#' @include helpers.R
#' Algorithms for Optimum Sample Allocation Under One-Sided Bounds
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Functions that implement selected optimal allocation algorithms that compute
#' a solution to the optimal allocation problem defined in the language of
#' mathematical optimization as follows.
#' Minimize
#' \deqn{f(x_1,\ldots,x_H) = \sum_{h=1}^H \frac{A^2_h}{x_h}}
#' subject to
#' \deqn{\sum_{h=1}^H c_h x_h = c}
#' and either
#' \deqn{x_h \leq M_h, \quad h = 1,\ldots,H}
#' or
#' \deqn{x_h \geq m_h, \quad h = 1,\ldots,H,}
#' where
#' \eqn{c > 0,\, c_h > 0,\, A_h > 0,\, m_h > 0,\, M_h > 0,\, h = 1,\ldots,H},
#' are given numbers. The minimization is on \eqn{\mathbb R_+^H}.
#' The inequality constraints are optional and user can choose whether and how
#' they are to be added to the optimization problem.
#' If one-sided lower bounds \eqn{m_h,\, h = 1,\ldots,H}, must be imposed, it
#' is then required that \eqn{c \geq \sum_{h=1}^H c_h m_h}.
#' If one-sided upper bounds \eqn{M_h,\, h = 1,\ldots,H}, must be imposed, it
#' is then required that \eqn{0 < c \leq \sum_{h=1}^H c_h M_h}.
#' Lower bounds can be specified instead of the upper bounds only in case of the
#' \emph{LRNA} algorithm. All other algorithms allow only for specification of
#' the upper bounds. For the sake of clarity, we emphasize that in the
#' optimization problem consider here, the lower and upper bounds cannot be
#' imposed jointly.
#' Costs \eqn{c_h,\, h = 1,\ldots,H}, of surveying one element in stratum, can
#' be specified by the user only in case of the \emph{RNA} and \emph{LRNA}
#' algorithms. For remaining algorithms, these costs are fixed at 1, i.e.
#' \eqn{c_h = 1,\, h = 1,\ldots,H}.
#' The following is the list of all the algorithms available to use along with
#' the name of the function that implements a given algorithm. See the
#' description of a specific function to find out more about the corresponding
#' algorithm.
#' * \emph{RNA} - `rna()`
#' * \emph{LRNA}- `rna()`
#' * \emph{SGA}- `sga()`
#' * \emph{SGAPLUS} - `sgaplus()`
#' * \emph{COMA} - `coma()`
#' Functions in this family should not be called directly by the user. Use
#' [opt()] or [optcost()] instead.
#' @note If no inequality constraints are added, the allocation is given by the
#' Neyman allocation as:
#' \deqn{x_h = \frac{A_h}{\sqrt{c_h}} \frac{n}{\sum_{i=1}^H A_i \sqrt{c_i}},
#' \quad h = 1,\ldots,H.}
#' For \emph{stratified \eqn{\pi} estimator} of the population total with
#' \emph{stratified simple random sampling without replacement} design in use,
#' the parameters of the objective function \eqn{f} are:
#' \deqn{A_h = N_h S_h, \quad h = 1,\ldots,H,}
#' where \eqn{N_h} is the size of stratum \eqn{h} and \eqn{S_h} denotes
#' standard deviation of a given study variable in stratum \eqn{h}.
#' @param total_cost (`number`)\cr total cost \eqn{c} of the survey. A strictly
#' positive scalar.
#' @param A (`numeric`)\cr population constants \eqn{A_1,\ldots,A_H}. Strictly
#' positive numbers.
#' @param M (`numeric` or `NULL`)\cr upper bounds \eqn{M_1,\ldots,M_H},
#' optionally imposed on sample sizes in strata. If no upper bounds should be
#' imposed, then `M` must be set to `NULL`. Otherwise, it is required that
#' `total_cost <= sum(unit_costs * M)`. Strictly positive numbers.
#' @return Numeric vector with optimal sample allocations in strata. In case
#' of the `rna()` only, it can also be a [`list`] with optimal sample
#' allocations and strata assignments (either to take-Neyman or take-bound).
#' @seealso [opt()], [optcost()], [rnabox()].
#' @references
#' Wójciak, W. (2023).
#' Another Solution of Some Optimum Allocation Problem.
#' *Statistics in Transition new series*, 24(5) (in press).
#' <https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.04035> \cr
#' Wesołowski, J., Wieczorkowski, R., Wójciak, W. (2021).
#' Optimality of the Recursive Neyman Allocation.
#' *Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology*, 10(5), pp. 1263–1275.
#' \doi{10.1093/jssam/smab018},
#' \doi{10.48550/arXiv.2105.14486} \cr
#' Wójciak, W. (2019). Optimal Allocation in Stratified Sampling Schemes.
#' *MSc Thesis*, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland.
#' <http://home.elka.pw.edu.pl/~wwojciak/msc_optimal_allocation.pdf> \cr
#' Stenger, H., Gabler, S. (2005).
#' Combining random sampling and census strategies -
#' Justification of inclusion probabilities equal to 1.
#' *Metrika*, 61(2), pp. 137–156.
#' \doi{10.1007/s001840400328} \cr
#' Särndal, C.-E., Swensson, B. and Wretman, J. (1992).
#' *Model Assisted Survey Sampling*, Springer, New York.
#' @name opt_1sided
#' @examples
#' A <- c(3000, 4000, 5000, 2000)
#' m <- c(50, 40, 10, 30) # lower bounds
#' M <- c(100, 90, 70, 80) # upper bounds
#' @describeIn opt_1sided \emph{Recursive Neyman Algorithm} (\emph{RNA}) and its
#' twin version, \emph{Lower Recursive Neyman Algorithm} (\emph{LRNA})
#' dedicated to the allocation problem with one-sided lower-bounds constraints.
#' The \emph{RNA} is described in Wesołowski et al. (2021), while \emph{LRNA} is
#' introduced in Wójciak (2023).
#' @param bounds (`numeric` or `NULL`) \cr optional lower bounds
#' \eqn{m_1,\ldots,m_H}, or upper bounds \eqn{M_1,\ldots,M_H}, or `NULL` to
#' indicate that there is no inequality constraints in the optimization
#' problem considered.
#' If not `NULL`, the `bounds` is to be treated either as:
#' * lower bounds, if `check_violations = .Primitive("<=")`. In this case, it
#' is required that `total_cost >= sum(unit_costs * bounds)`, \cr
#' or
#' * upper bounds, if `check_violations = .Primitive(">=")`. In this case, it
#' is required that `total_cost <= sum(unit_costs * bounds)`.
#' @param unit_costs (`numeric`)\cr costs \eqn{c_1,\ldots,c_H}, of surveying one
#' element in stratum. A strictly positive numbers. Can be also of length 1,
#' if all unit costs are the same for all strata. In this case, the elements
#' will be recycled to the length of `bounds`.
#' @param check_violations (`function`) \cr 2-arguments binary operator function
#' that allows the comparison of values in atomic vectors. It must either be
#' set to `.Primitive("<=")` or `.Primitive(">=")`. The first of these choices
#' causes that `bounds` are treated as lower bounds and then `rna()` function
#' performs the \emph{LRNA} algorithm. The latter option causes that `bounds`
#' are treated as upper bounds, and then `rna()` function performs the
#' \emph{RNA} algorithm. This argument is ignored when `bounds` is set to `NULL`.
#' @param details (`flag`) \cr should detailed information about strata
#' assignments (either to take-Neyman or take-bound), values of set function
#' \eqn{s} and number of iterations be added to the output?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rna(total_cost = 190, A = A, bounds = M)
#' rna(total_cost = 190, A = A, bounds = m, check_violations = .Primitive("<="))
rna <- function(total_cost,
bounds = NULL,
unit_costs = 1,
check_violations = .Primitive(">="),
details = FALSE) {
i <- 0L # Iteration index, for debugging purposes only.
c_sqrt <- sqrt(unit_costs)
A_c <- A * c_sqrt
A_over_c <- A / c_sqrt
s0 <- s <- total_cost / sum(A_c)
x <- s * A_over_c # Neyman allocation.
V <- check_violations(x, bounds)
if (any(V)) {
W <- seq_along(A_c) # Set of strata original indices. To be shrunk in repeat loop.
bounds_c <- bounds * unit_costs
for (i in W) {
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(bounds_c[W[V]])
W <- W[!V] # W <- W \ W[V]
# Neyman allocation for W. Denominator could be accumulated (i.e.
# A_c_sum <- A_c_sum - sum(A_c[W[V]]), where first A_c_sum = A_c[1]+...+A_c[H]),
# but resigned from this version due to finite precision arithmetic issues.
s <- total_cost / sum(A_c[W])
x <- s * A_over_c[W]
V <- check_violations(x, bounds[W]) # Indices of W for which x violates bounds.
if (!any(V)) {
bounds[W] <- x
if (details) {
take_bound <- if (length(W) == 0L) {
seq_along(A) # Vertex allocation.
} else {
list(opt = bounds, take_neyman = W, take_bound = take_bound, s0 = s0, s = s, iter = i + 1L)
} else {
} else if (details) {
list(opt = x, take_neyman = seq_along(A_c), take_bound = integer(0), s0 = s0, s = s, iter = i + 1L)
} else {
#' @describeIn opt_1sided Stenger-Gabler type algorithm \emph{SGA}, described in
#' Wesołowski et al. (2021) and in Stenger and Gabler (2005).
#' This algorithm solves the problem with one-sided upper-bounds constraints.
#' It also assumes unit costs are constant and equal to 1, i.e.
#' \eqn{c_h = 1,\, h = 1,\ldots,H}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sga(total_cost = 190, A = A, M = M)
sga <- function(total_cost, A, M) {
H <- length(A) # Number of strata.
AoM <- A / M
# W - strata indices sorted with regard to non-increasing order of a/M.
# The ordering preserves relative order of the elements with equivalent values.
W <- order(AoM, decreasing = TRUE)
Asum <- sum(A)
for (i in 1:H) {
s_inv <- Asum / total_cost # Inverse of s function.
h <- W[i]
if (AoM[h] < s_inv) {
} else {
total_cost <- total_cost - M[h]
Asum <- Asum - A[h]
if (i == 1L) { # To improve the performance, otherwise, else block only.
A / s_inv
} else {
V <- W[i:H]
M[V] <- A[V] / s_inv
#' @describeIn opt_1sided modified Stenger-Gabler type algorithm, described in
#' Wójciak (2019) as \emph{Sequential Allocation (version 1)} algorithm.
#' This algorithm solves the problem with one-sided upper-bounds constraints.
#' It also assumes unit costs are constant and equal to 1, i.e.
#' \eqn{c_h = 1,\, h = 1,\ldots,H}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sgaplus(total_cost = 190, A = A, M = M)
sgaplus <- function(total_cost, A, M) {
H <- length(A) # Number of strata.
AoM <- A / M
# W - strata indices sorted with regard to non-increasing order of a/M.
# The ordering preserves relative order of the elements with equivalent values.
W <- order(AoM, decreasing = TRUE)
Asum <- sum(A)
ksi_inv <- Asum / total_cost
i <- 1L
j <- 1L
repeat {
if (AoM[W[i]] < ksi_inv) { # Allocation for stratum W[i] does not exceed M.
if (j < i) { # It must not be exceeded also when W = W[-(1:(i-1))]
Rj <- W[j:(i - 1L)]
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(M[Rj])
Asum <- Asum - sum(A[Rj])
ksi_inv <- Asum / total_cost
j <- i
} else {
} else if (i == H) { # Last stratum in W cannot be exceeded, allocation = M.
} else {
i <- i + 1L
if (i == 1L) { # To improve the performance, otherwise, else block only.
A / ksi_inv
} else {
V <- W[i:H]
M[V] <- A[V] / ksi_inv
#' @describeIn opt_1sided \emph{Change of Monotonicity Algorithm} (\emph{COMA}),
#' described in Wesołowski et al. (2021).
#' This algorithm solves the problem with one-sided upper-bounds constraints.
#' It also assumes unit costs are constant and equal to 1, i.e.
#' \eqn{c_h = 1,\, h = 1,\ldots,H}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' coma(total_cost = 190, A = A, M = M)
coma <- function(total_cost, A, M) {
H <- length(A) # Number of strata.
if (H == 1L) {
return(min(total_cost, M))
# W - strata indices sorted with regard to non-increasing order of a/M.
# The ordering preserves relative order of the elements with equivalent values.
W <- order(A / M, decreasing = TRUE)
Asum <- sum(A)
s <- total_cost / Asum
for (i in 1:(H - 1)) {
h <- W[i]
total_cost <- total_cost - M[h]
Asum <- Asum - A[h]
s_next <- total_cost / Asum
if (s > s_next) { # Change of monotonicity found.
} else {
s <- s_next
i <- ifelse(i == H - 1 && s <= s_next, H, i)
if (i == 1) { # To improve the performance, otherwise, else block only.
A * s
} else {
V <- W[i:H]
M[V] <- A[V] * s
#' @title RNA - Recursive Implementation
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @inheritParams rna
#' @note this coded was not extensively tested.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- c(3000, 4000, 5000, 2000)
#' M <- c(100, 90, 70, 80) # upper bounds.
#' rna_rec(total_cost = 190, A = A, bounds = M)
#' rna_rec(total_cost = 312, A = A, bounds = M)
#' rna_rec(total_cost = 339, A = A, bounds = M)
#' rna_rec(total_cost = 340, A = A, bounds = M)
rna_rec <- function(total_cost, A, bounds = NULL, unit_costs = rep(1, length(A)), check_violations = .Primitive(">=")) {
x <- (total_cost / sum(A * sqrt(unit_costs))) * (A / sqrt(unit_costs)) # Neyman allocation.
t_bound <- check_violations(x, bounds) # take-bound
if (any(t_bound)) {
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(unit_costs[t_bound] * bounds[t_bound])
t_neyman <- !t_bound # take-Neyman
bounds[t_neyman] <- rna_rec(
total_cost, A[t_neyman], bounds[t_neyman], unit_costs[t_neyman], check_violations
} else {
#' @title RNA in version that uses prior information about violations
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' This is the version of the RNA that makes use of additional information
#' about strata for which the allocation can possibly be violated. For all other
#' strata allocation will not be violated.
#' @note this coded was not extensively tested.
#' @inheritParams rna
#' @param check (`integer`)\cr strata indices for which the allocation can
#' possible be violated. For other strata allocation cannot be violated.
rna_prior <- function(total_cost, A, bounds = NULL, check = NULL, check_violations = .Primitive(">="), details = FALSE) {
s <- total_cost / sum(A)
V <- check_violations(s * A[check], bounds[check])
if (any(V)) {
check_ind <- seq_along(check)
repeat {
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(bounds[check[check_ind[V]]])
check_ind <- check_ind[!V]
tN <- -check[-check_ind]
tB <- check[check_ind]
s <- total_cost / sum(A[tN])
V <- check_violations(s * A[tB], bounds[tB])
if (!any(V)) {
bounds[tN] <- s * A[tN]
} else if (sum(V) == length(check_ind)) {
bounds[-check] <- (total_cost - sum(bounds[check[check_ind[V]]])) / sum(A[-check]) * A[-check]
} else {
s * A
# Does not work when: check == take-bound or V is NULL.
rna_prior1 <- function(total_cost, A, bounds = NULL, check = NULL, check_violations = .Primitive(">="), details = FALSE) {
s <- total_cost / sum(A)
repeat {
Vi <- check_violations(s * A[check], bounds[check])
if (any(Vi)) {
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(bounds[check[Vi]])
V <- c(V, check[Vi])
check <- check[!Vi]
s <- total_cost / sum(A[-V])
} else {
bounds[-V] <- s * A[-V]
# Works well, the best out of all the options so far.
rna_prior2 <- function(total_cost, A, bounds = NULL, check = NULL, check_violations = .Primitive(">="), details = FALSE) {
s <- total_cost / sum(A)
tN_map <- !logical(length = length(A)) # Map with strata to take-Neyman
repeat {
V <- check_violations(s * A[check], bounds[check])
if (any(V)) {
tB <- check[V]
tN_map[tB] <- FALSE
check <- check[!V]
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(bounds[tB])
A_tN <- A[tN_map]
s <- total_cost / sum(A_tN)
} else {
bounds[tN_map] <- s * A_tN
# Works well.
rna_prior3 <- function(total_cost, A, bounds = NULL, check = NULL, check_violations = .Primitive(">="), details = FALSE) {
s <- total_cost / sum(A)
tN <- seq_along(A) # Strata indices for take-Neyman.
repeat {
V <- check_violations(s * A[check], bounds[check])
if (any(V)) {
tB <- check[V]
tN[tB] <- 0L
check <- check[!V]
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(bounds[tB])
A_tN <- A[tN]
s <- total_cost / sum(A_tN)
} else {
bounds[tN] <- s * A_tN
# with take_bound
rna_prior2a <- function(total_cost, A, bounds = NULL, check = seq_along(A), take_bound = NULL, check_violations = .Primitive(">="), details = FALSE) {
tN_map <- !logical(length = length(A)) # Map with strata to take-Neyman
tN_map[take_bound] <- FALSE
check <- setdiff(check, take_bound)
repeat {
A_tN <- A[tN_map]
s <- total_cost / sum(A_tN)
V <- check_violations(s * A[check], bounds[check])
if (any(V)) {
tB <- check[V]
tN_map[tB] <- FALSE
check <- check[!V]
total_cost <- total_cost - sum(bounds[tB])
} else {
bounds[tN_map] <- s * A_tN
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