## Functions for xcmsEIC
#' @include DataClasses.R
plot.xcmsEIC <- function(x, y, groupidx = groupnames(x), sampleidx = sampnames(x),
rtrange = x@rtrange, col = rep(1, length(sampleidx)), legtext = NULL,
peakint = TRUE, sleep = 0, mzdec=2, ...) {
object <- x
if (is.numeric(groupidx))
groupidx <- object@groupnames[groupidx]
if (length(object@groupnames))
grpidx <- match(groupidx, object@groupnames)
grpidx <- 1
if (is.numeric(sampleidx))
sampleidx <- names(object@eic)[sampleidx]
sampidx <- match(sampleidx, names(object@eic))
if (length(rtrange) == 1)
rtrange <- retexp(object@rtrange, rtrange)
else if (length(rtrange) < length(object@rtrange)) {
tmprtrange <- matrix(rtrange, ncol = 2)
rtrange <- matrix(nrow = nrow(object@rtrange), ncol = 2)
rtrange[sampidx,] <- matrix(rep(t(tmprtrange),
length = length(sampidx)*2), ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE)
if (!missing(col) && length(col) < length(object@eic)) {
tmpcol <- col
col <- vector(class(col), length(object@eic))
col[sampidx] <- rep(tmpcol, length = length(sampidx))
if (!missing(y)) {
xset <- y
pks <- peaks(xset)
pidx <- groupval(xset)
xsgrpidx <- match(object@groupnames, groupnames(xset, template = groupidx))
xssampidx <- match(names(object@eic), sampnames(xset))
if (missing(col)) {
col <- unclass(sampclass(xset))[xssampidx]
if (length(palette()) < max(col))
col <- rainbow(max(col), end = 0.85)[col]
lcol <- col
for (i in seq(along = lcol)) {
rgbvec <- pmin(col2rgb(lcol[i])+153,255)
lcol[i] <- rgb(rgbvec[1], rgbvec[2], rgbvec[3],
maxColorValue = 255)
if (missing(legtext))
legtext <- levels(sampclass(xset))
} else {
if (missing(col))
col <- rep(1, length(object@eic))
for (i in grpidx) {
maxint <- numeric(length(sampidx))
for (j in seq(along = sampidx)) {
eic.int <- object@eic[[sampidx[j]]][[i]][,"intensity"]
if (length(eic.int) > 0)
maxint[j] <- max(eic.int)
maxint[j] <- 0
plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = rtrange[i,], ylim = c(0, max(maxint)),
xlab = "Retention Time (seconds)", ylab = "Intensity",
main = paste("Extracted Ion Chromatogram:", round(object@mzrange[i,1], mzdec),
"-", round(object@mzrange[i,2], mzdec), "m/z"))
for (j in sampidx[order(maxint, decreasing = TRUE)]) {
pts <- object@eic[[j]][[i]]
if (missing(y) || !peakint)
points(pts, type = "l", col = col[j])
else {
points(pts, type = "l", col = lcol[j])
peakrange <- pks[pidx[xsgrpidx[i],xssampidx[j]], c("rtmin","rtmax")]
if (object@rt == "raw") {
corrt <- xset@rt$corrected[[xssampidx[j]]]
cidx <- which(corrt >= peakrange[1] & corrt <= peakrange[2])
peakrange <- xset@rt$raw[[xssampidx[j]]][c(cidx[1],cidx[length(cidx)])]
ptsidx <- pts[,"rt"] >= peakrange[1] & pts[,"rt"] <= peakrange[2]
points(pts[ptsidx,], type = "l", col = col[j])
if (!is.null(legtext))
if (is.numeric(col))
legend(rtrange[i,2], max(maxint), legtext[unique(col[sampidx])],
col = unique(col[sampidx]), lty = 1, xjust = 1)
legend(rtrange[i,2], max(maxint), legtext,
col = unique(col[sampidx]), lty = 1, xjust = 1)
if (sleep > 0)
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