## findPeaks slave function for parallel execution
## findPeaksPar
## This should at some point be replaced by a call that does not need
## parameter lists and getting options from the environment.
findPeaksPar <- function(arg) {
procDate <- date()
params <- arg$params
myID <- arg$id
if (is.null(params$method))
params$method <- getOption("BioC")$xcms$findPeaks.method
method <- match.arg(params$method, getOption("BioC")$xcms$findPeaks.methods)
if (is.na(method))
stop("unknown method : ", method)
method <- paste("findPeaks", method, sep=".")
## What about using the getXcmsRaw call here???
xRaw <- xcmsRaw(arg$file, profmethod=params$profmethod,
profparam=params$profparam, profstep = 0,
includeMSn=params$includeMSn, mslevel=params$mslevel,
if(params$lockMassFreq == TRUE){
xRaw <- stitch(xRaw, AutoLockMass(xRaw))
## remove parameters which are not used by method() from the parameter list
params["method"] <- NULL
params["id"] <- NULL
params["profmethod"] <- NULL
params["profparam"] <- NULL
params["includeMSn"] <- NULL
params["lockMassFreq"] <- NULL
params["mslevel"] <- NULL
params["scanrange"] <- NULL ## avoid filtering scanrange twice.
peaks <- do.call(method, args = c(list(object = xRaw), params))
## Ensure to remove data to avoid memory accumulation.
scanT <- xRaw@scantime
peaks <- cbind(peaks, sample = rep.int(myID, nrow(peaks)))
## Ensure that last column is named "sample" even if we didn't find
## anything (issue #220)
colnames(peaks)[ncol(peaks)] <- "sample"
list(scantime = scanT,
peaks = peaks,
date = procDate)
## findChromPeaks
## Same as findPeaksPar but without the need to pass argument lists
## and read settings from the global options.
## args should be a list with arguments
## o file: the file name
## o readParams: parameter class to read the file; actually we would only
## need the scanrange, the includeMSn and the lockMassFreq here.
## o detectParams: parameter class for the peak detection.
findChromPeaksInFile <- function(args) {
## Placeholder
## findPeaks slave function for parallel execution
fillPeaksChromPar <- function(arg) {
params <- arg$params
myID <- arg$id
cat(arg$file, "\n")
prof <- params$prof
rtcor <- params$rtcor
peakrange <- params$peakrange
expand.mz <- params$expand.mz
expand.rt <- params$expand.rt
gvals <- params$gvals$gvals
lcraw <- xcmsRaw(arg$file, profmethod=params$prof$method, profstep = 0)
if (length(params$dataCorrection) > 1) {
## Note: dataCorrection (as set in the xcmsSet function) is either
## 1 for all or for none.
if (any(params$dataCorrection == 1))
lcraw <- stitch(lcraw, AutoLockMass(lcraw))
if (exists("params$polarity") && length(params$polarity) >0) {
if (length(params$polarity) > 0) {
## Retain wanted polarity only
lcraws <- split(lcraw, lcraw@polarity, DROP=TRUE)
lcraw <- lcraws[[params$polarity]]
if (length(prof) > 2)
lcraw@profparam <- prof[seq(3, length(prof))]
if (length(rtcor) == length(lcraw@scantime) ) {
lcraw@scantime <- rtcor
} else {
warning("(corrected) retention time vector length mismatch for ", basename(arg$file))
## Expanding the peakrange
incrMz <- (peakrange[, "mzmax"] - peakrange[, "mzmin"]) / 2 * (expand.mz - 1)
peakrange[, "mzmax"] <- peakrange[, "mzmax"] + incrMz
peakrange[, "mzmin"] <- peakrange[, "mzmin"] - incrMz
incrRt <- (peakrange[, "rtmax"] - peakrange[, "rtmin"]) / 2 * (expand.rt - 1)
peakrange[, "rtmax"] <- peakrange[, "rtmax"] + incrRt
peakrange[, "rtmin"] <- peakrange[, "rtmin"] - incrRt
naidx <- which(is.na(gvals[,myID]))
newpeaks <- getPeaks(lcraw, peakrange[naidx,,drop=FALSE], step = prof$step)
list(myID=myID, newpeaks=cbind(newpeaks, sample=myID))
msgfun.featureDetection <- function(x,i) {
message("Detecting features in file #",i,":",basename(x[[i]]$file))
msgfunGeneric <- function(x, i) {
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