
Defines functions .chkpd .coladj .is.dark .rsapicol2rgb .start.plot .coltail .chkconv .chkopt .getsubset .chksubset .mvrnorm .shorten .isFALSE .isTRUE .get.digits .set.digits .print.table .is.even .print.output .get.mstyle .setlab .all.specified .equal.length .chkviarg .chkclass .do.call .getfromenv .getx .chkdots .make.unique .print.time .get.footsym .space .addfootsym .print.vector .level .fcf .pval .expand1 .chkddd .matapply .is.numeric .is.matrix .is.stringint .is.vector .is.dummy .is.intercept .is.square .tr .sqrt .applyolim .psort .format.btt .set.btt


### function to set default 'btt' value(s) or check specified 'btt' values

.set.btt <- function(btt, p, int.incl, Xnames, fixed=FALSE) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   if (missing(btt) || is.null(btt)) {

      if (p > 1L) {                       # if the model matrix has more than one column
         if (int.incl) {
            btt <- seq.int(from=2, to=p)     # and the model has an intercept term, test all coefficients except the intercept
         } else {
            btt <- seq_len(p)                # and the model does not have an intercept term, test all coefficients
      } else {
         btt <- 1L                        # if the model matrix has a single column, test that single coefficient

   } else {

      if (is.character(btt)) {

         btt <- grep(btt, Xnames, fixed=fixed)

         if (length(btt) == 0L)
            stop(mstyle$stop("Cannot identify coefficient(s) corresponding to the specified 'btt' string."), call.=FALSE)

      } else {

         ### round, take unique values, sort, and turn into integer(s)
         btt <- as.integer(sort(unique(round(btt))))

         ### check for mix of positive and negative values
         if (any(btt < 0) && any(btt > 0))
            stop(mstyle$stop("Cannot mix positive and negative 'btt' values."), call.=FALSE)

         ### keep/remove from 1:p vector as specified
         btt <- seq_len(p)[btt]

         ### (1:5)[5:6] yields c(5, NA) so remove NAs if this happens
         btt <- btt[!is.na(btt)]

         ### make sure that at least one valid value is left
         if (length(btt) == 0L)
            stop(mstyle$stop("Non-existent coefficient(s) specified via 'btt'."), call.=FALSE)





### function to format 'btt' value(s) for printing

.format.btt <- function(btt) {

   sav <- c()

   if (length(btt) > 1L) {

      btt <- sort(btt)

      while (length(btt) > 0L) {

         x <- rle(diff(btt))

         if (x$values[1] == 1 && length(x$values) != 0L) {
            sav <- c(sav, c(btt[1], ":", btt[x$lengths[1] + 1]))
            btt <- btt[-c(1:(x$lengths[1] + 1))]
            #sav <- c(sav, ", ") # this adds a space between multiple a:b sets
            sav <- c(sav, ",")
         } else {
            sav <- c(sav, btt[1], ",")
            btt <- btt[-1]


      sav <- paste0(sav[-length(sav)], collapse="")

   } else {

      sav <- paste0(btt)





### pairwise sorting of the elements of two vectors

#.psort.old <- function(x, y) {
#   if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0L) # need to catch this
#      return(NULL)
#   if (missing(y)) {
#      if (is.matrix(x)) {
#         xy <- x
#      } else {
#         xy <- rbind(x) # in case x is just a vector
#      }
#   } else {
#      xy <- cbind(x,y)
#   }
#   n <- nrow(xy)
#   for (i in seq_len(n)) {
#      if (anyNA(xy[i,]))
#         next
#      xy[i,] <- sort(xy[i,])
#   }
#   colnames(xy) <- NULL
#   return(xy)

.psort <- function(x, y, as.list=FALSE) {

   # simpler / vectorized version that also deals with x and y being matrices
   # (of the same dimensions) for elementwise swapping of pairs as needed

   # t(apply(xy, 1, sort)) would be okay, but problematic if there are NAs;
   # either they are removed completely (na.last=NA) or they are always put
   # first/last (na.last=FALSE/TRUE); but we just want to leave the NAs in
   # their position!

   if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0L) # need to catch this

   if (missing(y)) {
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
         y <- x[,2]
         x <- x[,1]
      } else {
         y <- x[2]
         x <- x[1]

   flip <- x > y
   flip[is.na(flip)] <- FALSE

   x.flip <- x
   y.flip <- y

   x.flip[flip] <- y[flip]
   y.flip[flip] <- x[flip]

   if (as.list) {
      return(list(x=x.flip, y=y.flip))
   } else {
      return(unname(cbind(x.flip, y.flip)))



### function for applying observation limits

.applyolim <- function(x, olim) {
   x[x < olim[1]] <- olim[1]
   x[x > olim[2]] <- olim[2]


### function to take the square root of a vector of numbers, giving NA for negative numbers (without a warning)

.sqrt <- function(x)
   sapply(x, function(x) if (is.na(x) || x < 0) NA_real_ else sqrt(x))

### function to obtain the trace of a matrix

.tr <- function(X)

### function to check if a matrix is square

.is.square <- function(X)
   NROW(X) == NCOL(X)

### use NROW/NCOL to better deal with scalars; compare:
### (V <- list(matrix(1, nrow=2, ncol=2), 3, c(1,4), cbind(c(2,1)))); sapply(V, function(x) nrow(x) == ncol(x)); sapply(V, function(x) NROW(x) == NCOL(x))

### function to test whether a vector is all equal to 1s (e.g., to find intercept(s) in a model matrix)

.is.intercept <- function(x, eps=1e-08)
   return(all(abs(x - 1) < eps))

### function to test whether a vector is a dummy variable (i.e., consists of only 0s and 1s)

.is.dummy <- function(x, eps=1e-08)
   return(all(abs(x) < eps | abs(x - 1) < eps))
   #return(all(sapply(x, identical, 0) | sapply(x, identical, 1)))

### function to test whether something is a vector (in the sense of being atomic, not a matrix, and not NULL)

.is.vector <- function(x)
   is.atomic(x) && !is.matrix(x) && !is.null(x)

### function to test if a string is an integer and to return the integer if so (otherwise return NA)

.is.stringint <- function(x) {
   is.int <- grepl("^[0-9]+L?$", x)
   if (is.int) {
      x <- sub("L", "", x, fixed=TRUE)
      x <- as.integer(x)
   } else {
      x <- NA

### function to test if x is a matrix and that also covers Matrix objects

.is.matrix <- function(x)
   is.matrix(x) || inherits(x, "Matrix")

### function to test if x is numeric but also allow a (vector of) NA

.is.numeric <- function(x) {
   if (all(is.na(x)))

### sapply()-like function but for matrices that always preserves the matrix dimensions (used in traceplot.rma.uni())

.matapply <- function(x, FUN, targs=NULL) {
   if (is.null(x))
   if (is.null(targs)) {
      x[] <- sapply(x, FUN)
   } else {
      x[] <- sapply(x, FUN, targs)

### check if ddd element is NULL; if so, return ifnull, otherwise the ddd element or ifnot

.chkddd <- function(x, ifnull=NULL, ifnot=NULL) {

   if (is.null(x)) {
   } else {
      if (is.null(ifnot)) {
      } else {


### function that expands a scalar to length k; can also expand a scaler to
### the length of the vector given to k or expand a scaler to the maximum
### length of the list elements given to k

.expand1 <- function(x, k) {

   if (is.list(k)) {

      k <- max(lengths(k, use.names=FALSE))

   } else {

      len <- length(k)

      if (len > 1L)
         k <- len


   if (length(x) == 1L)
      x <- rep(x, k)




### function to format p-values (no longer used; use fmtp() instead)
### if showeq=FALSE, c(.001, .00001) becomes c("0.0010", "<.0001")
### if showeq=TRUE,  c(.001, .00001) becomes c("=0.0010", "<.0001")
### if add0=FALSE, "<.0001"; if add0=TRUE, "<0.0001"

.pval <- function(p, digits=4, showeq=FALSE, sep="", add0=FALSE) {

   digits  <- max(digits, 1)
   cutoff  <- paste(c(".", rep(0,digits-1),1), collapse="")
   ncutoff <- as.numeric(cutoff)

   ifelse(is.na(p), paste0(ifelse(showeq, "=", ""), sep, "NA"),
                    ifelse(p >= ncutoff, paste0(ifelse(showeq, "=", ""), sep, formatC(p, digits=digits, format="f")),
                                         paste0("<", sep, ifelse(add0, "0", ""), cutoff)))


### function to format/round values in general (no longer used; use fmtx() instead)

.fcf <- function(x, digits) {

   if (all(is.na(x))) { # since formatC(NA, format="f", digits=2) fails
      rep("NA", length(x))
   } else {
      trimws(formatC(x, format="f", digits=digits))


### function to handle 'level' argument

.level <- function(level, allow.vector=FALSE, argname="level", stopon100=FALSE) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   if (any(level > 100) || any(level < 0))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", argname, "' must be between 0 and 100.")), call.=FALSE)

   if (isTRUE(stopon100) && any(level==100))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", argname, "' cannot be equal to 100.")), call.=FALSE)

   if (!allow.vector && length(level) != 1L)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", argname, "' must specify a single value.")), call.=FALSE)

   if (!is.numeric(level))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("The '", argname, "' argument must be numeric.")), call.=FALSE)

   ifelse(level == 0, 1, ifelse(level >= 1, (100-level)/100, ifelse(level > 0.5, 1-level, level)))



### function to print a named (character) vector right aligned with
### a gap of two spaces between adjacent values and no padding

.print.vector <- function(x, minfoot=NA, print.gap=2) {

   empty.last.colname <- colnames(x)[length(colnames(x))] == ""

   if (is.null(names(x)))
      names(x) <- seq_along(x)

   gap <- paste0(rep(" ", print.gap), collapse="")

   len.n   <- nchar(names(x))
   len.x   <- nchar(x, keepNA=FALSE)
   len.max <- pmax(len.n, len.x)
   #format  <- sapply(len.max, function(x) paste("%", x, "s", sep=""))

   #row.n <- paste(sprintf(format, names(x)), collapse=gap) # sprintf("%3s", "\u00b9") isn't right
   #row.x <- paste(sprintf(format, x), collapse=gap)

   #f <- function(x, n)
   #   paste0(paste0(rep(" ", n-nchar(x)), collapse=""), x, collapse="")
   #row.n <- paste(mapply(f, names(x), len.max), collapse=gap)
   #row.x <- paste(mapply(f, unname(x), len.max), collapse=gap)

   if (is.na(minfoot)) {
      row.n <- paste(mapply(formatC, names(x), width=len.max), collapse=gap) # formatC("\u00b9", width=3) works
      row.x <- paste(mapply(formatC, x, width=len.max), collapse=gap)
   } else {
      row.n <- mapply(formatC, names(x), width=len.max)
      row.n[minfoot] <- paste0(" ", row.n[minfoot])
      row.n <- paste(row.n, collapse=gap)
      row.x <- mapply(formatC, x, width=len.max)
      if (empty.last.colname) {
         row.x[length(row.x)] <- paste0(" ", row.x[length(row.x)])
      } else {
         row.x[length(row.x)] <- paste0(row.x[length(row.x)], " ")
      row.x <- paste(row.x, collapse=gap)

   cat(row.n, "\n", row.x, "\n", sep="")


.addfootsym <- function(x, cols, footsym) {
   nc <- length(cols)
   if (length(footsym) == 1L)
      footsym <- rep(footsym, nc)
   if (length(footsym) != nc)
      stop(paste0("Length of 'cols' not the same as length of 'footsym' in .addfootsym()."), call.=FALSE)
   for (i in seq_along(cols)) {
      colnames(x)[cols[i]] <- paste0(colnames(x)[cols[i]], footsym[i])
      x[[cols[i]]] <- paste0(x[[cols[i]]], " ")


.space <- function(x=TRUE) {
   if (exists(".rmspace")) {
      addspace <- FALSE
   } else {
      addspace <- isTRUE(getmfopt("space", default=TRUE))
   if (addspace && x)
   if (!addspace && !x)

.get.footsym <- function() {

   fs <- getmfopt("footsym")

   if (is.null(fs) || length(fs) != 6L)
      fs <- c("\u00b9", "1)", "\u00b2", "2)", "\u00b3", "3)")



# setmfopt(footsym = c("\u00b9", "\u00b9\u207e", "\u00b2", "\u00b2\u207e", "\u00b3", "\u00b3\u207e"))


### function that prints the model fitting time

.print.time <- function(x) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   hours   <- floor(x/60/60)
   minutes <- floor(x/60) - hours*60
   seconds <- round(x - minutes*60 - hours*60*60, ifelse(x > 60, 0, 2))

   cat(mstyle$message(paste("Processing time:", hours, ifelse(hours == 0 || hours > 1, "hours,", "hour,"), minutes, ifelse(minutes == 0 || minutes > 1, "minutes,", "minute,"), seconds, ifelse(x < 60 || seconds == 0 || seconds > 1, "seconds", "second"))))



### function like make.unique(), but starts at .1 for the first instance
### of a repeated element

.make.unique <- function(x) {

   if (is.null(x))

   x <- as.character(x)
   ux <- unique(x)

   for (i in seq_along(ux)) {
      #xiTF <- x == ux[i]
      xiTF <- x %in% ux[i] # works also with NAs in vector (multiple NAs are then NA.1, NA.2, ...)
      xi <- x[xiTF]
      if (length(xi) == 1L)
      x[xiTF] <- paste(xi, seq_along(xi), sep=".")




### function to check if extra/superfluous arguments are specified via ...

.chkdots <- function(ddd, okargs) {

   for (i in seq_along(okargs))
      ddd[okargs[i]] <- NULL

   if (length(ddd) > 0L) {
      mstyle <- .get.mstyle()
      warning(mstyle$warning(paste0("Extra argument", ifelse(length(ddd) > 1L, "s ", " "), "(", paste0("'", names(ddd), "'", collapse=", "), ") disregarded.")), call.=FALSE)



.getx <- function(x, mf, data, enclos=sys.frame(sys.parent(n=2)), checknull=TRUE, checknumeric=FALSE, default) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   mf.getx <- match.call()
   dname <- deparse1(mf.getx[[match("data", names(mf.getx))]])
   dname <- deparse1(mf[[match(dname, names(mf))]])

   mf.x <- mf[[match(x, names(mf))]]

   if (!is.null(dname) && dname %in% names(data) && grepl("$", deparse1(mf.x), fixed=TRUE) || grepl("[[", deparse1(mf.x), fixed=TRUE))
      data <- NULL

   out <- try(eval(mf.x, data, enclos), silent=TRUE) # NULL if x was not specified

   if (inherits(out, "try-error") || is.function(out))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Cannot find the object/variable ('", deparse(mf.x), "') specified for the '", x, "' argument.")), call.=FALSE)

   # note: is.function() check catches case where 'vi' is the utils::vi() function and other shenanigans

   # check if x is actually one of the elements in the call

   spec <- x %in% names(mf)

   # out could be NULL if it is not a specified argument; if so, apply default if there is one

   if (is.null(out) && !spec && !missing(default))
      out <- default

   if (checknull) {

      # when using something like fun(dat$blah) and blah doesn't exist in dat, then get NULL

      if (spec && is.null(out)) {
         mf.txt <- deparse(mf.x)
         if (mf.txt == "NULL") {
            mf.txt <- " "
         } else {
            mf.txt <- paste0(" ('", mf.txt, "') ")
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0(deparse(mf)[1], ":\nThe object/variable", mf.txt, "specified for the '", x, "' argument is NULL.")), call.=FALSE)


   if (checknumeric && !is.null(out) && !is.list(out) && !.is.numeric(out[1])) # using [1] so is.numeric(Matrix(1:3)[1]) works
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("The object/variable specified for the '", x, "' argument is not numeric.")), call.=FALSE)



.getfromenv <- function(what, element, envir=.metafor, default=NULL) {

   x <- try(get(what, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
   if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
   } else {
      if (missing(element)) {
      } else {
         x <- x[[element]]
         if (is.null(x)) {
         } else {


### a version of do.call() that allows for the arguments to be passed via ... (i.e., can either be a list or not) and removes NULL arguments

.do.call <- function(fun, ...) {
   if (is.list(..1) && ...length() == 1L) {
      args <- c(...)
   } else {
      args <- list(...)
   args <- args[!sapply(args, is.null)]
   do.call(fun, args)


.chkclass <- function(class, must, notap, notav, type="Method") {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   obj <- as.character(match.call()[2])
   obj <- substr(obj, 7, nchar(obj)-1)

   if (!missing(must) && !is.element(must, class))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", obj, "' must be an object of class \"", must, "\".")), call.=FALSE)

   if (!missing(notap) && any(is.element(notap, class)))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0(type, " not applicable to objects of class \"", class[1], "\".")), call.=FALSE)
      #stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Method not applicable to objects of class \"", paste0(class, collapse=", "), "\".")), call.=FALSE)

   if (!missing(notav) && any(is.element(notav, class)))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0(type, " not available for objects of class \"", class[1], "\".")), call.=FALSE)
      #stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Method not available for objects of class \"", paste0(class, collapse=", "), "\".")), call.=FALSE)



.chkviarg <- function(x) {

   runvicheck <- .getfromenv("runvicheck", default=TRUE)

   if (runvicheck) {

      x <- deparse(x)
      xl <- tolower(x)

      ok <- TRUE

      # starts with 'se' or 'std'
      if (any(grepl("^se", xl)))
         ok <- FALSE
      if (any(grepl("^std", xl)))
         ok <- FALSE
      # ends with 'se' or 'std'
      if (any(grepl("se$", xl)))
         ok <- FALSE
      if (any(grepl("std$", xl)))
         ok <- FALSE
      # catch cases where vi=<data frame>$se and vi=<data frame>$std
      if (any(grepl("^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_.]*\\$se", xl)))
         ok <- FALSE
      if (any(grepl("^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_.]*\\$std", xl)))
         ok <- FALSE

      # but if ^, *, or ( appears, don't issue a warning
      if (any(grepl("^", xl, fixed=TRUE)))
         ok <- TRUE
      if (any(grepl("*", xl, fixed=TRUE)))
         ok <- TRUE
      if (any(grepl("(", xl, fixed=TRUE)))
         ok <- TRUE

      if (!ok) {
         mstyle <- .get.mstyle()
         warning(mstyle$warning(paste0("The 'vi' argument should be used to specify sampling variances,\nbut '", x, "' sounds like this variable may contain standard\nerrors (maybe use 'sei=", x, "' instead?).")), call.=FALSE)
         try(assign("runvicheck", FALSE, envir=.metafor), silent=TRUE)




### check that the lengths of all non-zero length elements given via ... are equal to each other

.equal.length <- function(...) {

   ddd <- list(...)
   ks <- lengths(ddd)   # get the length of each element in ddd
   if (all(ks == 0L)) { # if all elements have length 0 (are NULL), return TRUE
   } else {
      ks <- ks[ks > 0L] # keep the non-zero lengths
      return(length(unique(ks)) == 1L) # check that they are all identical


### check that all elements given via ... are not of length 0 (are not NULL)

.all.specified <- function(...) {

   ddd <- list(...)
   #all(!sapply(ddd, is.null))
   not0 <- lengths(ddd) != 0L



### set axis label (for forest, funnel, and labbe functions)

.setlab <- function(measure, transf.char, atransf.char, gentype, short=FALSE) {

   if (gentype == 1)
      lab <- "Observed Outcome"
   if (gentype == 2)
      lab <- "Overall Estimate" # for forest.cumul.rma() function
   if (gentype == 3)
      lab <- "Estimate"         # for header


   if (!is.null(measure)) {

      if (is.element(measure, c("RR","MPRR"))) {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[RR]", "Log Risk Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Risk Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Risk Ratio", "Risk Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Risk Ratio", "Risk Ratio")
      if (is.element(measure, c("OR","PETO","D2OR","D2ORN","D2ORL","MPOR","MPORC","MPPETO","MPORM"))) {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[OR]", "Log Odds Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Odds Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Odds Ratio", "Odds Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Odds Ratio", "Odds Ratio")
      if (is.element(measure, c("RD","MPRD"))) {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Risk Difference", "Risk Difference")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Risk Difference")
      if (measure == "AS") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Arcsine RD", "Arcsine Transformed Risk Difference")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Arcsine Transformed Risk Difference")
      if (measure == "PHI") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Phi", "Phi Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Phi Coefficient")
      if (measure == "ZPHI") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression('Fisher\'s ' * z[phi]), "Fisher's z Transformed Phi Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Fisher's z Transformed Phi Coefficient")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ztor, transf.ztor.int, tanh), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Phi", "Phi Coefficient")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Phi", "Phi Coefficient")
      if (measure == "YUQ") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Yule's Q", "Yule's Q")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Yule's Q")
      if (measure == "YUY") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Yule's Y", "Yule's Y")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Yule's Y")
      if (measure == "IRR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[IRR]", "Log Incidence Rate Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Incidence Rate Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Rate Ratio", "Incidence Rate Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Rate Ratio", "Incidence Rate Ratio")
      if (measure == "IRD") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "IRD", "Incidence Rate Difference")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Incidence Rate Difference")
      if (measure == "IRSD") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "IRSD", "Square Root Transformed Incidence Rate Difference")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Square Root Transformed Incidence Rate Difference")
      if (measure == "MD") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "MD", "Mean Difference")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Mean Difference")
      if (is.element(measure, c("SMD","SMDH","SMD1","SMD1H","PBIT","OR2D","OR2DN","OR2DL"))) {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "SMD", "Standardized Mean Difference")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Standardized Mean Difference")
      if (measure == "ROM") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[RoM]", "Log Ratio of Means")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Ratio of Means")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Ratio of Means", "Ratio of Means (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Ratio of Means", "Ratio of Means")
      if (measure == "RPB") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient")
      if (measure == "ZPB") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression('Fisher\'s ' * z[phi]), "Fisher's z Transformed Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Fisher's z Transformed Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ztor, transf.ztor.int, tanh), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient")
      if (measure == "CVR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[CVR]", "Log Coefficient of Variation Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Coefficient of Variation Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "CVR", "Coefficient of Variation Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "CVR", "Coefficient of Variation Ratio")
      if (measure == "VR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[VR]", "Log Variability Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Variability Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "VR", "Variability Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "VR", "Variability Ratio")
      if (is.element(measure, c("COR","UCOR","RTET","RBIS"))) {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Correlation Coefficient")
      if (is.element(measure, c("ZCOR","ZTET","ZBIS"))) {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression('Fisher\'s ' * z[r]), "Fisher's z Transformed Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Fisher's z Transformed Correlation Coefficient")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ztor, transf.ztor.int, tanh), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Correlation Coefficient")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Correlation Coefficient")
      if (measure == "PCOR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Partial Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Partial Correlation Coefficient")
      if (measure == "ZPCOR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression('Fisher\'s ' * z[r]), "Fisher's z Transformed Partial Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Fisher's z Transformed Partial Correlation Coefficient")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ztor, transf.ztor.int, tanh), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Partial Correlation Coefficient")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Partial Correlation Coefficient")
      if (measure == "SPCOR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Semi-Partial Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Semi-Partial Correlation Coefficient")
      if (measure == "ZSPCOR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression('Fisher\'s ' * z[r]), "Fisher's z Transformed Semi-Partial Correlation Coefficient")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Fisher's z Transformed Semi-Partial Correlation Coefficient")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ztor, transf.ztor.int, tanh), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Semi-Partial Correlation Coefficient")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Correlation", "Semi-Partial Correlation Coefficient")
      if (measure == "R2") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression(R^2), "Coefficient of Determination")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Coefficient of Determination")
      if (measure == "ZR2") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression(z[R^2]), "z Transformed Coefficient of Determination")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed z Transformed Coefficient of Determination")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ztor2), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, expression(R^2), "Coefficient of Determination")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, expression(R^2), "Coefficient of Determination")
      if (measure == "PR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Proportion")
      if (measure == "PLN") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[Pr]", "Log Proportion")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Proportion")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion")
      if (measure == "PLO") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[Odds]", "Log Odds")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Odds")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ilogit, transf.ilogit.int, plogis), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion (logit scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Odds", "Odds (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Odds", "Odds")
      if (measure == "PAS") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression(arcsin(sqrt(p))), "Arcsine Transformed Proportion")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Arcsine Transformed Proportion")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.iarcsin), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion (arcsine scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion")
      if (measure == "PFT") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "PFT", "Double Arcsine Transformed Proportion")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Double Arcsine Transformed Proportion")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.ipft.hm), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Proportion", "Proportion")
      if (measure == "IR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Rate", "Incidence Rate")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Incidence Rate")
      if (measure == "IRLN") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[IR]", "Log Incidence Rate")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Incidence Rate")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Rate", "Incidence Rate (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Rate", "Incidence Rate")
      if (measure == "IRS") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Sqrt[IR]", "Square Root Transformed Incidence Rate")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Square Root Transformed Incidence Rate")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.isqrt, atransf.char), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Rate", "Incidence Rate (square root scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Rate", "Incidence Rate")
      if (measure == "IRFT") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "IRFT", "Freeman-Tukey Transformed Incidence Rate")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Freeman-Tukey Transformed Incidence Rate")
      if (measure == "MN") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Mean", "Mean")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Mean")
      if (measure == "SMN") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Std. Mean", "Standardized Mean")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Standardized Mean")
      if (measure == "MNLN") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[Mean]", "Log Mean")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Mean")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Mean", "Mean (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Mean", "Mean")
      if (measure == "CVLN") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[CV]", "Log Coefficient of Variation")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Coefficient of Variation")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "CV", "Coefficient of Variation (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "CV", "Coefficient of Variation")
      if (measure == "SDLN") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[SD]", "Log Standard Deviation")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Standard Deviation")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "SD", "Standard Deviation (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "SD", "Standard Deviation")
      if (measure == "MC") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Mean Change", "Mean Change")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Mean Change")
      if (is.element(measure, c("SMCC","SMCR","SMCRH","SMCRP","SMCRPH"))) {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "SMC", "Standardized Mean Change")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Standardized Mean Change")
      if (measure == "ROMC") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[RoM]", "Log Ratio of Means")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Ratio of Means")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Ratio of Means", "Ratio of Means (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Ratio of Means", "Ratio of Means")
      if (measure == "CVRC") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[CVR]", "Log Coefficient of Variation Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Coefficient of Variation Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "CVR", "Coefficient of Variation Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "CVR", "Coefficient of Variation Ratio")
      if (measure == "VRC") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[VR]", "Log Variability Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Variability Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "VR", "Variability Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "VR", "Variability Ratio")
      if (measure == "ARAW") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Alpha", "Cronbach's alpha")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Cronbach's alpha")
      if (measure == "AHW") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression('Alpha'[HW]), "Transformed Cronbach's alpha")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Cronbach's alpha")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.iahw), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Alpha", "Cronbach's alpha")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Alpha", "Cronbach's alpha")
      if (measure == "ABT") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, expression('Alpha'[B]), "Transformed Cronbach's alpha")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Cronbach's alpha")
            funlist <- lapply(list(transf.iabt), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Alpha", "Cronbach's alpha")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "Alpha", "Cronbach's alpha")
      if (measure == "REH") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[REH]", "Log Relative Excess Heterozygosity")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Relative Excess Heterozygosity")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "REH", "Relative Excess Heterozygosity (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "REH", "Relative Excess Heterozygosity")
      if (measure == "HR") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "Log[HR]", "Log Hazard Ratio")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Log Hazard Ratio")
            funlist <- lapply(list(exp, transf.exp.int), deparse)
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, atransf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "HR", "Hazard Ratio (log scale)")
            if (any(sapply(funlist, identical, transf.char)))
               lab <- ifelse(short, "HR", "Hazard Ratio")
      if (measure == "HD") {
         if (identical(transf.char, "FALSE") && identical(atransf.char, "FALSE")) {
            lab <- ifelse(short, "HD", "Hazard Difference")
         } else {
            lab <- ifelse(short, lab, "Transformed Hazard Difference")





### stuff related to colored/styled output

.get.mstyle <- function() {

   crayonloaded <- "crayon" %in% .packages()

   styleopt <- getmfopt("style")

   if (is.logical(styleopt)) {

      if (isTRUE(styleopt)) {
         styleopt <- NULL
      } else {
         crayonloaded <- FALSE

   if (crayonloaded) {

      if (exists(".mstyle")) {
         .mstyle <- get(".mstyle")
      } else {
         .mstyle <- list()

      if (!is.null(styleopt))
         .mstyle <- styleopt

      if (!is.list(.mstyle))
         .mstyle <- list(.mstyle)

      if (is.null(.mstyle$section)) {
         section <- crayon::bold
      } else {
         section <- .mstyle$section
      if (is.null(.mstyle$header)) {
         header <- crayon::underline
      } else {
         header <- .mstyle$header
      if (is.null(.mstyle$body1)) {
         body1 <- crayon::reset
      } else {
         body1 <- .mstyle$body1
      if (is.null(.mstyle$body2)) {
         body2 <- crayon::reset
      } else {
         body2 <- .mstyle$body2
      if (is.null(.mstyle$na)) {
         na <- crayon::reset
      } else {
         na <- .mstyle$na
      if (is.null(.mstyle$text)) {
         text <- crayon::reset
      } else {
         text <- .mstyle$text
      if (is.null(.mstyle$result)) {
         result <- crayon::reset
      } else {
         result <- .mstyle$result
      if (is.null(.mstyle$stop)) {
         stop <- crayon::combine_styles(crayon::red, crayon::bold)
      } else {
         stop <- .mstyle$stop
      if (is.null(.mstyle$warning)) {
         warning <- crayon::yellow
      } else {
         warning <- .mstyle$warning
      if (is.null(.mstyle$message)) {
         message <- crayon::green
      } else {
         message <- .mstyle$message
      if (is.null(.mstyle$verbose)) {
         verbose <- crayon::cyan
      } else {
         verbose <- .mstyle$verbose
      if (is.null(.mstyle$legend)) {
         legend <- crayon::silver
         #legend <- crayon::make_style("gray90")
      } else {
         legend <- .mstyle$legend

   } else {

      tmp <- function(...) paste0(...)

      section <- tmp
      header  <- tmp
      body1   <- tmp
      body2   <- tmp
      na      <- tmp
      text    <- tmp
      result  <- tmp
      stop    <- tmp
      warning <- tmp
      message <- tmp
      verbose <- tmp
      legend  <- tmp


   return(list(section=section, header=header, body1=body1, body2=body2, na=na, text=text, result=result, stop=stop, warning=warning, message=message, verbose=verbose, legend=legend))


.print.output <- function(x, mstyle) {

   if (missing(mstyle)) {
      for (i in seq_along(x)) {
         cat(x[i], "\n")
   } else {
      for (i in seq_along(x)) {
         cat(mstyle(x[i]), "\n")


.is.even <- function(x) x %% 2 == 0

.print.table <- function(x, mstyle) {

   is.header <- !grepl(" [-0-9]", x)
   #is.header <- !grepl("^\\s*[0-9]", x)
   has.header <- any(is.header)

   for (i in seq_along(x)) {
      if (is.header[i]) {
         #x[i] <- trimws(x[i], which="right")
         x[i] <- mstyle$header(x[i])
      } else {
         x[i] <- gsub("NA", mstyle$na("NA"), x[i], fixed=TRUE)
         if (.is.even(i-has.header)) {
            x[i] <- mstyle$body2(x[i])
         } else {
            x[i] <- mstyle$body1(x[i])
      cat(x[i], "\n")


#.set.mstyle.1 <- str2lang(".mstyle <- list(section=make_style(\"gray90\")$bold, header=make_style(\"skyblue1\")$bold$underline, body=make_style(\"skyblue2\"), text=make_style(\"slateblue3\"), result=make_style(\"slateblue1\"))")


.set.digits <- function(digits, dmiss) {

   res <- c(est=4, se=4, test=4, pval=4, ci=4, var=4, sevar=4, fit=4, het=4)

   if (exists(".digits")) {
      .digits <- get(".digits")
      if (is.null(names(.digits)) && length(.digits) == 1L) {
         # if .digits is a single unnamed scalar, set all digit values to that value
         res <- c(est=.digits, se=.digits, test=.digits, pval=.digits, ci=.digits, var=.digits, sevar=.digits, fit=.digits, het=.digits)
      } else if (any(names(.digits) != "") && any(names(.digits) == "")) {
         # if .digits has (at least) one unnamed element, use it to set all unnamed elements to that digits value
         pos <- pmatch(names(.digits), names(res))
         res[c(na.omit(pos))] <- .digits[!is.na(pos)]
         otherval <- .digits[names(.digits) == ""][1]
         res[(1:9)[-c(na.omit(pos))]] <- otherval
      } else {
         pos <- pmatch(names(.digits), names(res))
         res[c(na.omit(pos))] <- .digits[!is.na(pos)]

   if (!dmiss) {
      if (is.null(names(digits))) {
         res <- c(est=digits[[1]], se=digits[[1]], test=digits[[1]], pval=digits[[1]], ci=digits[[1]], var=digits[[1]], sevar=digits[[1]], fit=digits[[1]], het=digits[[1]])
      } else {
         pos <- pmatch(names(digits), names(res))
         res[c(na.omit(pos))] <- digits[!is.na(pos)]

   ### p-values are always given to at least 2 digits
   if (res["pval"] <= 1)
      res["pval"] <- 2



.get.digits <- function(digits, xdigits, dmiss) {

   res <- xdigits

   if (exists(".digits")) {
      .digits <- get(".digits")
      pos <- pmatch(names(.digits), names(res))
      res[c(na.omit(pos))] <- .digits[!is.na(pos)]

   if (!is.null(getmfopt("digits"))) {
      .digits <- getmfopt("digits")
      if (length(.digits) == 1L)
         .digits <- c(est=.digits[[1]], se=.digits[[1]], test=.digits[[1]], pval=.digits[[1]], ci=.digits[[1]], var=.digits[[1]], sevar=.digits[[1]], fit=.digits[[1]], het=.digits[[1]])
      pos <- pmatch(names(.digits), names(res))
      res[c(na.omit(pos))] <- .digits[!is.na(pos)]

   if (!dmiss) {
      if (is.null(names(digits))) {
         res <- c(est=digits[[1]], se=digits[[1]], test=digits[[1]], pval=digits[[1]], ci=digits[[1]], var=digits[[1]], sevar=digits[[1]], fit=digits[[1]], het=digits[[1]])
      } else {
         pos <- pmatch(names(digits), names(res))
         res[c(na.omit(pos))] <- digits[!is.na(pos)]

   ### so we can still print objects created with older metafor versions (where xdigit is just an unnamed scalar)
   if (length(res) == 1L && is.null(names(res)))
      res <- c(est=res[[1]], se=res[[1]], test=res[[1]], pval=res[[1]], ci=res[[1]], var=res[[1]], sevar=res[[1]], fit=res[[1]], het=res[[1]])

   ### p-values are always given to at least 2 digits
   if (!is.null(res["pval"]) && res["pval"] <= 1)
      res["pval"] <- 2




### check if x is logical and TRUE/FALSE (NAs and NULL always evaluate as FALSE)

.isTRUE <- function(x)
   !is.null(x) && is.logical(x) && !is.na(x) && x

.isFALSE <- function(x)
   !is.null(x) && is.logical(x) && !is.na(x) && !x

# not sure anymore why I implemented these; c(isTRUE(NULL), isTRUE(NA), isFALSE(NULL), isFALSE(NA)) are all FALSE


### shorten a character vector so that elements remain distinguishable

.shorten <- function(x, minlen) {

   y <- x

   x <- c(na.omit(x))

   n <- length(unique(x))

   maxlen <- max(nchar(unique(x)))

   for (l in seq_len(maxlen)) {
      tab <- table(x, substr(x, 1, l))
      if (nrow(tab) == n && ncol(tab) == n && sum(tab[upper.tri(tab)]) == 0 && sum(tab[lower.tri(tab)]) == 0)

   if (!missing(minlen) && l < minlen) {
      if (minlen > maxlen)
         minlen <- maxlen
      l <- minlen

   return(substr(y, 1, l))



### simplified version of what mvtnorm::rmvnorm() does

.mvrnorm <- function(n, mu, Sigma) {

   p <- nrow(Sigma)
   eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
   eval <- eS$values
   evec <- eS$vectors

   Y <- matrix(rnorm(p * n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE) %*% t(evec %*% (t(evec) * sqrt(pmax(eval, 0))))
   Y <- sweep(Y, 2, mu, "+")




### check subset argument (if logical, make sure it's of the right length and set NAs to FALSE; if
### numeric, remove NAs and 0's and check that values are not beyond k)

.chksubset <- function(x, k, stoponk0=TRUE) {

   if (is.null(x)) # if x is NULL, return x (i.e., NULL)

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   argname <- deparse(substitute(x))

   if (length(x) == 0L)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", argname, "' is of length 0.")), call.=FALSE)

   if (is.character(x))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", argname, "' is not a logical or numeric vector.")), call.=FALSE)

   if (is.logical(x)) {
      if (length(x) != k)
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of the '", argname, "' argument (", length(x), ") is not of length k = ", k, ".")), call.=FALSE)
      #x <- x[seq_len(k)]     # keep only elements 1:k from x
      if (anyNA(x))           # if x includes any NA elements
         x[is.na(x)] <- FALSE # set NA elements to FALSE

   if (is.numeric(x)) {
      if (anyNA(x))             # if x includes any NA elements
         x <- x[!is.na(x)]      # remove them
      x <- as.integer(round(x))
      x <- x[x != 0L]           # also remove any 0's
      if (any(x > 0L) && any(x < 0L))
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Cannot mix positive and negative values in '", argname, "' argument.")), call.=FALSE)
      if (all(x > 0L)) {
         if (any(x > k))
            stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", argname, "' includes values larger than k = ", k, ".")), call.=FALSE)
         x <- is.element(seq_len(k), x)
      } else {
         if (any(x < -k))
            stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Argument '", argname, "' includes values larger than k = ", k, ".")), call.=FALSE)
         x <- !is.element(seq_len(k), abs(x))

   if (stoponk0 && !any(x))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Stopped because k = 0 after subsetting.")), call.=FALSE)



### get subset function that works for matrices and data frames (selecting rows by default but rows
### and columns when col=TRUE) and vectors and also checks that x is of the same length as subset

.getsubset <- function(x, subset, col=FALSE, drop=FALSE) {

   if (is.null(x) || is.null(subset)) # if x or subset is NULL, return x

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   xname <- deparse(substitute(x))

   k <- length(subset)

   if (.is.matrix(x) || is.data.frame(x)) {
      if (nrow(x) != k)
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Element '", xname, "' is not of length ", k, ".")), call.=FALSE)
      if (col) {
         x <- x[subset,subset,drop=drop]
      } else {
         x <- x[subset,,drop=drop]
   } else {
      if (length(x) != k)
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Element '", xname, "' is not of length ", k, ".")), call.=FALSE)
      x <- x[subset]




# function to compute a weighted mean (this one works a bit different than
# stats:::weighted.mean.default)

.wmean <- function (x, w, na.rm=FALSE) {
   if (na.rm) {
      i <- !(is.na(x) | is.na(w)) # only include x if x and w are not missing
      x <- x[i]
      w <- w[i]
   sum(x*w) / sum(w)


.chkopt <- function(optimizer, optcontrol, ineq=FALSE) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   ### set NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA as the default algorithm for the nloptr optimizer when ineq=FALSE
   ### and otherwise use NLOPT_LN_COBYLA to allow for nonlinear inequality constraints
   ### and by default use a relative convergence criterion of 1e-8 on the function value

   if (optimizer == "nloptr" && !is.element("algorithm", names(optcontrol))) {
      if (ineq) {
         optcontrol$algorithm <- "NLOPT_LN_COBYLA"
      } else {
         optcontrol$algorithm <- "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA"

   if (optimizer == "nloptr" && !is.element("ftol_rel", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$ftol_rel <- 1e-8

   ### for mads, set trace=FALSE and tol=1e-6 by default

   if (optimizer == "mads" && !is.element("trace", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$trace <- FALSE

   if (optimizer == "mads" && !is.element("tol", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$tol <- 1e-6

   ### for subplex, set reltol=1e-8 by default (the default in subplex() is .Machine$double.eps)

   if (optimizer == "subplex" && !is.element("reltol", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$reltol <- 1e-8

   ### for BBoptim, set trace=FALSE by default

   if (optimizer == "BBoptim" && !is.element("trace", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$trace <- FALSE

   ### for solnp, set trace=FALSE by default

   if (optimizer == "solnp" && !is.element("trace", names(optcontrol)))
      optcontrol$trace <- FALSE

   ### check that the required packages are installed

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("uobyqa","newuoa","bobyqa"))) {
      if (!requireNamespace("minqa", quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Please install the 'minqa' package to use this optimizer."), call.=FALSE)

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("nloptr","ucminf","lbfgsb3c","subplex","optimParallel"))) {
      if (!requireNamespace(optimizer, quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Please install the '", optimizer, "' package to use this optimizer.")), call.=FALSE)

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("hjk","nmk","mads"))) {
      if (!requireNamespace("dfoptim", quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Please install the 'dfoptim' package to use this optimizer."), call.=FALSE)

   if (optimizer == "BBoptim") {
      if (!requireNamespace("BB", quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Please install the 'BB' package to use this optimizer."), call.=FALSE)

   if (optimizer == "solnp") {
      if (!requireNamespace("Rsolnp", quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Please install the 'Rsolnp' package to use this optimizer."), call.=FALSE)

   if (optimizer == "constrOptim.nl") {
      if (!requireNamespace("alabama", quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Please install the 'alabama' package to use this optimizer."), call.=FALSE)

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("Rcgmin","Rvmmin"))) {
      if (!requireNamespace("optimx", quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Please install the 'optimx' package to use this optimizer.")), call.=FALSE)


   if (is.element(optimizer, c("optim","constrOptim"))) {
      par.arg <- "par"
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "nlminb") {
      par.arg <- "start"
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("uobyqa","newuoa","bobyqa"))) {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- paste0("minqa::", optimizer) # need to use this since loading nloptr masks bobyqa() and newuoa() functions
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "nloptr") {
      par.arg <- "x0"
      optimizer <- paste0("nloptr::nloptr") # need to use this due to requireNamespace()
      ctrl.arg <- ", opts=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "nlm") {
      par.arg <- "p" # because of this, must use argument name pX for p (number of columns in X matrix)
      ctrl.arg <- paste(names(optcontrol), unlist(optcontrol), sep="=", collapse=", ")
      if (nchar(ctrl.arg) != 0L)
         ctrl.arg <- paste0(", ", ctrl.arg)

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("hjk","nmk","mads"))) {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- paste0("dfoptim::", optimizer) # need to use this so that the optimizers can be found
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("ucminf","lbfgsb3c","subplex"))) {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- paste0(optimizer, "::", optimizer) # need to use this due to requireNamespace()
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "BBoptim") {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- "BB::BBoptim"
      ctrl.arg <- ", quiet=TRUE, control=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "solnp") {
      par.arg <- "pars"
      optimizer <- "Rsolnp::solnp"
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "constrOptim.nl") {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- "alabama::constrOptim.nl"
      if ("control.outer" %in% names(optcontrol)) {
         # can specify 'control.outer' to be passed to constrOptim.nl(), but when using
         # the 'method' argument, must escape " or use ' for this to work; for example:
         # control=list(optimizer="constrOptim.nl", control.outer=list(method="'Nelder-Mead'"))
         control.outer <- paste0("control.outer=list(", paste(names(optcontrol$control.outer), unlist(optcontrol$control.outer), sep="=", collapse=", "), ")")
         ctrl.arg <- paste0(", control.optim=optcontrol, ", control.outer)
         optcontrol$control.outer <- NULL
      } else {
         ctrl.arg <- ", control.optim=optcontrol, control.outer=list(trace=FALSE)"

   if (optimizer == "Rcgmin") {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- "optimx::Rcgmin"
      ctrl.arg <- ", gr='grnd', control=optcontrol"
      #ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "Rvmmin") {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- "optimx::Rvmmin"
      ctrl.arg <- ", gr='grnd', control=optcontrol"
      #ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol"

   if (optimizer == "optimParallel") {
      par.arg <- "par"
      optimizer <- "optimParallel::optimParallel"
      ctrl.arg <- ", control=optcontrol, parallel=parallel"

   return(list(optimizer=optimizer, optcontrol=optcontrol, par.arg=par.arg, ctrl.arg=ctrl.arg))


.chkconv <- function(optimizer, opt.res, optcontrol, fun, verbose) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   if (optimizer == "optimParallel::optimParallel" && verbose) {
      tmp <- capture.output(print(opt.res$loginfo))
      .print.output(tmp, mstyle$verbose)

   ### convergence checks

   if (inherits(opt.res, "try-error"))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Error during the optimization. Use verbose=TRUE and see\n       help(", fun, ") for more details on the optimization routines.")), call.=FALSE)

   if (optimizer == "lbfgsb3c::lbfgsb3c" && is.null(opt.res$convergence)) # special provision for lbfgsb3c in case 'convergence' is missing
      opt.res$convergence <- -99

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("optim","constrOptim","nlminb","dfoptim::hjk","dfoptim::nmk","lbfgsb3c::lbfgsb3c","subplex::subplex","BB::BBoptim","Rsolnp::solnp","alabama::constrOptim.nl","optimx::Rcgmin","optimx:Rvmmin","optimParallel::optimParallel")) && opt.res$convergence != 0)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (convergence = ", opt.res$convergence, ").")), call.=FALSE)

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("dfoptim::mads")) && opt.res$convergence > optcontrol$tol)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (convergence = ", opt.res$convergence, ").")), call.=FALSE)

   if (is.element(optimizer, c("minqa::uobyqa","minqa::newuoa","minqa::bobyqa")) && opt.res$ierr != 0)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (ierr = ", opt.res$ierr, ").")), call.=FALSE)

   if (optimizer=="nloptr::nloptr" && !(opt.res$status >= 1 && opt.res$status <= 4))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (status = ", opt.res$status, ").")), call.=FALSE)

   if (optimizer=="ucminf::ucminf" && !(opt.res$convergence == 1 || opt.res$convergence == 2))
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Optimizer (", optimizer, ") did not achieve convergence (convergence = ", opt.res$convergence, ").")), call.=FALSE)

   if (verbose > 2) {
      tmp <- capture.output(print(opt.res))
      .print.output(tmp, mstyle$verbose)

   ### copy estimated values to 'par'

   if (optimizer=="nloptr::nloptr")
      opt.res$par <- opt.res$solution
   if (optimizer=="nlm")
      opt.res$par <- opt.res$estimate
   if (optimizer=="Rsolnp::solnp")
      opt.res$par <- opt.res$pars




.coltail <- function(h, val, tail="upper", mult=1, col, border, freq, ...) {

   h$counts  <- h$counts  * mult
   h$density <- h$density * mult

   if (tail == "lower") {

      above <- which(h$breaks > val)
      if (length(above) > 0L) {
         pos <- above[1]
         h$breaks[pos] <- val
      sel <- h$breaks <= val
      if (sum(sel) >= 2L) {
         h$breaks  <- h$breaks[sel]
         h$counts  <- h$counts[sel[-1]]
         h$density <- h$density[sel[-1]]
         h$mids    <- h$mids[sel[-1]]
         lines(h, col=col, border=border, freq=freq, ...)

   } else {

      below <- which(h$breaks < val)
      if (length(below) > 0L) {
         pos <- below[length(below)]
         h$breaks[pos] <- val
      sel <- h$breaks >= val
      if (sum(sel) >= 2L) {
         len <- length(below)
         h$breaks  <- h$breaks[sel]
         h$counts  <- h$counts[sel[-len]]
         h$density <- h$density[sel[-len]]
         h$mids    <- h$mids[sel[-len]]
         lines(h, col=col, border=border, freq=freq, ...)




# theme="default" - uses the default par() of the plotting device
# theme="light"   - forces par(fg="black",  bg="white", ...)
# theme="dark"    - forces par(fg="gray95", bg="gray10", ...)
# theme="auto"    - in RStudio, picks fg/bg based on theme that is set (outside RStudio, same as "default")
# theme="custom"  - uses getmfopt("fg") and getmfopt("bg")

.start.plot <- function(x=TRUE) {

   if (!x)

   themeopt <- getmfopt("theme", default="default")[[1]]
   themeopt <- sub("2", "", themeopt, fixed=TRUE)

   if (!is.element(themeopt, c("default", "light", "dark", "auto", "custom")))
      themeopt <- "default"

   if (exists(".darkplots"))
      themeopt <- "dark"

   if (isTRUE(themeopt == "light")) {
      fg <- "black"
      bg <- "white"
      #fg <- "gray5"
      #bg <- "gray95"

   if (isTRUE(themeopt == "dark")) {
      fg <- "gray95"
      bg <- "gray10"

   if (isTRUE(themeopt == "auto")) {

      rsapi <- try(rstudioapi::isAvailable(), silent=TRUE)

      if (inherits(rsapi, "try-error") || isFALSE(rsapi)) {
         themeopt <- "default"
      } else {
         fg <- .rsapicol2rgb(rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()$foreground)
         bg <- .rsapicol2rgb(rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()$background)


   if (isTRUE(themeopt == "custom")) {

      fgopt <- getmfopt("fg")
      bgopt <- getmfopt("bg")

      if (is.null(fgopt) || is.null(bgopt)) {
         themeopt <- "default"
      } else {
         fg <- fgopt
         bg <- bgopt


   if (themeopt != "default" && isFALSE(par("new")))
      par(fg=fg, bg=bg, col=fg, col.axis=fg, col.lab=fg, col.main=fg, col.sub=fg)



# convert the string "rgb(val1, val2, val3)" into rgb(val1, val2, val3, maxColorValue=255)

.rsapicol2rgb <- function(col) {

   col  <- strsplit(col, ",")[[1]]
   col  <- trimws(col)
   col1 <- as.numeric(sub("rgb(", "", col[1], fixed=TRUE))
   col2 <- as.numeric(col[2])
   col3 <- as.numeric(trimws(sub(")", "", col[3], fixed=TRUE)))
   col  <- rgb(col1, col2, col3, maxColorValue=255)


.is.dark <- function() {

   rgb <- col2rgb(par("bg"))
   res <- sum(rgb) <= 384 # note: sum(col2rgb(rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5))) == 384


.coladj <- function(col, dark, light) {

   themeopt <- getmfopt("theme", default="default")

   if (length(col) == 2L && substr(themeopt, nchar(themeopt), nchar(themeopt)) == "2") {
      pos <- 2
      if (length(dark) == 1L)
         dark <- c(dark, ifelse(dark > 0, dark-1, dark+1))
      if (length(light) == 1L)
         light <- c(light, ifelse(light > 0, light-1, light+1))
   } else {
      pos <- 1

   col <- c(col2rgb(col[[pos]]))

   if (.is.dark()) {
      col <- col + round(dark*255)[[pos]]
   } else {
      col <- col + round(light*255)[[pos]]

   col[col < 0] <- 0
   col[col > 255] <- 255

   col <- rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], maxColorValue=255)



.chkpd <- function(x, tol=.Machine$double.eps, corr=FALSE, nearpd=FALSE) {

   if (any(eigen(x, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values <= tol)) {
      ispd <- FALSE
      if (nearpd) {
         tmp <- nearPD(x, corr=corr)
         x <- as.matrix(tmp$mat)
         if (tmp$converged)
            ispd <- TRUE
   } else {
      ispd <- TRUE

   if (nearpd) {
      return(list(ispd=ispd, x=x))
   } else {


wviechtb/metafor documentation built on July 12, 2024, 6:33 a.m.