
Defines functions openSRM

Documented in openSRM

#' Open SRM Files
#' Open and parse SRM files into an `S4` SRM Object
#' @param files a character vector of absolute file paths of SRM files in `.mzML` format
#' @param backend a character string of either `mzR` (Default) or `q3ML`. `q3ML` should only be used as a backend for files
#' which have been converted using a version of pwiz which is not supported by `mzR`,
#' @param parallel logical; if `TRUE` then `future_map` is used for opening files
#' @return an SRM object
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

openSRM <-
           backend = 'mzR',
           parallel = FALSE)
    # map over input files and open with mzR
    if (parallel == FALSE) {
      if (backend == 'mzR') {
        opentmp <- purrr::map(files, ~ {
          mzR::openMSfile(., backend = "pwiz")

        # map over inputs and extract chromatograms
        chromtmp <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {

        # extract chromatogram headers. this replaces old xml2 parsing code. Most cvParams are now supported by mzR
        file_hdrs <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {

      if (backend == 'q3ML') {
        opentmp <- purrr::map(files, q3ML::openFile)

        chromtmp <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {

        file_hdrs <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {


    if (parallel == TRUE) {

      if (backend == 'mzR') {
        opentmp <- furrr::future_map(files, ~ {
          mzR::openMSfile(., backend = "pwiz")

        # map over inputs and extract chromatograms
        chromtmp <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {

        # extract chromatogram headers. this replaces old xml2 parsing code. Most cvParams are now supported by mzR
        file_hdrs <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {

      if (backend == 'q3ML') {
        opentmp <- furrr::future_map(files, q3ML::openFile)

        chromtmp <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {

        file_hdrs <- purrr::map(opentmp, ~ {



    # extract transition names from the chromatograms
    transition_names <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(chromtmp)) {
      transition_names[[i]] <-
        purrr::map_chr(chromtmp[[i]], ~ {

    # iterate over files + chromatograms and convert rt-int matrices to named tibbles
    chromtib <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(chromtmp)) {
      chromtib[[i]] <-
        purrr::map(chromtmp[[i]], tibble::as_tibble, .name_repair = 'minimal') %>% purrr::map(., dplyr::select, rt = 1, int = 2)

    # iterate over chromatogram tibbles and add fileName as sample identifier
    for (i in seq_along(chromtib)) {
      chromtib[[i]] <-
        purrr::map(chromtib[[i]], ~ {
          dplyr::mutate(., sampleID = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(files[[i]]),compression = TRUE))


    # iterate over chromatogram tibbles and add transition name as identifier

    for (i in seq_along(chromtib)) {
      for (k in seq_along(chromtib[[i]])) {
        chromtib[[i]][[k]] <-
          chromtib[[i]][[k]] %>% tibble::add_column(., filter = file_hdrs[[i]]$chromatogramId[k])

    # create a long format tibble of all the peak data
    peak_table <-
      unlist(chromtib, recursive = FALSE) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()

    # remove file extensions
    peak_table <- dplyr::mutate(
      sampleID = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(sampleID),compression = TRUE)

    object <- new("SRM")
    object@chroms <- peak_table

    names(file_hdrs) <- basename(files)

    # create a tidy tibble of file headers
    file_hdrs_clean <-
      purrr::map(file_hdrs, ~ {
          filter = .$chromatogramId,
          polarity = .$polarity,
          Q1 = .$precursorIsolationWindowTargetMZ,
          Q3 = .$productIsolationWindowTargetMZ,
          CE = .$precursorCollisionEnergy

    for (i in seq_along(file_hdrs_clean)) {
      file_hdrs_clean[[i]] <-
          sampleID = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(files[[i]]),compression = TRUE),
          .before = 'filter'

    file_hdrs_clean <-
      file_hdrs_clean %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>% dplyr::mutate(polarity = replace(polarity, polarity == 0, '-')) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(polarity = replace(polarity, polarity == 1, '+')) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(polarity = replace(polarity, polarity == -1, 'TIC'))

    clean_transition <- unlist(format_scan_header(file_hdrs_clean))

    file_hdrs_clean <-
      file_hdrs_clean %>% dplyr::mutate(transition = clean_transition) %>%
      dplyr::filter(filter != 'TIC')

    object@transitions <-
      file_hdrs_clean %>% dplyr::select(transition, filter) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>% dplyr::filter(filter != 'TIC')

    object@chroms <-
      object@chroms %>% dplyr::filter(filter != 'TIC')

    InstrumentModel <- detectInstrumentModel(files[1])

    if(stringr::str_detect(InstrumentModel, 'Shimadzu')) {
      object@chroms$rt <- object@chroms$rt / 60

    object@transitions <-
      object@transitions %>% dplyr::mutate(index = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(.)))

    tic_bpi <-
      object@chroms %>% dplyr::group_by(sampleID, filter) %>% dplyr::summarise(tic = sum(int), bpi = max(int)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()

    object@header <-
      dplyr::full_join(tic_bpi, file_hdrs_clean, by = c('sampleID', 'filter'))

    meta_tibble <-
      purrr::map(files, ~ {
      }) %>% purrr::map(., ~ {
        tidyr::spread(., name, value)
      }) %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>% dplyr::mutate(sample_n = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(.))) %>%
      dplyr::select(sampleID, sample_n, Datestamp, Timestamp, Instrument, Schema)

    meta_ext <- tools::file_ext(meta_tibble$sampleID)

    meta_tibble$sampleID <-
      stringr::str_remove_all(meta_tibble$sampleID, paste0('.', meta_ext))

    object@meta <- meta_tibble


wilsontom/sRm documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 7:19 a.m.