
Defines functions .smooth_ma .smooth_sg

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# Last Updated: July 8, 2020
# Author: Kristen Yeh
# Title: subMALDI - Smoothing: Savitzky-Golay, Moving Average
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.smooth_sg <- function(dat, mass_dat, intensity_dat, p, n, m = 0, ts = 1){
  stopifnot(mass_dat %in% colnames(dat),
            intensity_dat %in% colnames(dat),
            p%%1 == 0)
  if(n%%2 == 0){
    stop(paste0("Erroneous input: n = ", n, ". Filter order must be an odd number."))
  intense <- dat[[intensity_dat]]
  x <- dat[[mass_dat]]
  if(n > length(intense)){
    stop(paste0("Chosen window covers entire spectrum. To avoid this, please select a value of n much less than ", length(intense),"."))
  sg <- sgolay(p = p, n = n, m = m, ts = ts)
  dat$sg <- signal::filter(sg, intense)
  out <- data.frame(x, dat$sg)
  colnames(out) <- c("mass", "sg")
  #out <- select(dat, all_of(mass_dat), sg)

# p = filter order
# n = filter length, must be odd
# m = return the m-th derivative of the filter coefficients
# ts = time scaling factor

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# n = window span
.smooth_ma <- function(dat, mass_dat, intensity_dat, n){
  stopifnot(mass_dat %in% colnames(dat),
            intensity_dat %in% colnames(dat),
  x <- dat[[mass_dat]]
  i <- dat[[intensity_dat]]
  stopifnot(is.vector(x), is.vector(i))
  if(n > length(i)){
    stop(paste0("Chosen window covers entire spectrum. To avoid this, please select a value of n much less than ", length(i),"."))
  out_i <- stats::filter(i, rep(1 / n, n), sides = 2)
  out<- data.frame(x, out_i)
  names(out) <- c("mass", "mov_avg")
  out <- na.omit(out)

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wesleyburr/subMaldi documentation built on Oct. 1, 2021, 7:07 a.m.