
Defines functions d_from_t_in

Documented in d_from_t_in

#' Obtain Cohen's *d* from Student's *t*
#' This function converts Student's *t* to Cohen's *d*.
#' The formula that is used is the following (see e.g. Lakens, 2013):
### Wolfgang & Simon:
### So, LaTeX math can just be used, like in regular manual files, see:
### https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Mathematics
### So: use \eqn or \dqn depending on whether you want inline or 'display';
### and specify two arguments, where the first is LaTeX for processing into
### PDF for the manual, and the second one ASCII for contexts that don't
### support e.g. MathJax:
#' \deqn{d= t \sqrt{(\frac{1}{n_1} + \frac{1}{n_2})}}{d=t*sqrt(1/n1 + 1/n2))}
#' @param t A numerical vector with one or more *t* values.
### @param df,n A numerical vector with the degrees of freedom (`df`) of `t` or
### the total sample size (`n`), which is \eqn{df + 2}. Either provide exactly
### one of `df` or `n`, and corresponding `proportion`s; *or* provide `n1`
### and `n1`. Note that the *n*th element of the `df` and `n` vectors must
### correspond to the *n*th element of the `t` vector.
#' @param n1,n2 A numerical vector with the sample sizes of the two groups
#' formed by the dichotomous variable. Note that the *n*th element of these
#' vectors must correspond to the *n*th element of the `t` vector.
### @param proportion A numerical vector with the proportion of participants
### in the first (or therefore, implicitly, second) group; must be specified
### if `df` or `n` is specified.  Note that the *n*th element of this vector
### must correspond to the *n*th element of the `t` vector.
#' @param assumeHomoscedacity Whether Student's t is used (assuming equal
#' variances, or homoscedacity), or Welch's t (assuming unequal variances,
#' or heteroscedacity). Note that if the variance in the two groups is not
#' equal, as yet, no method exists for this conversion.
#' @param biasCorrect Logical to indicate if the *d*-values should be
#' bias-corrected. Can also be a vector.
#' @param stopOnErrors On which errors to stop (see the manual page for [escalc::opts()] for more details).
#' @return A data frame with in the first column, Cohen's `d` values, and
#' in the second column, the corresponding variances.
#' @references Lakens, D. (2013) Calculating and reporting effect sizes to
#' facilitate cumulative science: a practical primer for t-tests and ANOVAs.
#' *Frontiers in Psychology, 4*, p. 863. \doi{10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00863}
#' @examples
#' escalc::d_from_t_in(t = 2.828427,
#'                     n1 = 126,
#'                     n2 = 89);
#' @export
d_from_t_in <- function(t,
                        assumeHomoscedacity = TRUE,
                        biasCorrect = FALSE,
                        stopOnErrors = opts$get(stopOnErrors)) {

  ### Argument checking

  ###---------------------------------------------------------------- t, n1, n2
  ### Argument-checking - Check presence
  ###---------------------------------------------------------------- t, n1, n2
  if (missing(t)) {
    ### The .errmsg function always stops if arguments are missing.
            callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),
  if (missing(n1)) {
    ### The .errmsg function always stops if arguments are missing.
            callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),
  if (missing(n2)) {
    ### The .errmsg function always stops if arguments are missing.
            callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),
  ### Retained just in case, for now
  # ###-------------------------------------------------------------------- df, n
  # ### Argument checking - Check redundancy
  # ###-------------------------------------------------------------------- df, n
  # if (!missing(df) && (!missing(n))) {
  #   stop(.errmsg(argumentRedundancy=list(argNames1='df',
  #                                        argNames2='n'),
  #                callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  # }
  # ###---------------------------------------------------------------- n, n1 & n2
  # ### Argument checking - Check redundancy
  # ###---------------------------------------------------------------- n, n1 & n2
  # if (!missing(n) && (!missing(n1) || !missing(n2))) {
  #   stop(.errmsg(argumentRedundancy=list(argNames1='n',
  #                                        argNames2=c('n1', 'n2')),
  #                callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  # }
  # ###-------------------------------------------------------------- df, n1 & n2
  # ### Argument checking - Check redundancy
  # ###-------------------------------------------------------------- df, n1 & n2
  # if (!missing(df) && (!missing(n1) || !missing(n2))) {
  #   stop(.errmsg(argumentRedundancy=list(argNames1='df',
  #                                        argNames2=c('n1', 'n2')),
  #                callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  # }
  # ###------------------------------------------------------------------------ t
  # ### Argument-checking - Check NA, NULL, and class
  # ###------------------------------------------------------------------------ t
  # if (is.null(t) || is.na(t)) {
  #   stop(.errmsg(cantBeNullOrNA=list(argName='t',
  #                                    argVal = t),
  #                callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  # } else if (!is.numeric(t)) {
  #   stop(.errmsg(wrongType=list(argName='t',
  #                               providedType=class(t),
  #                               requiredType='numeric'),
  #                callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  # }
  # ###--------------------------------------------------------------- proportion
  # ### Argument-checking - Check presence
  # ###--------------------------------------------------------------- proportion
  # if (!missing(df) || !missing(n)) {
  #   ### Check whether `proportion` was provided
  #   if (missing(proportion) || is.null(proportion) || is.na(proportion)) {
  #     stop(.errmsg(conditionalMissing=list(provided='df',
  #                                          missing='proportion'),
  #                  callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   ### df and n are missing
  #   if (missing(n1) || missing(n2)) {
  #     stop(.errmsg(conditionalMissing=list(provided=c('t'),
  #                                          missing=list('df',
  #                                                       'n',
  #                                                       c('n1', 'n2'))),
  #                  callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  #   }
  # }
  # ###----------------------------------------------------------------------- df
  # ### Argument checking - Check valid values
  # ###----------------------------------------------------------------------- df
  # if (!missing(df)) {
  #   if (!(is.numeric(df) && (all(df > 2)))) {
  #     stop(.errmsg(invalidValue=list(argName="df",
  #                                    argVal=df,
  #                                    validValues="higher than 2"),
  #                  callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  #   }
  # }
  # ###--------------------------------------------------------------- proportion
  # ### Argument checking - Check valid values
  # ###--------------------------------------------------------------- proportion
  # if (!missing(proportion)) {
  #   if (any((proportion * (df + 2)) < 2)) {
  #     stop(.errmsg(invalidValueCombo=
  #                    list(argName=c("df", "proportion"),
  #                         argVal=c(df, proportion),
  #                         validValues=paste0("the product of ",
  #                                            "proportion and (df+2) ",
  #                                             "must be larger than 2")),
  #                  callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  #   }
  # }

  ###--------------------------------------------------------------- t, n1 & n2
  ### Argument checking: lengths
  ###--------------------------------------------------------------- t, n1 & n2

  ### Repeat vectors with length of 1
  if (length(t) == 1) {
    t <- rep(t, max(c(length(n1),
  if (length(n1) == 1) {
    n1 <- rep(n1, max(c(length(t),
  if (length(n2) == 1) {
    n2 <- rep(n2, max(c(length(t),

  #if (!missing(n1) && !missing(n2)) {
  argLengths <- c(length(t), length(n2), length(n2));
  if (length(unique(argLengths)) > 1) {
    stop(.errmsg(differentLengths =
                   list(argNames=c("t", "n1", "n2"),
                 callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))

  # ### ------------------------------------------------------- t, df & proportion
  # ### Argument checking: lengths
  # ### ------------------------------------------------------- t, df & proportion
  # if (!missing(df)) {
  #   argLengths <- c(length(t), length(df), length(proportion));
  #   if (length(unique(argLengths)) > 1) {
  #     stop(.errmsg(differentLengths =
  #                    list(argNames=c("t", "df", "proportion"),
  #                         argLengths=argLengths),
  #                  callingFunction = .curfnfinder()))
  #   }
  # }

  # ###---------------------------------------------------------- df & proportion
  # ### Argument preprocessing
  # ###---------------------------------------------------------- df & proportion
  # if (!missing(df)) {
  #   n1 <-      proportion  * (df + 2);
  #   n2 <- (1 - proportion) * (df + 2);
  # }
  # ###----------------------------------------------------------- n & proportion
  # ### Argument preprocessing
  # ###----------------------------------------------------------- n & proportion
  # if (!missing(n)) {
  #   n1 <-      proportion  * n;
  #   n2 <- (1 - proportion) * n;
  # }

  ###  Actual functionality
  ###  At this point, we *must* have (with valid values):
  ###   - t
  ###   - n1
  ###   - n2
  ###   ~ assumeHomoscedacity (has a default value)
  ###   ~ biasCorrect (has a default value)

  ### Set empty error stack; we will add any errors we encounter to this list.
  errorStack <- character(length(t))
  ### Check for missing values, and if any are encountered, either
  ### throw an error, or store that reason in the error stack.
  errorStack <-
                                                        argVal = t),
                                    callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),
  errorStack <-
                                                        argVal = n1),
                                    callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),
  errorStack <-
                                                        argVal = n2),
                                    callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),
  ### Check whether homoscedacity should be assumed, and throw an
  ### error if need be.
  if (!assumeHomoscedacity) {
    errorStack <-
             .functionalityNotImplementedMsg(conversion = "d from an independent t-test with Welch's t",
                                             reason = "nonexistent",
                                             callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),
                                             stopOnErrors = stopOnErrors));

  ### Effect size point estimate

  ### Updated to reflect http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00863/full
  #   multiplier <- sqrt(((groupSize1 + groupSize2) / (groupSize1 * groupSize2)) *
  #                        ((groupSize1 + groupSize2) / (groupSize1 + groupSize2 - 2)))

  multiplier <- sqrt((1 / n1) + (1 / n2))

  d <- t * multiplier

  d <- ifelse(biasCorrect, cmicalc(n1 + n2 - 2), 1) * d

  ### Effect size variance

  # https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/144084/variance-of-cohens-d-statistic
  dVar <- ((n1 + n2) / (n1 * n2)) + ((d^2) / (2*(n1+n2)))

  ### Set minimal error message for any remaining missing values that do not
  ### yet have an explanation added to the error stack
  .debugMsg("In `d_from_t_in`, stopOnErrors=", stopOnErrors);
  errorStack <-
                     ifelse((is.na(d) | is.na(dVar)) & (nchar(errorStack) == 0),
                            .minimalMissingMessage(d, dVar,
                                                   callingFunction = .curfnfinder(),

  ###  Prepare dataframe and return result

  return(stats::setNames(data.frame(d, dVar, errorStack),
wviechtb/escalc documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 4:14 p.m.