
#' Scrape a game's play-by-play data
#' Connects the the given \code{url}, scrapes the play-by-play data, and interprets it as football plays.
#' @param url url of the website containing the data to parse, provided as a string
#' @return A \code{data.table} representing each play of the game as one row.
#' @examples
#' plays = parse.url("http://espn.go.com/ncf/playbyplay?gameId=400610325&period=0")
#' @export
parse.url <- function(url) {
    SaF <- options('stringsAsFactors')$stringsAsFactors
    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    data <- ExtractPlays(url)
    meta <- data$meta
    plays <- do.call('rbind', sapply(data$drives, function(x) x$plays, simplify=FALSE))
    # scores = pbp$scores
    # teams = colnames(pbp$scores)

    play_table = data.frame()
    raw_pbp = vector()

    for (k in 1:nrow(plays)) {
        #Get the already-established metadata:
        play <- plays[k,]
        play$carrier <- NA
        play$gain <- NA

        pbp <- play$pbp
        play <- parse.rush(pbp, play)
        play <- parse.pass(pbp, play)
        play <- parse.timeout(pbp, play)
        #Fumbles, penalties, touchdowns, first downs can happen on any play:
        play <- parse.sack(pbp, play)
        play <- parse.penalty(play, meta)
        play <- parse.fumble(play, meta)
        play <- parse.touchdown(play)
        play <- parse.special(play)
        play <- parse.first.down(pbp, play)
        play <- parse.interception(play)
        #Put scores in the table
        play$margin <- play$score.offense - play$score.defense
        play_table <- rbind(play_table, play)
    #Sacks should count against passing, not rushing. Consider anyone who threw at least two passes a QB:
    QBs = vector()
    for (qb in unique(play_table$passer)) {
        if (!is.na(qb) && sum(play_table$passer==qb, na.rm=TRUE)) {
            QBs = c(QBs, qb)
    #Now any non-positive rush for a QB should be a sack.
    sack_indx <- (play_table$rush & play_table$gain<=0 & play_table$carrier %in% QBs)
    play_table$rush[sack_indx] <- FALSE
    play_table$pass[sack_indx] <- TRUE
    play_table$complete[sack_indx] <- FALSE
    play_table$sack[sack_indx] <- TRUE
    play_table$passer[sack_indx] <- play_table$carrier[sack_indx]
    #Remove kickoffs, penalties, and other non-scrimmage plays from play numbering.
    scrimmage <- (play_table$rush | play_table$pass | play_table$FG | play_table$punt)
    PAT_play <- (play_table$PAT & !play_table$TD)
    play_table$playnum[!scrimmage] <- NA
    play_table$playnum[PAT_play] <- NA
    #Also make kickoffs the first play of the ensuing drive.
    koind = which(play_table$kickoff)
    for (l in rev(koind)) {
        if (l != nrow(play_table) && !is.na(play_table$drive[l+1]))
            play_table$drive[l] = play_table$drive[l+1]
    #Correct play numbering:
    for (l in unique(play_table$drive[!is.na(play_table$drive)])) {
        indx = (play_table$drive==l & !is.na(play_table$playnum))
        play_table$playnum[indx] = 1:sum(indx)
    #If a play has no down and distance, see if we can correct it:
    missing <- ((play_table$rush | play_table$pass | play_table$FG | play_table$punt) & is.na(play_table$down))
    for (m in missing) {
        if (m>1) {
            if (play_table$timeout[m-1] | play_table$penalty[m-1]) {
                play_table$down[m] = ifelse(!is.na(play_table$down[m]), play_table$down[m], play_table$down[m-1])
                play_table$dist[m] = ifelse(!is.na(play_table$dist[m]), play_table$dist[m], play_table$dist[m-1])
                play_table$togo[m] = ifelse(!is.na(play_table$togo[m]), play_table$togo[m], play_table$togo[m-1])
    # If penalty yards weren't acquired form the pbp code, impute them:
    indx <- play_table$penalty &
      is.na(play_table$penalty_dist) & 
      is.na(play_table$gain) & 
      play_table$poss == play_table$poss[c(2:nrow(play_table), nrow(play_table))] &
      play_table$half == play_table$half[c(2:nrow(play_table), nrow(play_table))]
    indx <- head(indx, length(indx) - 1) # don't bother with the final play of the game
    play_table$penalty_dist[indx] <- abs(play_table$dist[c(2:nrow(play_table), nrow(play_table))] - play_table$dist)[indx]
wrbrooks/pbp documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:59 a.m.