
Defines functions CreateLapply RowToS4 JsonToS4 GetFilepath

Documented in CreateLapply GetFilepath JsonToS4 RowToS4

#' Parallelize functions with lapplies
#' Create a new cluster context for function to be parallelized. This creates
#' considerable overhead, but is easier to debug and maintain correct object
#' dependencies in complex lapply functions. All functions needing this should
#' be condidered for more elaborate preformance optimization.
#' @param thread.num Number of threads specified for operation. A number of 1
#' will use normal lapply.
#' @return Correctly parallelized lapply function.
CreateLapply <- function(thread.num = 1, ...) {
  if (thread.num > 1) {
    lfunc <- function(x, y) {
      cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(thread.num, type = "FORK")
      result <- parallel::parLapply(cluster, x, y)
  } else {
    lfunc <- lapply

#' Convert a single case row to a list of S4 objects for this case. Each
#' Filepath will be converted to a separate object.
RowToS4 <- function(case.row, dir.path, temp.path) {
  infiltration <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", case.row[["infiltration"]]))
  if (is.na(infiltration)) {
    message("Parsing failure ", infiltration, " ", case.row[["infiltration"]])
  dest.s4.fun <- function(dest.row) {
    s4.obj <- FlowEntry(temppath = temp.path,
                        dirpath = dir.path,
                        filepath = dest.row[["path"]],
                        material = dest.row[["material"]],
                        tube_set = as.numeric(dest.row[["tube"]]),
                        fcsmarkers = do.call(c, dest.row[["markers"]]),
                        group = case.row[["cohort"]],
                        label = case.row[["id"]],
                        infiltration = infiltration,
                        diagnosis = case.row[["diagnosis"]])
  case.list <- lapply(case.row[["destpaths"]], dest.s4.fun)

#' Convert list of data from json to S4 objects
#' Keep grouping of cohort - case-id - s4-objs
JsonToS4 <- function(json.list, dir.path = "", temp.path = "") {
  group.list <- lapply(json.list, function(cases) {
    case.list <- lapply(cases, function(case) {RowToS4(case, dir.path, temp.path)})

#' Get Filepath from FlowEntry
GetFilepath <- function(entry) {
  return(GetFile(entry@filepath, entry@dirpath, entry@temppath))

#' S4 class representing a flowframe with additional metadata
#' @slot filepath Path to fcs file.
#' @slot group Group of single case. Most often corresponding to the disease label.
#' @slot label Unique identifier matching a single case.
#' @slot material Sample material used in analysis.
#' @slot tube_set Multiple tubes can be used to capture a larger number of channels per sample.
#' @slot fcs Slot to load fcs file.
#' @slot dataset Original dataset of the file.
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore flowFrame
FlowEntry <- setClass("FlowEntry",
      filepath = "character",
      dirpath = "character",
      temppath = "character",
      group = "character",
      label = "character",
      material = "character",
      tube_set = "numeric",
      fcs = "flowFrame",
      fcsmarkers = "character",
      infiltration = "numeric",
      diagnosis = "character",
      dataset = "character"
xiamaz/flowProc documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:01 a.m.