
#Define an R6 class to encapsulate low-level access to the dataset.
#Rather than making every command-implementing function use data.table
#directly, this class takes care of the details.

#FIXME - need to make sure column names are unique

Dataset <-
        initialize = function(df = NULL)
            # a null data.table makes names and dim work
            private$dt <- data.table::data.table()


        #Set the dataset column names
            raiseifnot(length(names) == ncol(private$dt),
                       msg="Incorrect number of column names to setnames")

            data.table::setnames(private$dt, names)

            private$.changed <- TRUE


        #Save the data we currently have loaded in either the new or
        #the old Stata formats
        save=function(path, replace=FALSE, emptyok=TRUE)
            if(!replace && file.exists(path))
                raiseCondition("Cannot save dataset; file exists")

            if(!emptyok && self$dim[1] == 0)
                raiseCondition("Cannot save; dataset is empty and emptyok not specified")

            readstata13::save.dta13(private$dt, path, data.label=self$data_label)

            private$.changed <- FALSE
            private$.filename <- path
            private$.filedate <- date()


        saveold=function(path, replace=FALSE)
            if(!replace && file.exists(path))
                raiseCondition("Cannot save dataset; file exists")

            foreign::write.dta(private$dt, path)

            private$.changed <- FALSE
            private$.filename <- path
            private$.filedate <- date()


        #Drop the current dataset
            private$dt <- NULL #the old table is garbage-collected
            private$dt <- data.table::data.table()

            private$.changed <- NULL
            private$.filename <- NULL
            private$.filedate <- NULL


        #Methods to load in data from different sources
        use=function(path, ...)

            read_args <- list(...)
            read_args$file <- path

            df <- tryCatch(do.call(readstata13::read.dta13, read_args),
                           message=function(c) c)
            if(inherits(df, "condition")) #something went wrong
                #Re-raise this in a way our further-up layers will catch
                attrs <- attributes(df)

                #This is duplicated from use_dataframe because calling that fn would
                #copy the data.frame. It could be one of R's not-quite-macros with
                #substitute, but it's tricky to fit that into the structure of this
                #class. Pass-by-reference semantics are nice sometimes...
                private$dt <- data.table::data.table(df)

                private$.changed <- FALSE
                private$.filename <- NULL
                private$.filedate <- NULL



            attrs <- attributes(df)

            private$dt <- data.table::data.table(df)

            private$.changed <- FALSE
            private$.filename <- NULL
            private$.filedate <- NULL


            return(self$use(url)) #read.dta13 handles URLs too

        use_csv=function(filename, header=TRUE, sep=',', ...)
            read_args <- list(...)
            read_args$header <- header
            read_args$file <- filename

            #We need to figure out the separator if it wasn't given
                ext <- tools::file_ext(filename)
                #We have to guess the delimiter, which is only worth doing
                #because Stata does. First, let's check the extension.
                if(ext == "csv")
                    delim <- ","
                } else if(ext %in% c("tsv", "txt"))
                    delim <- "\t"
                    #As a last resort, read in the first five lines and see if there's
                    #a character that appears the same number of times in all five lines.
                    rows <- readLines(filename, n=5, warn=FALSE)
                    cnt <- char_count(rows)

                    nm <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(cnt, names))
                    if(length(nm) == 0)
                        raiseCondition("Cannot determine delimiter character",

                    cands <- vapply(nm, function(x)
                            length(unique(lapply(cnt, function(y) y[x])))
                        }, integer(1))

                    if(length(which(cands == 1)) == 1)
                        delim <- names(cands)[which(cands == 1)]
                    } else
                        raiseCondition("Cannot determine delimiter character",

            #We've set delim or thrown an exception
            read_args$sep <- delim

            #Actually read in the data. There are no attributes worth
            #preserving on a read-in CSV.
            private$dt <- data.table::data.table(do.call(read.csv, read_args))

            private$.changed <- FALSE
            private$.filename <- NULL
            private$.filedate <- NULL


        preserve = function(memory=FALSE)
            #Default to preserving to disk
                private$preserve_cpy <- copy(private$dt)
            } else
                private$preserve_file <- tempfile()
                dput(private$dt, file=private$preserve_file)


        restore = function(cancel=FALSE)
                    #The garbage collector destroys the object
                    private$preserve_cpy <- NULL
                } else if(!is.null(private$preserve_file))
                    private$preserve_file <- NULL
                } else
                    raiseCondition("Cannot cancel preserve: no preserve set up")
            } else
                    #The garbage collector will tear down both dt and preserve_cpy
                    #once we set the refs to NULL, which frees up memory

                    private$dt <- NULL
                    private$dt <- private$preserve_cpy

                    private$preserve_cpy <- NULL
                } else if(!is.null(private$preserve_file))
                    #Load the serialized object back in
                    private$dt <- NULL
                    private$dt <- dget(private$preserve_file)

                    #Unlink the copy on disk to free up space
                    private$preserve_file <- NULL
                } else
                    raiseCondition("Cannot restore: no preserve set up")

        drop_columns = function(cols)
            for(col in cols)
                if(col %not_in% names(private$dt))
                    raiseCondition("Column does not exist")

                col <- as.symbol(col)
                private$dt[, eval(col) := NULL]

            private$.changed <- TRUE

        head = function(n=5)
            return(utils::head(private$dt, n))

        iloc = function(row_indexer, col_indexer)
            return(private$dt[row_indexer, col_indexer, with=FALSE])

        subset = function(subset, select, ...)
            args <- c(x=private$dt, subset=subset, select=select, list(...))
            return(do.call(subset, args))

        in_clause_to_row_numbers = function(in_clause)
            #Update bounds if they're given as f/F or l/L, and translate
            #negative row numbers to positive ones
            for(n in names(in_clause))
                if(in_clause[[n]] == as.symbol("f") || in_clause[[n]] == as.symbol("F"))
                    in_clause[[n]] <- 1

                if(in_clause[[n]] == as.symbol("l") || in_clause[[n]] == as.symbol("L"))
                    in_clause[[n]] <- self$dim[1]

                #Handle negative bounds: -n becomes (n-1) rows before the end of the
                #dataset. If self$dim[1] == 100, -1 => 100 + 1 -1 == 100, the last
                #indexable row.
                if(in_clause[[n]] < 0)
                    in_clause[[n]] <- self$dim[1] + 1 + in_clause[[n]]

            #Raise if the bounds are bad
            raiseifnot(in_clause$lower <= in_clause$upper,
                       msg="In clause: start row occurs after end row")
            raiseifnot(in_clause$upper <= self$dim[1],
                       msg="In clause: end row exceeds dataset length")
            raiseifnot(in_clause$lower >= 1,
                       msg="In clause: start row too low")

            return(c(in_clause$lower, in_clause$upper))

        setcolorder = function(cols)
            setcolorder(private$dt, cols)

        drop_rows = function(rows)
            to_keep <- setdiff(seq.int(1, self$nrow), rows)

            nm <- temporary_name(self$names)
            private$dt[, nm := seq.int(1, self$nrow), with=FALSE]

            subst <- data.table(col1 = private$dt[[nm]][to_keep])
            setnames(subst, c(nm))

            for(col in setdiff(self$names, c(nm)))
                subst[, col := private$dt[[col]][to_keep], with=FALSE]
                private$dt[, col := NULL, with=FALSE] #delete it

            private$dt <- NULL
            private$dt <- subst
            private$dt[, nm := NULL, with=FALSE]

            private$.changed <- TRUE

        sort = function(cols, rows=NULL, asc=replicate(length(cols), TRUE),
                        row_number=NULL, na.last=TRUE, stable=FALSE)

            private$.changed <- TRUE

        set_obs = function(nobs)

        rows_where = function(expr)

    active = list(
        #Return a 2-element numeric vector of (nrows, ncols)
        dim = function() base::dim(private$dt),

        nrow = function() base::nrow(private$dt),
        ncol = function() base::ncol(private$dt),

        #Return the current dataset column names
        names = function() base::names(private$dt),

        #May be changed in the future, but a data.table is a data.frame
        as_data_frame = function() private$dt,

        #The current Stata dataset label
        data_label = function() attr(private$dt, "datalabel"),

        #Has the dataset been modified since it was loaded?
        changed = function() private$.changed, #FIXME - preserve/restore?

        #What filename did we last save to?
        filename = function() private$.filename,

        #When did we last save?
        filedate = function() private$.filedate,

        #Column data types
        dtypes = function() vapply(private$dt, function(x)
            } else
        }, character(1))

    private = list(
        dt = NULL,
        preserve_cpy = NULL,
        preserve_file = NULL,

        .changed = NULL,
        .filename = NULL,
        .filedate = NULL,

        append_attributes = function(attrs)
            #read.dta13 creates a lot of attributes with information about the
            #original Stata file. We need to keep them, but the data.table ctor
            #strips them off. Because private$dt won't be copied and in the
            #process lose its attributes, it suffices to do this once when this
            #particular Stata dataset is loaded.

            to_set <- setdiff(names(attrs), names(attributes(private$dt)))
            to_set <- attrs[to_set]

            for(nm in names(to_set))
                attr(private$dt, nm) <- to_set[[nm]]

wwbrannon/ado documentation built on May 4, 2019, 12:03 p.m.