
Defines functions .internal_cal_dmngroup .internal_cal_dmn .internal_cal_anosim_mrpp .internal_cal_adonis

#'  Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance Using Distance Matrices for MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @rdname mp_adonis-methods
#' @param .data MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .abundance the name of abundance to be calculated.
#' @param .formula Model formula right hand side gives the continuous variables 
#' or factors, and keep left empty, such as ~ group, it is required.
#' @param distmethod character the method to calculate pairwise distances, 
#' default is 'bray'.
#' @param action character "add" joins the cca result to the object, "only" return
#' a non-redundant tibble with the cca result. "get" return 'cca' object can
#' be analyzed using the related vegan funtion.
#' @param permutations the number of permutations required, default is 999.
#' @param seed a random seed to make the adonis analysis reproducible, default is 123.
#' @param ... additional parameters see also 'adonis2' of vegan.
#' @return update object according action argument
#' @export
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @examples
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mouse.time.mpse %>%
#'   mp_decostand(
#'      .abundance=Abundance, 
#'      method="hellinger") %>%
#'   mp_adonis(.abundance=hellinger, 
#'             .formula=~time, 
#'             distmethod="bray", 
#'             permutations=999, # for more robust, set it to 9999. 
#'             action="get")
setGeneric("mp_adonis", function(.data, .abundance, .formula, distmethod="bray", action="get", permutations=999, seed=123, ...)standardGeneric("mp_adonis"))

.internal_cal_adonis <- function(.data, .abundance, .formula, distmethod="bray", action="get", permutations=999, seed=123, ...){

    action %<>% match.arg(c("add", "only", "get"))

    if (missing(.formula)){
        rlang::abort("The .formula is required, with no default")

    .abundance <- rlang::enquo(.abundance)

    if (distmethod %in% distMethods$vegdist ){

        x <- .data %>% mp_extract_assays(.abundance=!!.abundance, byRow=FALSE)

        sampleda <- .data %>%
                    mp_extract_sample() %>%
                    dplyr::arrange(match(rownames(x), !!as.symbol("Sample"))) %>%

        .formula <- paste0(c("x", .formula), collapse=" ") %>% as.formula()

        res <- withr::with_seed(seed, vegan::adonis2(.formula, data=sampleda, method=distmethod, permutations=permutations, ...))

        if(! distmethod %in% colnames(.data %>% mp_extract_sample())){
            if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.abundance)){
                rlang::abort("The .abundance must be required, when the distmethod is not present in the object.")
                .data %<>% mp_cal_dist(.abundance=!!.abundance, distmethod=distmethod, action="add")
        distobj <- .data %>% 
                   mp_extract_dist(distmethod=distmethod) %>%

        sampleda <- .data %>%
                    mp_extract_sample() %>%
                    dplyr::arrange(match(rownames(distobj), !!as.symbol("Sample"))) %>%

        .formula <- paste0(c("distobj", .formula), collapse=" ") %>% as.formula()
        res <- withr::with_seed(seed, vegan::adonis2(.formula, data=sampleda, permutations=permutations, ...))

    if (action == "get"){
    }else if(action == "only"){
        da <- mp_fortify(res)
        message("The result of adonis has been saved to the internal attribute !")
        message("It can be extracted using this-object %>% mp_extract_internal_attr(name='adonis')")
        .data %<>%
            add_internal_attr(object=res, name="ADONIS")


#' @rdname mp_adonis-methods
#' @aliases mp_adonis,MPSE
#' @exportMethod mp_adonis
setMethod("mp_adonis", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_cal_adonis)

#' @rdname mp_adonis-methods
#' @aliases mp_adonis,tbl_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_adonis
setMethod("mp_adonis", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_cal_adonis)

#' @rdname mp_adonis-methods
#' @aliases mp_adonis,grouped_df_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_adonis
setMethod("mp_adonis", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_cal_adonis)

#' Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM) with MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @rdname mp_anosim-methods
#' @param .data MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .abundance the name of abundance to be calculated.
#' @param .group The name of the column of the sample group information.
#' @param distmethod character the method to calculate pairwise distances,
#' default is 'bray'.
#' @param action character "add" joins the ANOSIM result to internal attribute of 
#' the object, "only" and "get" return 'anosim' object can be analyzed using the 
#' related vegan funtion.
#' @param permutations the number of permutations required, default is 999.
#' @param seed a random seed to make the ANOSIM analysis reproducible, default is 123.
#' @param ... additional parameters see also 'anosim' of vegan.
#' @return update object according action argument
#' @export
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @examples
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mouse.time.mpse %<>%
#'   mp_decostand(.abundance=Abundance)
#' # action = "get" will return a anosim object
#' mouse.time.mpse %>% 
#'   mp_anosim(.abundance=hellinger, .group=time, action="get")
#' # action = "only" will return a tbl_df that can be as the input of ggplot2.
#' library(ggplot2)
#' tbl <- mouse.time.mpse %>% 
#'        mp_anosim(.abundance=hellinger, 
#'                  .group=time,
#'                  permutations=999, # for more robust, set it to 9999
#'                  action="only")
#' tbl
#' tbl %>%
#' ggplot(aes(x=class, y=rank, fill=class)) + 
#' geom_boxplot(notch=TRUE, varwidth = TRUE)
setGeneric("mp_anosim", function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...)standardGeneric("mp_anosim"))

.internal_cal_anosim_mrpp <- function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, method="anosim", ...){

    action %<>% match.arg(c("add", "get", "only"))
    .abundance <- rlang::enquo(.abundance)
    .group <- rlang::enquo(.group)

    defun <- switch(method,
                    anosim = vegan::anosim,
                    mrpp   = vegan::mrpp)

    sampleda <- .data %>%
                mp_extract_sample() %>%
                select(c(!!as.symbol("Sample"), !!.group)) 

    if (distmethod %in% distMethods$vegdist ){
        x <- .data %>% mp_extract_assays(.abundance=!!.abundance, byRow=FALSE)

        sampleda %<>% dplyr::arrange(match(rownames(x), !!as.symbol("Sample"))) %>%

        res <- withr::with_seed(seed, defun(x, grouping=sampleda, distance=distmethod, permutations=permutations, ...))

        if(! distmethod %in% colnames(.data %>% mp_extract_sample())){
            if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.abundance)){
                rlang::abort("The .abundance must be required, when the distmethod is not present in the object.")
                .data %<>% mp_cal_dist(.abundance=!!.abundance, distmethod=distmethod, action="add")

        distobj <- .data %>%
                   mp_extract_dist(distmethod=distmethod) %>%

        sampleda %<>% dplyr::arrange(match(rownames(distobj), !!as.symbol("Sample"))) %>%

        res <- withr::with_seed(seed, defun(distobj, grouping=sampleda, permutations=permutations, ...))

    if (action == "get"){
    }else if (action=="only"){
        da <- mp_fortify(res, verbose=TRUE)
        resname <- switch(method,
                          anosim = "anosim",
                          mrpp   = "mrpp")
        message(paste0("The result of ", resname," has been integrated to the internal attribute !"))
        message(paste0("It can be extracted using this-object %>% mp_extract_internal_attr(name='",resname,"')"))
        .data %<>%
            add_internal_attr(object=res, name=resname)


#' @rdname mp_anosim-methods
#' @aliases mp_anosim,MPSE
#' @exportMethod mp_anosim
setMethod("mp_anosim", signature(.data="MPSE"),
    function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...){
    res <- .internal_cal_anosim_mrpp(.data=.data, 
                                     .abundance = !!rlang::enquo(.abundance),
                                     .group = !!rlang::enquo(.group),
                                     distmethod = distmethod,
                                     action = action,
                                     permutations = permutations,

#' @rdname mp_anosim-methods
#' @aliases mp_anosim,tbl_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_anosim
setMethod("mp_anosim", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), 
    function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...){
    res <- .internal_cal_anosim_mrpp(.data=.data,
                                     .abundance = !!rlang::enquo(.abundance),
                                     .group = !!rlang::enquo(.group),
                                     distmethod = distmethod,
                                     action = action,
                                     permutations = permutations,

#' @rdname mp_anosim-methods
#' @aliases mp_anosim,grouped_df_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_anosim
setMethod("mp_anosim", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), 
    function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...){
    res <- .internal_cal_anosim_mrpp(.data=.data,
                                     .abundance = !!rlang::enquo(.abundance),
                                     .group = !!rlang::enquo(.group),
                                     distmethod = distmethod,
                                     action = action,
                                     permutations = permutations,

#' Analysis of Multi Response Permutation Procedure (MRPP) with MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @rdname mp_mrpp-methods
#' @param .data MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .abundance the name of abundance to be calculated.
#' @param .group The name of the column of the sample group information.
#' @param distmethod character the method to calculate pairwise distances,
#' default is 'bray'.
#' @param action character "add" joins the ANOSIM result to internal attribute of
#' the object, "only" return a tibble contained the statistic information of MRPP 
#' analysis, and "get" return 'mrpp' object can be analyzed using the related vegan 
#' funtion.
#' @param permutations the number of permutations required, default is 999.
#' @param seed a random seed to make the MRPP analysis reproducible, default is 123.
#' @param ... additional parameters see also 'mrpp' of vegan.
#' @return update object according action argument
#' @export
#' @author Shuangbin
#' @examples 
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mouse.time.mpse %>%
#'   mp_decostand(.abundance=Abundance) %>% 
#'   mp_mrpp(.abundance=hellinger, 
#'           .group=time, 
#'           distmethod="bray", 
#'           permutations=999, # for more robust, set it to 9999. 
#'           action="get")
setGeneric("mp_mrpp", function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...)standardGeneric("mp_mrpp"))

#' @rdname mp_mrpp-methods
#' @aliases mp_mrpp,MPSE
#' @exportMethod mp_mrpp
setMethod("mp_mrpp", signature(.data="MPSE"),
    function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...){
    res <- .internal_cal_anosim_mrpp(.data=.data,
                                     .abundance = !!rlang::enquo(.abundance),
                                     .group = !!rlang::enquo(.group),
                                     distmethod = distmethod,
                                     action = action,
                                     permutations = permutations,

#' @rdname mp_mrpp-methods
#' @aliases mp_mrpp,tbl_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_mrpp
setMethod("mp_mrpp", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"),
    function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...){
    res <- .internal_cal_anosim_mrpp(.data=.data,
                                     .abundance = !!rlang::enquo(.abundance),
                                     .group = !!rlang::enquo(.group),
                                     distmethod = distmethod,
                                     action = action,
                                     permutations = permutations,

#' @rdname mp_mrpp-methods
#' @aliases mp_mrpp,grouped_df_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_mrpp
setMethod("mp_mrpp", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"),
    function(.data, .abundance, .group, distmethod="bray", action="add", permutations=999, seed=123, ...){
    res <- .internal_cal_anosim_mrpp(.data=.data,
                                     .abundance = !!rlang::enquo(.abundance),
                                     .group = !!rlang::enquo(.group),
                                     distmethod = distmethod,
                                     action = action,
                                     permutations = permutations,

#' Fit Dirichlet-Multinomial models to MPSE or tbl_mpse
#' @rdname mp_dmn-methods
#' @param .data MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .abundance The column name of OTU abundance column to be calculate.
#' @param k the number of Dirichlet components to fit, default is 1.
#' @param seed random number seed to be reproducible, default is 123. 
#' @param mc.cores The number of cores to use, default is 2.
#' @param action character it has three options, 'get' return a 'list' contained 
#' DMN (default), "add" joins the new information to the input (can be extracted
#' with mp_extract_internal_attr(name='DMN')), "only" return a non-redundant tibble 
#' with the just new information a column  contained 'DMN'.
#' @param ... additional parameters, see also the \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}
#' and \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial]{dmn}}.
#' @export
#' @return update object or other (refer to action)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' res <- mouse.time.mpse %>% 
#'        mp_dmn(.abundance = Abundance, 
#'               k = seq_len(2), 
#'               mc.cores = 4, 
#'               action = 'get')
#' res
#' }
    function(.data, .abundance, k = 1, seed = 123, mc.cores = 2, action = 'get', ...)

.internal_cal_dmn <- function(.data, .abundance, k = 1, seed = 123, mc.cores = 2, action = 'get', ...){
    action %<>% match.arg(c('get', 'only', 'add'))
    .abundance <- rlang::enquo(.abundance)
    dat <- .data %>% mp_extract_assays(!!.abundance)
    check_installed("DirichletMultinomial", "for `mp_dmn()`.", action = BiocManager::install)
    res <- parallel::mclapply(k, FUN=DirichletMultinomial::dmn, 
                              count = t(dat), 
                              seed = seed, 
                              mc.cores = mc.cores, 
    if (action == 'get'){
    }else if (action == 'only'){
        res <- tibble::tibble(k = k, DMNfit = res)
    }else if (action == 'add'){
        resname <- as.character(class(res[[1]]))
        message(paste0("The result of ", resname," has been integrated to the internal attribute !"))
        message(paste0("It can be extracted using this-object %>% mp_extract_internal_attr(name='",resname,"')"))
        .data %<>% add_internal_attr(res,  name = resname)

#' @rdname mp_dmn-methods
#' @aliases mp_dmn,MPSE
#' @exportMethod mp_dmn
setMethod('mp_dmn', signature(.data = 'MPSE'), .internal_cal_dmn)

#' @rdname mp_dmn-methods
#' @aliases mp_dmn,tbl_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_dmn
setMethod('mp_dmn', signature(.data = 'tbl_mpse'), .internal_cal_dmn)

#' @rdname mp_dmn-methods
#' @aliases mp_dmn,grouped_df_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_dmn 
setMethod('mp_dmn', signature(.data = 'grouped_df_mpse'), .internal_cal_dmn)
#' Dirichlet-Multinomial generative classifiers to MPSE or tbl_mpse
#' @rdname mp_dmngroup-methods
#' @param .data MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .abundance The column name of OTU abundance column to be calculate.
#' @param .group the column name of group variable.
#' @param k the number of Dirichlet components to fit, default is 1.
#' @param action character it has three options, 'get' return a 'list' contained
#' DMN (default), "add" joins the new information to the input (can be extracted
#' with mp_extract_internal_attr(name='DMNGroup')), "only" return a non-redundant tibble
#' with the just new information a column contained 'DMNGroup'.
#' @param ... additional parameters, see also the \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}
#' and \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial]{dmngroup}}.
#' @return update object or others (refer to action argument)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mouse.time.mpse %>% 
#'   mp_dmngroup(
#'     .abundance = Abundance,
#'     .group = time,
#'     k=seq_len(2),
#'     action = 'get'
#'   )
#' }
setGeneric('mp_dmngroup', function(.data, .abundance, .group, k = 1, action = 'get', ...)

.internal_cal_dmngroup <- function(.data, .abundance, .group, k = 1, action = 'get', ...){
    action %<>% match.arg(c('get', 'only', 'add'))
    .abundance <- rlang::enquo(.abundance)
    .group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
    dat <- .data %>% mp_extract_assays(!!.abundance)
    variable <- .data %>% mp_extract_sample() %>% dplyr::pull(!!.group)

    res <- DirichletMultinomial::dmngroup(count = t(dat), 
                                          group = variable, 
                                          k = k, 
    if (action == 'get'){
    }else if (action == 'only'){
        if (inherits(res, 'list')){
            res <- tibble::tibble(k = k, DMNGroup = res)
            res <- tibble::tibble(k = 'best', DMNGroup = list(res))
    }else if (action == 'add'){
        if (inherits('res', 'list')){
            resname <- as.character(class(res[[1]]))
            resname <- as.character(class(res))
        message(paste0("The result of ", resname," has been integrated to the internal attribute !"))
        message(paste0("It can be extracted using this-object %>% mp_extract_internal_attr(name='",resname,"')"))        
        .data %<>% add_internal_attr(res, name = resname)

#' @rdname mp_dmngroup-methods
#' @aliases mp_dmngroup,MPSE
#' @exportMethod mp_dmngroup
setMethod('mp_dmngroup', signature(.data = 'MPSE'), .internal_cal_dmngroup)

#' @rdname mp_dmngroup-methods
#' @aliases mp_dmngroup,tbl_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_dmngroup
setMethod('mp_dmngroup', signature(.data = 'tbl_mpse'), .internal_cal_dmngroup)

#' @rdname mp_dmngroup-methods
#' @aliases mp_dmngroup,grouped_df_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_dmngroup
setMethod('mp_dmngroup', signature(.data = 'grouped_df_mpse'), .internal_cal_dmngroup)
xiangpin/MicrobiotaProcess documentation built on July 24, 2024, 11:44 p.m.