
Defines functions `$<-.list.rma` as.matrix.list.rma as.data.frame.list.rma

Documented in as.data.frame.list.rma as.matrix.list.rma


"[.list.rma" <- function(x, i, ...) { # removed j argument (see below), so can only select rows, not columns

   out <- x

   attr(out, "class") <- NULL

   slab.pos <- which(names(out) == "slab")

   if (!missing(i)) { # for X and Z element
      mf <- match.call()
      i <- .getx("i", mf=mf, data=x) # not sure about the consequences of using this
      out[seq_len(slab.pos-1)] <- lapply(out[seq_len(slab.pos-1)], function(r) if (inherits(r, "matrix")) r[i,,drop=FALSE] else r[i])

   ### catch cases where user selects values outside 1:k

   if (length(out[[1]]) == 0L)

   #out <- out[j] # this causes all kinds of problems, so left out for now (TODO: check if this is really a problem)

   out$slab <- x$slab[i]

   ### slab can only contain NAs if user selects values outside 1:k

   if (anyNA(out$slab))

   out$digits <- x$digits
   out$transf <- x$transf
   out$method <- x$method

   class(out) <- "list.rma"



as.data.frame.list.rma <- function(x, ...) {

   attr(x, "class") <- NULL

   ### remove cr.lb and cr.ub (in case they are there)

   x$cr.lb <- NULL
   x$cr.ub <- NULL

   ### turn all vectors before the slab vector into a data frame

   slab.pos <- which(names(x) == "slab")
   out <- x[seq_len(slab.pos-1)]
   out <- data.frame(out, row.names=x$slab, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

   ### in case all values were NA and have been omitted

   if (nrow(out) == 0L)

   ### if transf exists and is TRUE, set SEs to NULL so that column is omitted from the output

   if (exists("transf", where=x, inherits=FALSE) && x$transf)
      out$se <- NULL




as.matrix.list.rma <- function(x, ...) {

   attr(x, "class") <- NULL

   ### remove cr.lb and cr.ub (in case they are there)

   x$cr.lb <- NULL
   x$cr.ub <- NULL

   ### turn all vectors before the slab vector into a matrix

   slab.pos <- which(names(x) == "slab")
   out <- x[seq_len(slab.pos-1)]
   out <- do.call(cbind, out)
   rownames(out) <- x$slab

   ### if transf exists and is TRUE, set SEs to NULL so that column is omitted from the output

   if (exists("transf", where=x, inherits=FALSE) && x$transf)
      out <- out[,-which(colnames(out) == "se")]




### like utils:::head.data.frame and utils:::tail.data.frame,
### but with nrow(x) replaced by length(x[[1]])

head.list.rma <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) {

   stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)

   n <- if (n < 0L)  {
      max(length(x[[1]]) + n, 0L)
   } else {
      min(n, length(x[[1]]))

   x[seq_len(n), , drop = FALSE]


tail.list.rma <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) {

   stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)

   nrx <- length(x[[1]])

   n <- if (n < 0L) {
      max(nrx + n, 0L)
   } else {
      min(n, nrx)

   x[seq.int(to = nrx, length.out = n), , drop = FALSE]



`$<-.list.rma` <- function(x, name, value) {

   if (name %in% names(x)) {

      x[[name]] <- value

   } else {

      slab.pos <- which(names(x) == "slab")

      out <- list()

      for (i in seq_len(slab.pos-1)) {
         out[[i]] <- x[[i]]

      names(out) <- names(x)[seq_len(slab.pos-1)]

      out[[name]] <- value

      for (i in (slab.pos:length(x))) {
         out[[i+1]] <- x[[i]]

      names(out)[(slab.pos+1):(length(x)+1)] <- names(x)[slab.pos:length(x)]

      class(out) <- class(x)



wviechtb/metafor documentation built on July 12, 2024, 6:33 a.m.