
# Assumptions: 
# subroutines are ended by the declaration "end subroutine"
# arguments are all on the initial subroutine line FIXME
# all input args are typed (no implicit declarations)

parse.fortran <- function(filename, format)
  raw <- readLines(filename)
  raw <- tolower(remove.comments(raw=raw))
  linenums <- find.linenums(raw=raw, format=format, filename=filename)
  sl <- linenums$sl
  el <- linenums$el
  ret <- list(length(sl))
  for (ind in 1L:length(sl))
    start <- sl[ind]
    end <- el[ind]
    subr <- raw[start:end]
    subr <- clean.subr(subr=subr)
    # name
    nm <- sub(x=subr[1L], perl=TRUE, pattern="^[subroutine ]*", replacement="")
    nm <- sub(x=nm, perl=TRUE, pattern="\\((.*)", replacement="")
    # arguments
    args <- get.args(subr=subr, format=format)
    args <- type.args(args=args, subr=subr, format=format)
    # C prototype
    vars <- paste(args, collapse=", ")
    prototype <- paste(nm, "_(", vars, ");", sep="")
    ret[ind] <- prototype
  return( ret )
wrathematics/f2cp documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:49 a.m.