
Defines functions Resistance.Opt_multi.cov

#' Optimize multiple resistance surfaces simultaneously with more than one predictor variable
#' Create composite resistance surface by simultaneously optimizing multiple categorical and continuous surfaces. This optimization function is designed to be called from GA
#' @param PARM Parameters to transform continuous surface or resistance values of categorical surface. Should be a vector with parameters specified in the order of resistance surfaces. These values are selected during optimization if called within GA function.
#' @param CS.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{CS.prep}} function. Defined if optimizing using CIRCUITSCAPE
#' @param gdist.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{gdist.prep}} function. Defined if optimizing using gdistance
#' @param jl.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{jl.prep}} function. Defined if optimizing using CIRCUITSCAPE run in Julia
#' @param GA.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{GA.prep}} function
#' @param Min.Max Define whether the optimization function should minimized ('min') or maximized ('max')
#' @param quiet Logical, if TRUE, AICc and iteration time will not be printed to the screen at the completion of each iteration. Default = FALSE
#' @return Objective function value (either AIC, R2, or LL) from mixed effect model
#' @noRd
#' @author Bill Peterman <Peterman.73@@osu.edu>
Resistance.Opt_multi.cov <- function(PARM,
                                     CS.inputs = NULL,
                                     gdist.inputs = NULL,
                                     jl.inputs = NULL,
                                     quiet = FALSE) {
  t1 <- proc.time()[3]
  method <- GA.inputs$method
  EXPORT.dir <- GA.inputs$Write.dir
  #   r <- GA.inputs$Resistance.stack
  File.name = "resist_surface"
  # CIRCUITSCAPE ------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(CS.inputs)) {
    r <-
        PARM = PARM,
        CS.inputs = CS.inputs,
        GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
        out = NULL,
        File.name = File.name,
        rescale = FALSE
    # if(cellStats(r, "mean") == 0) { # Skip iteration
    if(mean(r@data@values, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) { # Skip iteration
      obj.func.opt <- -99999
    if(!exists('obj.func.opt')) {
      CS.resist <- try(Run_CS2(
        r = r
      ), TRUE)
    if(exists('CS.resist') && isTRUE(class(CS.resist) == 'try-error')) {
      obj.func.opt <- -99999
    if(exists('CS.resist') && isTRUE(class(CS.resist) != 'try-error')) { # Continue with iteration
      # Replace NA with 0...a workaround for errors when two points fall within the same cell.
      # CS.resist[is.na(CS.resist)] <- 0
      # Run mixed effect model on each Circuitscape effective resistance
      dat <- CS.inputs$df
      dat$cd <- scale(CS.resist)
      fit.mod <-  mlpe_rga(formula = CS.inputs$formula,
                           data = dat,
                           ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ,
                           REML = FALSE)
      # Run mixed effect model on each Circuitscape effective resistance
      if(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)['cd'] < 0) {
        obj.func.opt <- -99999
      } else {
        if (method == "AIC") {
          obj.func <- suppressWarnings(AIC(
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func * -1
        } else if (method == "R2") {
          obj.func <-
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
        } else {
          obj.func <- suppressWarnings(logLik(
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      } # Positive parameter value
      # if (method == "AIC") {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(AIC(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = CS.resist,
      #       response = CS.inputs$response,
      #       ID = CS.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func * -1
      # } else if (method == "R2") {
      #   obj.func <-
      #     suppressWarnings(r.squaredGLMM(
      #       MLPE.lmm2(
      #         resistance = CS.resist,
      #         response = CS.inputs$response,
      #         ID = CS.inputs$ID,
      #         ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ,
      #         REML = FALSE
      #       )
      #     ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      # } else {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(logLik(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = CS.resist,
      #       response = CS.inputs$response,
      #       ID = CS.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      # }
  # gdistance ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(gdist.inputs)) {
    r <-
        PARM = PARM,
        gdist.inputs = gdist.inputs,
        GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
        out = NULL,
        File.name = File.name,
        rescale = FALSE
    # if(cellStats(r, "mean") == 0) { # Skip iteration
    if(mean(r@data@values, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) { # Skip iteration      
      obj.func.opt <- -99999
    if(!exists('obj.func.opt')) {
      cd <- try(Run_gdistance(gdist.inputs, r), TRUE)
    if(exists('cd') && isTRUE(class(cd) == 'try-error')) {
      obj.func.opt <- -99999
    if(exists('cd') && isTRUE(class(cd) != 'try-error')) { # Continue with iteration
      dat <- gdist.inputs$df
      dat$cd <- scale(c(cd))
      fit.mod <-  mlpe_rga(formula = gdist.inputs$formula,
                           data = dat,
                           ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ,
                           REML = FALSE)
      if(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)['cd'] < 0) {
        obj.func.opt <- -99999
      } else {
        if (method == "AIC") {
          obj.func <- suppressWarnings(AIC(
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func * -1
        } else if (method == "R2") {
          obj.func <-
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
        } else {
          obj.func <- suppressWarnings(logLik(
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      } # Positive parameter value
      # if (method == "AIC") {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(AIC(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = cd,
      #       response = gdist.inputs$response,
      #       ID = gdist.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func * -1
      # } else if (method == "R2") {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(r.squaredGLMM(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = cd,
      #       response = gdist.inputs$response,
      #       ID = gdist.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      # } else {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(logLik(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = cd,
      #       response = gdist.inputs$response,
      #       ID = gdist.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      # }
      # rm(cd, r)
    } # End objective fun iteration
  } # End gdistance
  # Julia ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(jl.inputs)) {
    r <-
        PARM = PARM,
        jl.inputs = jl.inputs,
        GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
        out = NULL,
        File.name = File.name,
        rescale = FALSE
    # if(cellStats(r, "mean") == 0) { # Skip iteration
    if(mean(r@data@values, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) { # Skip iteration      
      obj.func.opt <- -99999
    if(!exists('obj.func.opt')) {
      cd <- try(Run_CS.jl(jl.inputs, r), TRUE)
    if(exists('cd') && isTRUE(class(cd) == 'try-error')) {
      obj.func.opt <- -99999
    if(exists('cd') && isTRUE(class(cd) != 'try-error')) { # Continue with iteration
      dat <- jl.inputs$df
      dat$cd <- scale(cd)
      fit.mod <-  mlpe_rga(formula = jl.inputs$formula,
                           data = dat,
                           ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
                           REML = FALSE)
      if(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)['cd'] < 0) {
        obj.func.opt <- -99999
      } else {
        if (method == "AIC") {
          obj.func <- suppressWarnings(AIC(
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func * -1
        } else if (method == "R2") {
          obj.func <-
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
        } else {
          obj.func <- suppressWarnings(logLik(
          obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      } # Positive parameter value
      # if (method == "AIC") {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(AIC(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = cd,
      #       response = jl.inputs$response,
      #       ID = jl.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func * -1
      # } else if (method == "R2") {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(r.squaredGLMM(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = cd,
      #       response =
      #         jl.inputs$response,
      #       ID = jl.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      # } else {
      #   obj.func <- suppressWarnings(logLik(
      #     MLPE.lmm2(
      #       resistance = cd,
      #       response = jl.inputs$response,
      #       ID = jl.inputs$ID,
      #       ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
      #       REML = FALSE
      #     )
      #   ))
      #   obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
      # }
    # if((exists('cd') & isTRUE(class(cd) == 'try-error')) || isTRUE(exists('obj.func.opt'))) {
    #   obj.func.opt <- -999992
    # } else { # Continue with iteration
    #   if (method == "AIC") {
    #     obj.func <- suppressWarnings(AIC(
    #       MLPE.lmm2(
    #         resistance = cd,
    #         response = jl.inputs$response,
    #         ID = jl.inputs$ID,
    #         ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
    #         REML = FALSE
    #       )
    #     ))
    #     obj.func.opt <- obj.func * -1
    #   } else if (method == "R2") {
    #     obj.func <- suppressWarnings(r.squaredGLMM(
    #       MLPE.lmm2(
    #         resistance = cd,
    #         response =
    #           jl.inputs$response,
    #         ID = jl.inputs$ID,
    #         ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
    #         REML = FALSE
    #       )
    #     ))
    #     obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
    #   } else {
    #     obj.func <- suppressWarnings(logLik(
    #       MLPE.lmm2(
    #         resistance = cd,
    #         response = jl.inputs$response,
    #         ID = jl.inputs$ID,
    #         ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
    #         REML = FALSE
    #       )
    #     ))
    #     obj.func.opt <- obj.func[[1]]
    #   }
    # }
  rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
  if (quiet == FALSE) {
    cat(paste0("\t", "Iteration took ", round(rt, digits = 2), " seconds"), "\n")
    cat(paste0("\t", method, " = ", round(obj.func.opt, 4)), "\n", "\n")
  if(!is.null(GA.inputs$opt.digits)) {
    obj.func.opt <- round(obj.func.opt, GA.inputs$opt.digits)
  } else {
wpeterman/ResistanceGA documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 11:50 p.m.