Man pages for wiscstatman/EBSeq
An R package for gene and isoform differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data

beta.momFit the beta distribution by method of moments
crit_funCalculate the soft threshold for a target FDR
DenNHistDensity plot to compare the empirical q's and the simulated...
EBMultiTestUsing EM algorithm to calculate the posterior probabilities...
EBSeq_NingLeng-packageEBSeq: RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis on both gene...
EBSeqTestEBSeq core
EBTestUsing EM algorithm to calculate the posterior probabilities...
f0The Prior Predictive Distribution of being EE
f1The Prior Predictive Distribution of being DE
GeneMatThe simulated data for two condition gene DE analysis
GetDEResultsObtain Differential Expression Analysis Results in a...
GetMultiFCCalculate the Fold Changes for Multiple Conditions
GetMultiPPPosterior Probability of Each Transcript
GetNgNg Vector
GetNormalizedMatCalculate normalized expression matrix
GetPatternsGenerate all possible patterns in a multiple condition study
GetPPMatPosterior Probability of Transcripts
GetSelectedPatternsGet selected patterns in a multiple condition study
IsoListThe simulated data for two condition isoform DE analysis
IsoMultiListThe simulated data for multiple condition isoform DE analysis
LikefunLikelihood Function of the NB-Beta Model
LikefunMultiLikelihood Function of the NB-Beta Model In Multiple...
LogNThe function to run EM (one round) algorithm for the NB-beta...
LogNMultiEM algorithm for the NB-beta model in the multiple condition...
MedianNormMedian Normalization
MultiGeneMatThe simulated data for multiple condition gene DE analysis
PlotPatternVisualize the patterns
PlotPostVsRawFCPlot Posterior FC vs FC
PolyFitPlotFit the mean-var relationship using polynomial regression
PostFCCalculate the posterior fold change for each transcript...
QQPThe Quantile-Quantile Plot to compare the empirical q's and...
QuantileNormQuantile Normalization
RankNormRank Normalization
wiscstatman/EBSeq documentation built on June 3, 2023, 7:34 a.m.