Man pages for xavierdidelot/BactDating
BactDating: Bayesian inference of ancestral dates on bacterial phylogenetic trees

allDatesCompute dates of leaves and internal nodes for a given tree
as.mcmc.resBactDatingConvert to coda mcmc format
as.treedata.resBactDatingConvert to treedata format from ggtree package
bactdateMain function of BactDating package to date the nodes of a...
BactDatingBactDating: Bayesian inference of ancestral dates on...
clusteredTestExperimental clustered permutation test
coalpriorRCoalescent prior function from package ape which deletes...
drop.tip.useRecModified drop.tip() from 'ape' package that also updates the...
dualScaleRescaling function using dual scale
extractSampleExtract a sample of trees
initRootInitial tree rooting based on best root-to-tip correlation
leafDatesCompute dates of leaves for a given tree
likelihoodArcarc likelihood function
likelihoodCarccarc likelihood function
likelihoodGammaGamma likelihood function
likelihoodNegbinNegative-binomial likelihood function
likelihoodPoissonPoisson likelihood function
likelihoodRelaxedgammaRelaxed gamma likelihood function
loadCFMLLoad output from ClonalFrameML
loadGubbinsLoad output from Gubbins
modelcomparePerform Bayesian comparison between two models based on DIC...
nodeDatesCompute dates of internal nodes for a given tree
plotDualScalePlot tree rescaled using dual scale
plot.resBactDatingPlotting methods
print.resBactDatingPrint function for resBactDating objects
roottotipRoot to tip correlation
simcoaltreeSimulation of coalescent dated tree
simdatedtreeSimulation of dated tree using rtree and rexp branch lengths
simobsphySimulation of observed phylogeny given a dated tree
staphData on Staphylococcus aureus ST239 from Harris et al (2010)
summary.resBactDatingSummary function for resBactDating objects
xavierdidelot/BactDating documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 1:32 a.m.