
Defines functions gtf2bed

Documented in gtf2bed

#' Convert gtf file to bed12 file.
#' @param gtf_file A gtf file.
#' @param bed_file A bed file name to save.
#' @return A bed file will be saved to the directory.
gtf2bed <- function(gtf_file,bed_file=NULL,itemRgb="255,0,0"){
    bed_file <- gsub('.gtf','.bed',gtf_file)
  message('Read gtf file ...')
  gr <- import(gtf_file)
  type <- ifelse('feature' %in% colnames(mcols(gr)),'feature','type')
  if(!(type %in% c('feature','type')))
    stop('The object does not have a "feature" or "type" column of exon labels')

  message('Convert to bed file ...')
  exon <- gr[mcols(gr)[,type]=='exon',]
  mapping <- data.frame(gene_id = exon$gene_id,transcript_id = exon$transcript_id)
  mapping <- mapping[!duplicated(mapping),]
  rownames(mapping) <- mapping$transcript_id

  exon <- GenomicRanges::split(exon,exon$transcript_id)
  bed <- rtracklayer::asBED(exon)
  # x_range <- range(x)
  # if (any(elementNROWS(x_range) != 1L))
  #   stop("Empty or multi-strand/seqname elements not supported by BED")
  # bed <- unlist(x_range, use.names=FALSE)
  # mcols(bed) <- mcols(x)
  # mcols(bed)$name <- names(x)
  # x_ranges <- ranges(unlist(x, use.names=FALSE))
  # ord_start <- order(IRanges::togroup(IRanges::PartitioningByEnd(x)), start(x_ranges))
  # x_ranges <- shift(x_ranges, 1L - rep(start(bed), elementNROWS(x)))[ord_start]
  # mcols(bed)$blocks <- relist(x_ranges, x)
  # blocks <- relist(x_ranges, x)

  blocks <- bed$blocks
  bed$blocks <- NULL
  strand_info <- as.character(strand(bed))
  strand_info[strand_info == "*"] <- NA

  df <- data.frame(seqnames = seqnames(bed),
                   start = start(bed) - 1,
                   end = end(bed),
                   names = paste0(mapping[bed$name,'gene_id'],';',bed$name),
                   score = 0,
                   strand = strand_info,
                   thickStart = start(bed) - 1,
                   thickEnd = end(bed),
                   itemRgb = itemRgb,
                   blockCount = elementNROWS(blocks),
                   blockSizes = unlist(lapply(width(blocks), paste, collapse = ","), use.names = FALSE),
                   blockStarts = unlist(lapply(start(blocks) - 1, paste, collapse = ","), use.names = FALSE))
  rownames(df) <- NULL

  message('Export bed file ...')
  write.table(df, file = bed_file, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, na = ".")

wyguo/RTDBox documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 1:19 a.m.