
#' The Gibbs sampling algorithm to approximate the joint distribution of the
#' model parameters
#' The assign.mcmc function uses a Bayesian sparse factor analysis model to
#' estimate the adaptive baseline/background, adaptive pathway signature, and
#' pathway activation status of individual test (disease) samples.
#' The assign.mcmc function can be set as following major modes. The
#' combination of logical values of adaptive_B, adaptive_S and mixture_beta can
#' form different modes.
#' Mode A: adaptive_B = FALSE, adaptive_S = FALSE, mixture_beta = FALSE. This
#' is a regression mode without adaptation of baseline/background, signature,
#' and no shrinkage of the pathway activation level.
#' Mode B: adaptive_B = TRUE, adaptive_S = FALSE, mixture_beta = FALSE. This is
#' a regression mode with adaptation of baseline/background, but without
#' signature, and with no shrinkage of the pathway activation level.
#' Mode C: adaptive_B = TRUE, adaptive_S = FALSE, mixture_beta = TRUE. This is
#' a regression mode with adaptation of baseline/background, but without
#' signature, and with shrinkage of the pathway activation level when it is not
#' significantly activated.
#' Mode D: adaptive_B = TRUE, adaptive_S = TRUE, mixture_beta = TRUE. This is a
#' Bayesian factor analysis mode with adaptation of baseline/background,
#' adaptation signature, and with shrinkage of the pathway activation level.
#' @param Y The G x J matrix of genomic measures (i.g., gene expession) of test
#' samples. Y is the testData_sub variable returned from the data.process
#' function. Genes/probes present in at least one pathway signature are
#' retained.
#' @param Bg The G x 1 vector of genomic measures of the baseline/background
#' (B). Bg is the B_vector variable returned from the data.process function. Bg
#' is the starting value of baseline/background level in the MCMC chain.
#' @param X The G x K matrix of genomic measures of the signature. X is the
#' S_matrix variable returned from the data.process function. X is the starting
#' value of pathway signatures in the MCMC chain.
#' @param Delta_prior_p The G x K matrix of prior probability of a gene being
#' "significant" in its associated pathway. Delta_prior_p is the Pi_matrix
#' variable returned from the data.process function.
#' @param adaptive_B Logicals. If TRUE, the model adapts the
#' baseline/background (B) of genomic measures for the test samples. The
#' default is TRUE.
#' @param adaptive_S Logicals. If TRUE, the model adapts the signatures (S) of
#' genomic measures for the test samples. The default is FALSE.
#' @param iter The number of iterations in the MCMC. The default is 2000.
#' @param sigma_sZero Each element of the signature matrix (S) is modeled by a
#' spike-and-slab mixuture distribution. Sigma_sZero is the variance of the
#' spike normal distribution. The default is 0.01.
#' @param sigma_sNonZero Each element of the signature matrix (S) is modeled by
#' a spike-and-slab mixuture distribution. Sigma_sNonZero is the variance of
#' the slab normal distribution. The default is 1.
#' @param p_beta p_beta is the prior probability of a pathway being activated
#' in individual test samples. The default is 0.01.
#' @param sigma_bZero Each element of the pathway activation matrix (A) is
#' modeled by a spike-and-slab mixuture distribution. sigma_bZero is the
#' variance of the spike normal distribution. The default is 0.01.
#' @param sigma_bNonZero Each element of the pathway activation matrix (A) is
#' modeled by a spike-and-slab mixuture distribution. sigma_bNonZero is the
#' variance of the slab normal distribution. The default is 1.
#' @param alpha_tau The shape parameter of the precision (inverse of the
#' variance) of a gene. The default is 1.
#' @param beta_tau The rate parameter of the precision (inverse of the
#' variance) of a gene. The default is 0.01.
#' @param Bg_zeroPrior Logicals. If TRUE, the prior distritribution of
#' baseline/background level follows a normal distribution with mean zero. The
#' default is TRUE.
#' @param mixture_beta Logicals. If TRUE, elements of the pathway activation
#' matrix are modeled by a spike-and-slab mixuture distribution. The default is
#' TRUE.
#' @param S_zeroPrior Logicals. If TRUE, the prior distritribution of signature
#' follows a normal distribution with mean zero. The default is TRUE.
#' @param ECM Logicals. If TRUE, ECM algorithm, rather than Gibbs sampling, is
#' applied to approximate the model parameters. The default is FALSE.
#' @return \item{beta_mcmc}{The iter x K x J array of the pathway activation
#' level estimated in every iteration of MCMC.} \item{tau2_mcmc}{The iter x G
#' matrix of the precision of genes estimated in every iteration of MCMC}
#' \item{gamma_mcmc}{The iter x K x J array of probability of pathway being
#' activated estimated in every iteration of MCMC.} \item{kappa_mcmc}{The iter
#' x K x J array of pathway activation level (adjusted beta scaling between 0
#' and 1) estimated in every iteration of MCMC.)} \item{S_mcmc}{The iter x G x
#' K array of signature estimated in every iteration of MCMC.}
#' \item{Delta_mcmc}{The iter x G x K array of binary indicator of a gene being
#' significant estimated in every iteration of MCMC.}
#' @author Ying Shen
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' data(trainingData1)
#' data(testData1)
#' data(geneList1)
#' trainingLabel1 <- list(control = list(bcat=1:10, e2f3=1:10, myc=1:10, 
#'                                       ras=1:10, src=1:10), 
#'                        bcat = 11:19, e2f3 = 20:28, myc= 29:38, 
#'                        ras = 39:48, src = 49:55)
#' processed.data <- assign.preprocess(trainingData=trainingData1, 
#' testData=testData1, trainingLabel=trainingLabel1, geneList=geneList1)
#' }
#' mcmc.chain <- assign.mcmc(Y=processed.data$testData_sub, Bg = processed.data$B_vector, 
#' X=processed.data$S_matrix, Delta_prior_p = processed.data$Pi_matrix, iter = 20, 
#' adaptive_B=TRUE, adaptive_S=FALSE, mixture_beta=TRUE)
#' @export assign.mcmc
assign.mcmc <- function(Y, Bg, X, Delta_prior_p, iter=2000, adaptive_B=TRUE, adaptive_S=FALSE, mixture_beta=TRUE, sigma_sZero = 0.01, sigma_sNonZero = 1, p_beta = 0.01, sigma_bZero = 0.01, sigma_bNonZero = 1, alpha_tau = 1, beta_tau = 0.01, Bg_zeroPrior=TRUE, S_zeroPrior=FALSE, ECM = FALSE)
  cat("Start Gibbs sampling...\n")
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  n <- NROW(Y)
  k <- NCOL(Y)
  S <- as.matrix(X)
  m <- NCOL(S)
  #prior of B
  if (adaptive_B == FALSE){
    mu_B_0 <- Bg
  } else {
    if (Bg_zeroPrior == TRUE){
      mu_B_0 <- rep(0,n)
    } else {
      mu_B_0 <- Bg
  s_B_0 <- rep(10^2, n)
  s_B_0_inv <- 1 / (s_B_0)
  sB0_inv_muB0 <-  s_B_0_inv * mu_B_0
  # prior of S 
  if (adaptive_S == FALSE){
    S_0 <- S
  } else {
    if (S_zeroPrior == TRUE){
      S_0 <- matrix(0,n,m)
    } else {
      S_0 <- S
  sigma_s1 <- sigma_sZero
  sigma_s2 <- sigma_sNonZero
  # prior of beta
  p_beta <- p_beta
  sigma_b1 <- sigma_bZero
  sigma_b2 <- sigma_bNonZero
  odds_beta <- (1-p_beta)/p_beta
  onesMK <- matrix(rep(1,m*k),m,k)
  # prior of delta
  p_delta <- Delta_prior_p
  odds <- (1-p_delta)/p_delta
  onesNM <- matrix(rep(1,n*m),n,m)
  # prior of tau
  u <- alpha_tau
  v <- beta_tau
  P_B <- matrix(nrow=iter, ncol=n)
  P_S <- array(dim=c(iter,n,m))
  P_delta <- array(dim=c(iter,n,m))
  P_delta_pr <- array(dim=c(iter,n,m))
  P_beta <- array(dim=c(iter, m,k))
  P_gamma <- array(dim=c(iter, m,k))
  P_kappa <- array(dim=c(iter, m,k))
  P_gamma_pr <- 	array(dim=c(iter, m,k))
  P_tau2 <- matrix(nrow=iter, ncol=n)
  #initial values
  if (adaptive_B == TRUE){
    B_temp <- rtnorm(n,0,1,lower=0)
  } else {
    B_temp <- mu_B_0
  if (adaptive_S == TRUE){
    S_temp <- S 
  } else {
    S_temp <- S_0
  delta_temp <- matrix(rbern(onesNM, p_delta), n, m)
  delta_pr_temp <- p_delta
  beta_temp <- matrix(0,m,k)
  if (mixture_beta == TRUE){
    gamma_temp <- matrix(rbern(onesMK,p_beta), m, k)
    gamma_pr_temp <- matrix(p_beta, m, k)
  } else {
    gamma_temp <- matrix(rep(1, m*k), m, k)
    gamma_pr_temp <- matrix(rep(1, m*k), m, k)
  kappa_temp <- beta_temp * gamma_temp
  tau_temp <- rep(u/v, n)
  #update first row
  P_B[1, ] <- B_temp
  if (adaptive_S == TRUE){
    P_S[1, , ] <- S_temp
    P_delta[1, , ] <- delta_temp
    P_delta_pr[1, , ] <- delta_pr_temp
  P_beta[1, , ] <- beta_temp
  if (mixture_beta == TRUE){
    P_gamma[1, , ] <- gamma_temp
    P_gamma_pr[1, , ] <- gamma_pr_temp
  P_kappa[1, , ] <- kappa_temp
  P_tau2[1, ] <- tau_temp	
  for (i in 2:iter) {
    if(i %% 100 == 0){cat("iteration", i, "\n", sep=" ")}
    #update B
    if (adaptive_B == TRUE){
      tmp0 <- S_temp %*% beta_temp
      s_B_1 <- 1 / (k * tau_temp + s_B_0_inv)
      J <- apply(Y - tmp0, 1, sum)
      mu_B_1 <- s_B_1 * (tau_temp * J + sB0_inv_muB0)
      if(ECM == TRUE) {
        B_temp <- mu_B_1
      } else {
        B_temp <- rnorm(n, mu_B_1, sqrt(s_B_1))
    B_rep = matrix(rep(B_temp,k), n, k)
    Y_minus_B_rep <- Y - B_rep
    for (s in 1:m){
      if (m == 1){
        tmp1 <- S_temp[ ,s]^2*tau_temp
        tmp2 <- S_temp[ ,s]*tau_temp
        s_beta_0_inv <- 1 / ifelse(gamma_temp[s, ]==1, sigma_b2^2, sigma_b1^2)
        s_beta_1 <- 1/(sum(tmp1) + s_beta_0_inv)
        mu_beta_1 <- s_beta_1 * (colSums(tmp2*(Y-B_rep)))
      } else {
        tmp1 <- S_temp[ ,s]^2 * tau_temp	
        tmp2 <- S_temp[ ,s] * tau_temp	 
        tmp3 <- S_temp[,-s,drop=FALSE] %*% beta_temp[-s,,drop=FALSE]
        s_beta_0_inv <- 1 / ifelse(gamma_temp[s, ]==1, sigma_b2^2, sigma_b1^2)
        s_beta_1 <- 1/ (s_beta_0_inv + sum(tmp1))
        mu_beta_1 <- s_beta_1 * (t(tmp2) %*% (Y_minus_B_rep - tmp3))
      if (ECM == TRUE) {
        beta_temp[s, ] <- mu_beta_1 
      } else {
        if (mixture_beta == TRUE){
          lower <- ifelse(gamma_temp[s, ]==1, 0, -Inf)
          upper <- ifelse(gamma_temp[s,]==1, 1, Inf)
          beta_temp[s, ] <- rtnorm(k, mu_beta_1, sqrt(s_beta_1), lower, upper)
          kappa_temp[s, ] <- beta_temp[s, ] * gamma_temp[s, ]
        } else {
          beta_temp[s, ] <- rtnorm(k, mu_beta_1, sqrt(s_beta_1),lower=0,upper=1) 
    if (mixture_beta == TRUE){
      for (s in 1:m)
        gamma_b_div_a <- (pnorm(1) - pnorm(0)) * odds_beta * (sigma_b2 / sigma_b1) * exp(-1/2 *(beta_temp[s,]^2/sigma_b1^2 - beta_temp[s,]^2/sigma_b2^2))
        gamma_pr_temp[s, ] <- ifelse(beta_temp[s, ] < 0,  0, 1/(1+gamma_b_div_a))
        gamma_temp[s, ] <- rbern(k, gamma_pr_temp[s, ])
    #update S
    if (adaptive_S == TRUE){
      mu_S_0 <- ifelse(delta_temp==1, S_0, 0)
      sigma_s2=((i%%500+1)^2+1/sigma_sNonZero)/(i%%500+1)^2*sigma_sNonZero;sigma_s1=((i%%500+1)^2+1/sigma_sNonZero)/(i%%500+1)^2*sigma_sZero  ## add a little tempering every 500 iterations to not get stuck in local modes
      s_S_inv_0 <- 1 / ifelse(delta_temp==1, sigma_s2^2, sigma_s1^2)
      tmp4 <- s_S_inv_0 * mu_S_0
      s_S_inv_1 <- 1 / (as.matrix(tau_temp) %*% t(as.matrix(apply(beta_temp^2, 1, sum))) + s_S_inv_0)
      for (j in 1:m){
        E1 <-  Y_minus_B_rep - S_temp[,-j,drop=FALSE] %*% beta_temp[-j,,drop=FALSE]
        mu_S_1 <- s_S_inv_1[, j] *(tau_temp*(E1 %*% beta_temp[j, ]) + tmp4[, j]) 
        lower <- ifelse(mu_S_0[,j]>0, 0, -Inf)
        upper <- ifelse(mu_S_0[,j]>=0, Inf, 0)
        S_temp[,j] <- rtnorm(n, mu_S_1, sqrt(s_S_inv_1[, j]),lower, upper)
      # update delta
      delta_b_div_a <- (sigma_s2 / sigma_s1) * odds * exp(-1/2 *(S_temp^2/sigma_s1^2 - (S_temp - S)^2/sigma_s2^2))
      delta_pr_temp <- 1/(1+delta_b_div_a)
      delta_temp <- matrix(rbern(onesNM, 1/(1+delta_b_div_a)), n, m)
    # update tau
    tmp5 <- S_temp %*% beta_temp
    res <- Y_minus_B_rep - tmp5
    un <- u + k/2
    vn <- apply((res)^2, 1, sum)/2 + v
    tau_temp <- rgamma(n,un,vn)
    # update
    if (adaptive_B == TRUE){
      P_B[i, ] <- B_temp
    if (adaptive_S == TRUE){
      P_S[i, , ] <- S_temp
      P_delta[i, , ] <- delta_temp
      P_delta_pr[i, , ] <- delta_pr_temp
    P_beta[i, , ] <- beta_temp
    if (mixture_beta == TRUE){
      P_gamma[i, , ] <- gamma_temp
      P_gamma_pr[i, , ] <- gamma_pr_temp
    P_kappa[i, , ] <- kappa_temp
    P_tau2[i, ] <- tau_temp
  rtlist <- list(beta_mcmc = P_beta,  tau2_mcmc = P_tau2)
  if (adaptive_B == TRUE){
    rtlist <- c(rtlist, list(B_mcmc = P_B))
  if (mixture_beta == TRUE){
    rtlist <- c(rtlist, list(gamma_mcmc = P_gamma, kappa_mcmc = P_kappa))
  if (adaptive_S == TRUE){
    rtlist <- c(rtlist, list(S_mcmc = P_S, Delta_mcmc = P_delta))
wevanjohnson/ASSIGN documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:21 a.m.