra-of-interest.
##' @param palette A character element; the RColorBrewer palette to use. See below for available palettes.
##' @param colours A character string indicating the desired colour(s)
##' @param span Single numeric value; the span of peak maxima in between each
##' label. Default = 5 (ignores two peak maxima on either side of each label).
##' @param thresh Single numeric value (0-100); the threshold of peak
##' intensities which should be labeled.
##' @param lbls Logical. If \code{lbls = TRUE}, labels indicating the
##' \emph{m/z} value of each peak maxima within the indicated \code{span} will
##' be included in the output plot. If \code{lbls = FALSE}, labels are not
##' shown.
##' @param lbl.fmt Character string in the format "\%a.bf", where \emph{a} is
##' the number of figures displayed to the left of decimal places in labels,
##' and \emph{b} is the number of figures displayed to the right of decimal
##' places in labels. Default = "\%3.4f".
##' @param min_mz Single numeric value; minimum \emph{m/z} value of the
##' observed range.
##' @param max_mz Single numeric value; upper end of \emph{m/z} range observed
##' in spectra.
##' @param min_I Single numeric value; minimum intensity value of the observed
##' range.
##' @param max_I Single numeric value; upper end of the intensity range
##' observed in spectra.
##' @param x_ticks Single numeric value; the number of ticks on the x-axis.
##' @param nrows Single integer value; the number of rows in plot arrangement.
##' @param intensity_scale A character string; the method that should be used
##' for determining the y-axis scales for each spectrum. If \code{method =
##' "free_y"}, each spectrum will be plotted with its own intensity scale. If
##' \code{method = "fixed"}, each spectrum will be plotted with the y-axis of
##' the most intense spectrum in the set.
##' @return Returns a line plot of the input spectra.
##' @section RColorBrewer Palettes:
##' \describe{\itemize{\item{\code{"Accent"}}
##' \item{\code{"Dark2"}}
##' \item{\code{"Paired"}}
##' \item{\code{"Pastel1"}}
##' \item{\code{"Pastel2"}}
##' \item{\code{"Set1"}}
##' \item{\code{"Set2"} (default)}
##' \item{\code{"Set3"}}
##' }
##' }
##' @author Kristen Yeh <kristenyeh@@trentu.ca> Wesley Burr <wesleyburr@@trentu.ca> Sophie Castel <sophie.castel@@ontariotechu.net>
##' @references https://github.com/wesleyburr/subMaldi
##' @keywords methods aplot
##' @examples
##' ## Plotting using the sample dataset "Master.rda"
##' data("Master")
##' plotSpectra(dat = Master, mass_dat = "full_mz",
##' spectra_cols = c("Blank1", "Blank2"),
##' intensity_scale = "free_y", lbls = TRUE, nrows = 2, x_ticks = 10)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Last Updated: February 3, 2021
# Author: Kristen Yeh, Sophie Castel
# Title: subMALDI: Plot and Compare Multiple Spectra
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
plotSpectra <- function(dat, mass_dat,
palette = NULL,
colours = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#cc6600", "#33ccff"))(length(spectra_cols)),
span = 5,
thresh = 0.1,
lbls = FALSE,
lbl.fmt = "%3.4f",
min_mz = min(dat[[mass_dat]]),
max_mz = max(dat[[mass_dat]]),
min_I = 0,
max_I = max(dat[spectra_cols]),
x_ticks = 100,
nrows = ceiling(length(spectra_cols)/2),
intensity_scale = "free_y"){
# ----------------------------------
# ----------------------------------
full_mz <- Intensity <- Spectrum <- NULL
stopifnot(palette %in% c("Accent", "Dark2", "Paired", "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Set1", "Set2", "Set3"))
ncols <- if(length(spectra_cols) < 3) { 3 } else { length(spectra_cols) }
colours <- brewer.pal(ncols, palette)
colours <- colours[1:length(spectra_cols)]
stopifnot(spectra_cols %in% colnames(dat),
mass_dat %in% colnames(dat),
length(colours) == length(spectra_cols),
intensity_scale == "free_x" | intensity_scale == "free_y" | intensity_scale == "fixed",
mass <- dat[[mass_dat]]
if(min_mz < min(mass)) {
print("Specified value of 'min_mz' is below the mass range in 'dat'. Defaulting to the minimum mass.")
min_mz <- floor(min(mass))
if(max_mz > max(mass)) {
cat("Specified value of 'max_mz' is higher than the mass range in 'dat'. Defaulting to the maximum mass.")
max_mz <- ceiling(max(mass))
spectra <- lapply(X = spectra_cols, FUN = function(x){ dat[x] })
i <- do.call(what = data.frame, args = c(spectra))
dat <- data.frame(full_mz = mass, i)
colnames(dat) <- c("full_mz", spectra_cols)
dat_melt <- melt(dat, id.vars = "full_mz")
colnames(dat_melt) <- c("full_mz","Spectrum","Intensity")
# add data subsetting to hopefully eliminate ggplot message
dat_melt <- subset(dat_melt, full_mz >= min_mz & full_mz <= max_mz)
p <- ggplot(data = dat_melt) + geom_line(aes(x = full_mz, y = Intensity, colour = Spectrum)) +
labs(x = expression(italic("m/z")), y = "Intensity") +
facet_wrap(~Spectrum, nrow = nrows, scales = intensity_scale) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min_mz, max_mz),
breaks = seq(min_mz, max_mz,
length.out = x_ticks)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min_I, max_I)) +
theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text.x = element_blank(),
legend.position = "bottom",
axis.line = element_line(colour = "grey85",
size = 0.5)) +
scale_color_manual(values = colours)
test_lbl <- function(mass_dat, lbl.fmt){
x <- mass_dat
dp <- c()
out <- c()
lbl.dec <- strsplit(lbl.fmt, "[.]")[[1]][2]
lbl.dec <- as.numeric(gsub("[a-zA-Z ]", "", lbl.dec))
deci <- function(x) {
if ((x %% 1) != 0) {
nchar(strsplit(sub('0+$', '', as.character(x)), ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][[2]])
} else {
for(i in 1:length(x)){
dp[i] <- deci(x[i])
dp <- max(dp)
out <- isTRUE(dp < lbl.dec)
# Check that labels have <= decimal places as data
tst <- test_lbl(mass_dat = mass, lbl.fmt = lbl.fmt)
stop("Label format indicates more decimal places
than given in data.")
p <- p + stat_peaks(aes(x = full_mz, y = Intensity, group = 1),
ignore_threshold = thresh, span = span,
x.label.fmt = lbl.fmt, geom = "text",
check_overlap = TRUE, color = "black", cex = 3.0)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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