Man pages for wikipathways/rWikiPathways
rWikiPathways - R client library for the WikiPathways API

downloadPathwayArchiveDownload Pathway Archive
findPathwayIdsByLiteratureFind Pathway WPIDs By Literature
findPathwayIDsByOrcidFind Pathway WPIDs By ORCID
findPathwayIdsByTextFind Pathway WPIDs By Text
findPathwayIdsByXrefFind Pathway WPIDs By Xref
findPathwayNamesByLiteratureFind Pathway Names By Literature
findPathwayNamesByOrcidFind Pathway Names By ORCID
findPathwayNamesByTextFind Pathway Names By Text
findPathwayNamesByXrefFind Pathway Names By Xref
findPathwaysByLiteratureFind Pathways By Literature
findPathwaysByOrcidFind Pathways By ORCID
findPathwaysByTextFind Pathways By Text
findPathwaysByXrefFind Pathways By Xref
findPathwayUrlsByLiteratureFind Pathway URLs By Literature
findPathwayUrlsByOrcidFind Pathway URLs By ORCID
findPathwayUrlsByTextFind Pathway URLs By Text
findPathwayUrlsByXrefFind Pathway URLs By Xref
getCountsGet Counts for WikiPathways Stats
getCurationStatusGet Curation Status of a Pathway
getCurationTagNamesDEPRECATED: Get Curation Tag Names on a Pathway
getCurationTagsDEPRECATED: Get Curation Tags on a Pathway
getEveryCurationTagDEPRECATED: Get Every Instance of a Curation Tag
getOntologyTermIdsGet Ontology Term IDs by Pathway
getOntologyTermNamesGet Ontology Term Names by Pathway
getOntologyTermsGet Ontology Terms by Pathway
getPathwayGet Pathway
getPathwayHistoryGet Pathway History
getPathwayIdsByCommunityGet Pathway IDs By Community
getPathwayIdsByCurationTagDEPRECATED: Get Pathway WPIDs by Curation Tag
getPathwayIdsByOntologyTermGet Pathway WPIDs by Ontology Term
getPathwayIdsByParentOntologyTermGet Pathway WPIDs by Parent Ontology Term
getPathwayInfoGet Pathway Info
getPathwayNamesByCommunityGet Pathway Names By Community
getPathwaysByCommunityGet Pathways By Community
getPathwaysByCurationTagDEPRECATED: Get Pathways by Curation Tag
getPathwaysByOntologyTermGet Pathways by Ontology Term
getPathwaysByParentOntologyTermGet Pathways by Parent Ontology Term
getPathwayUrlsByCommunityGet Pathway URLs By Community
getRecentChangesGet Recent Changes
getRecentChangesIdsGet WPIDs of Recent Changes
getRecentChangesNamesGet Pathway Names of Recent Changes
getXrefListGet Xref List
listCommunitiesList Communities
listOrganismsList Organisms
listPathwayIdsList Pathway WPIDs
listPathwayNamesList Pathway Names
listPathwaysList Pathways
listPathwayUrlsList Pathway URLs
readGMTRead GMT File
readGMTnamesRead GMT File for Names
readPathwayGMTRead Pathway GMT File
wikipathwaysAPIDEPRECATED: Open Swagger docs for WikiPathways API
wikipathwaysGETDEPRECATED: WikiPathways GET
writeGMTWrite GMT File
wikipathways/rWikiPathways documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 12:31 p.m.