
Defines functions DAISIE_dataprep

Documented in DAISIE_dataprep

#' Prepare colonisation and branching time data to run in DAISIE.
#' This function produces a data object that can be run in DAISIE likelihood
#' computation/optimization functions. The function converts a user-specified
#' table to a DAISIE-compatible format. See Galapagos_datatable.Rdata for a
#' template of an input table.)
#' The output is an R list containing the data formatted to be run on other
#' DAISIE functions.
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @return \item{datalist}{ R list object containing data:\cr The first element
#' of the list has two or three components: \cr \code{$island_age} - the island
#' age \cr Then, depending on whether a distinction between species types is
#' made, we have:\cr \code{$not_present} - the number of mainland lineages that
#' are not present on the island \cr or:\cr \code{$not_present_type1} - the
#' number of mainland lineages of type 1 that are not present on the island \cr
#' \code{$not_present_type2} - the number of mainland lineages of type 2 that
#' are not present on the island \cr The following elements of the list each
#' contains information on a single colonist lineage on the island and has 5
#' components:\cr \code{$colonist_name} - the name of the species or clade that
#' colonized the island \cr \code{$branching_times} - island age and stem age
#' of the population/species in the case of "Non-endemic", "Non-endemic_MaxAge"
#' and "Endemic" anagenetic species. For "Endemic" cladogenetic species these
#' are island age and branching times of the radiation including the stem age
#' of the radiation.\cr \code{$stac} - the status of the colonist \cr *
#' Non_endemic_MaxAge: 1 \cr * Endemic: 2 \cr * Endemic&Non_Endemic: 3 \cr *
#' Non_endemic: 4 \cr * Endemic_MaxAge: 5 \cr \code{$missing_species} - number
#' of island species that were not sampled for particular clade (only
#' applicable for endemic clades) \cr \code{$type_1or2} - whether the colonist
#' belongs to type 1 or type 2 \cr }
#' @author Luis M Valente
#' @references Valente, L.M., A.B. Phillimore and R.S. Etienne (2015).
#' Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics simultaneously operate in the
#' Galapagos islands. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' ### Create Galapagos data object where all taxa have the same macroevolutionary process
#' utils::data(Galapagos_datatable)
#' DAISIE_dataprep(
#'    datatable = Galapagos_datatable,
#'    island_age = 4,
#'    M = 1000
#'    )
#' ### Create Galapagos data object with a distinct macroevolutionary processes
#' # for the Darwin's finches. One process applies to type 1 species (all species
#' # except for Darwin's finches) and the other applies only to type 2 species
#' # (Darwin's finches). Set fraction of potential colonists of type 2 to be
#' # proportional to the number of type2 clades present on the island.
#' utils::data(Galapagos_datatable)
#' DAISIE_dataprep(
#'    datatable = Galapagos_datatable,
#'    island_age = 4,
#'    M = 1000,
#'    number_clade_types = 2,
#'    list_type2_clades = "Finches"
#'    )
#' ### Create Galapagos data object with a distinct macroevolutionary processes
#' # for the Darwin's finches. One process applies to type 1 species (all species
#' # except for Darwin's finches) and the other applies only to type 2 species
#' # (Darwin's finches). Set fraction of potential colonists of type 2 to be 0.163.
#' utils::data(Galapagos_datatable)
#' DAISIE_dataprep(
#'    datatable = Galapagos_datatable,
#'    island_age = 4,
#'    M = 1000,
#'    number_clade_types = 2,
#'    list_type2_clades = "Finches",
#'    prop_type2_pool = 0.163
#'    )
#' @export DAISIE_dataprep
DAISIE_dataprep <- function(datatable,
                           number_clade_types = 1,
                           list_type2_clades = NA,
                           prop_type2_pool = "proportional",
                           epss = 1E-5,
                           verbose = TRUE) {
  number_colonisations <- nrow(datatable)
  datalist <- list()
  datatable$Missing_species <- as.numeric(as.character
  if (number_clade_types == 1) {
    datalist[[1]] <- list(island_age = island_age,
                          not_present = (M - number_colonisations))
  if (number_clade_types == 2) {
    number_type2_colonisations <- length(list_type2_clades)
    number_type1_colonisations <- number_colonisations -
    if (prop_type2_pool == "proportional") {
      not_present_type1 <- DDD::roundn( (M / number_colonisations) *
                                         number_type1_colonisations) -
      not_present_type2 <- DDD::roundn( (M / number_colonisations) *
                                         number_type2_colonisations) -
    } else {
      not_present_type1 <- DDD::roundn(M * (1 - prop_type2_pool)) -
      not_present_type2 <- DDD::roundn(M * prop_type2_pool) -
    datalist[[1]] <- list(island_age = island_age,
                          not_present_type1 = not_present_type1,
                          not_present_type2 = not_present_type2)
  for (i in 1:nrow(datatable)) {
    datalist[[i + 1]] <- list(
      colonist_name = as.character(datatable[i, "Clade_name"]),
      branching_times = NA,
      stac = NA,
      missing_species = datatable[i, "Missing_species"],
      type1or2 = 1)
    the_brts <- rev(sort(as.numeric(unlist(
      strsplit(as.character(datatable[i, "Branching_times"]), split = ",")))))
    if (max(the_brts) > island_age) {
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        print(paste("Colonisation time of ",
                    " for ",
                    as.character(datatable[i, "Clade_name"]),
                    " is older than island age", sep = ""))
    if (length(the_brts) == 1) {
      datalist[[i + 1]]$branching_times <- c(island_age,
                                             min(the_brts, island_age - epss))
    if (length(the_brts) > 1) {
      datalist[[i + 1]]$branching_times <- c(island_age, the_brts)
    if (datatable[i, "Status"] == "Non_endemic_MaxAge") {
      datalist[[i + 1]]$stac <- 1
    if (datatable[i, "Status"] == "Endemic") {
      datalist[[i + 1]]$stac <- 2
      if (max(the_brts) > island_age) {
        if (length(the_brts) > 1) {
          stop(paste("Radiation of ",
                     as.character(datatable[i, "Clade_name"]),
                     " is older than the island", sep = ""))
        if (length(the_brts) == 1) {
          datalist[[i + 1]]$stac <- 5
    if (datatable[i, "Status"] == "Endemic&Non_endemic") {
      datalist[[i + 1]]$stac <- 3
    if (datatable[i, "Status"] == "Non_endemic") {
      datalist[[i + 1]]$stac <- 4
      if (max(the_brts) > island_age) {
        datalist[[i + 1]]$stac <- 1
    if (datatable[i, "Status"] == "Endemic_MaxAge") {
      datalist[[i + 1]]$stac <- 5
    if (number_clade_types == 2) {
      if (length(which(list_type2_clades == datatable[i, "Clade_name"])) > 0) {
        datalist[[i + 1]]$type1or2 <- 2
xieshu95/DAISIE_new documentation built on March 20, 2020, 5:31 a.m.