#' Computes island_area, but takes vector as argument (needed by )
#' @param timeval current time of simulation
#' @param Apars A vector similar to list produced by create_area_params
#' \itemize{
#' \item{[1]: maximum area}
#' \item{[2]: value from 0 to 1 indicating where in the island's history the
#' peak area is achieved}
#' \item{[3]: sharpness of peak}
#' \item{[4]: total island age}
#' }
#' @param island_ontogeny a string describing the type of island ontogeny. Can be \code{NULL},
#' \code{"beta"} for a beta function describing area through time,
#' or \code{"linear"} for a linear function
#' @family rates calculation
#' @author Pedro Neves
#' @references Valente, Luis M., Rampal S. Etienne, and Albert B. Phillimore.
#' "The effects of island ontogeny on species diversity and phylogeny."
#' Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 281.1784 (2014): 20133227.
island_area_vector <- function(timeval, Apars, island_ontogeny)
# Constant
if (island_ontogeny == 0 || is.na(island_ontogeny))
if (Apars[1] != 1 || is.null(Apars[1]))
warning('Constant ontogeny requires a maximum area of 1.')
} else { # Ontogeny
Apars <- create_area_params(Apars[1], Apars[2], Apars[3], Apars[4])
area <- island_area(
timeval = timeval,
Apars = Apars,
island_ontogeny = island_ontogeny
#parsvec[1:4] = Apars
#parsvec[5] = lac0
#parsvec[6:7] = mupars
#parsvec[8] = K0
#parsvec[9] = gam0
#parsvec[10] = laa0
#parsvec[11] = island_ontogeny
#parsvec[12] = kk
#parsvec[13] = ddep
DAISIE_loglik_rhs_time = function(t,x,parsvec)
kk <- parsvec[length(parsvec) - 1]
lx <- (length(x) - 1)/2
lnn <- lx + 4 + 2 * kk
nn <- -2:(lx+2*kk+1)
nn = pmax(rep(0,lnn),nn) # Added this
Apars <- parsvec[1:4]
lac0 <- parsvec[5]
Epars <- parsvec[6:7]
K0 <- parsvec[8]
gam0 <- parsvec[9]
laa0 <- parsvec[10]
island_ontogeny <- parsvec[11]
kk <- parsvec[12]
ddep <- parsvec[13]
Tpars <- NULL
time_for_area_calc <- abs(t)
area <- island_area_vector(
timeval = time_for_area_calc,
Apars = Apars,
island_ontogeny = island_ontogeny
lac <- DAISIE::get_clado_rate(
timeval = time_for_area_calc,
lac = lac0,
Apars = create_area_params(Apars[1], Apars[2], Apars[3], Apars[4]),
Tpars = Tpars,
island_ontogeny = island_ontogeny,
K = K0,
island_spec = 1 # Also need per capita??
lacvec <- pmax(rep(0,lnn), lac0 * (1 - nn / (area * K0)))
mu <- DAISIE::get_ext_rate(
timeval = time_for_area_calc,
mu = Epars[1],
Apars = create_area_params(Apars[1], Apars[2], Apars[3], Apars[4]),
Epars = Epars,
Tpars = Tpars,
island_ontogeny = island_ontogeny,
extcutoff = 1100,
K = K0,
island_spec = matrix(ncol = 1) # Here we need per capita mu
muvec <- mu * rep(1,lnn)
gamvec <- pmax(rep(0,lnn),parsvec[9] * (1 - nn/(area * parsvec[8])))
laavec <- parsvec[10] * rep(1,lnn)
xx1 = c(0, 0, x[1:lx], 0)
xx2 = c(0, 0, x[(lx + 1):(2 * lx)], 0)
xx3 = x[2 * lx + 1]
nil2lx = 3:(lx + 2)
il1 = nil2lx + kk - 1
il2 = nil2lx + kk + 1
il3 = nil2lx + kk
il4 = nil2lx + kk - 2
in1 = nil2lx + 2 * kk - 1
in2 = nil2lx + 1
in3 = nil2lx + kk
ix1 = nil2lx - 1
ix2 = nil2lx + 1
ix3 = nil2lx
ix4 = nil2lx - 2
dx1 = laavec[il1 + 1] * xx2[ix1] + lacvec[il4 + 1] * xx2[ix4] + muvec[il2 + 1] * xx2[ix3] +
lacvec[il1] * nn[in1] * xx1[ix1] + muvec[il2] * nn[in2] * xx1[ix2] +
-(muvec[il3] + lacvec[il3]) * nn[in3] * xx1[ix3] +
-gamvec[il3] * xx1[ix3]
dx1[1] = dx1[1] + laavec[il3[1]] * xx3 * (kk == 1)
dx1[2] = dx1[2] + 2 * lacvec[il3[1]] * xx3 * (kk == 1)
dx2 = gamvec[il3] * xx1[ix3] +
lacvec[il1 + 1] * nn[in1] * xx2[ix1] + muvec[il2 + 1] * nn[in2] * xx2[ix2] +
-(muvec[il3 + 1] + lacvec[il3 + 1]) * nn[in3 + 1] * xx2[ix3] +
-laavec[il3 + 1] * xx2[ix3]
dx3 = -(laavec[il3[1]] + lacvec[il3[1]] + gamvec[il3[1]] + muvec[il3[1]]) * xx3
DAISIE_loglik_rhs_time2 = function(t,x,parsvec)
kk <- parsvec[length(parsvec) - 1]
lx <- (length(x)) / 3
lnn <- lx + 4 + 2 * kk
nn <- -2:(lx + 2 * kk + 1)
nn = pmax(rep(0, lnn), nn)
Apars <- parsvec[1:4]
lac0 <- parsvec[5]
Epars <- parsvec[6:7]
K0 <- parsvec[8]
gam0 <- parsvec[9]
laa0 <- parsvec[10]
island_ontogeny <- parsvec[11]
kk <- parsvec[12]
ddep <- parsvec[13]
Tpars <- NULL
time_for_area_calc <- abs(t)
area <- island_area_vector(
timeval = time_for_area_calc,
Apars = Apars,
island_ontogeny = island_ontogeny
lacvec <- pmax(rep(0, lnn), lac0 * (1 - nn / (area * K0)))
mu <- DAISIE::get_ext_rate(
timeval = time_for_area_calc,
mu = Epars[1],
Apars = create_area_params(Apars[1], Apars[2], Apars[3], Apars[4]),
Epars = Epars,
Tpars = Tpars,
island_ontogeny = island_ontogeny,
extcutoff = 1100,
K = K0,
island_spec = matrix(ncol = 1) # Here we need per capita mu
muvec <- mu * rep(1, lnn)
gamvec <- pmax(rep(0, lnn), gam0 * (1 - nn / (area * K0)))
laavec <- laa0 * rep(1, lnn)
xx1 = c(0, 0, x[1:lx], 0)
xx2 = c(0, 0, x[(lx + 1):(2 * lx)], 0)
xx3 = c(0, 0, x[(2 * lx + 1):(3 * lx)], 0)
nil2lx = 3:(lx + 2)
il1 = nil2lx + kk - 1
il2 = nil2lx + kk + 1
il3 = nil2lx + kk
il4 = nil2lx + kk - 2
in1 = nil2lx + 2 * kk - 1
in2 = nil2lx + 1
in3 = nil2lx + kk
in4 = nil2lx - 1
ix1 = nil2lx - 1
ix2 = nil2lx + 1
ix3 = nil2lx
ix4 = nil2lx - 2
# inflow:
# anagenesis in colonist when k = 1: Q_M,n -> Q^1_n; n+k species present
# cladogenesis in colonist when k = 1: Q_M,n-1 -> Q^1_n; n+k-1 species present; rate twice
# anagenesis of reimmigrant: Q^M,k_n-1 -> Q^k,n; n+k-1+1 species present
# cladogenesis of reimmigrant: Q^M,k_n-2 -> Q^k,n; n+k-2+1 species present; rate once
# extinction of reimmigrant: Q^M,k_n -> Q^k,n; n+k+1 species present
# cladogenesis in one of the n+k-1 species: Q^k_n-1 -> Q^k_n; n+k-1 species present; rate twice for k species
# extinction in one of the n+1 species: Q^k_n+1 -> Q^k_n; n+k+1 species present
# outflow:
# all events with n+k species present
dx1 <-
(laavec[il3] * xx3[ix3] + 2 * lacvec[il1] * xx3[ix1]) * (kk == 1) +
laavec[il1 + 1] * xx2[ix1] + lacvec[il4 + 1] * xx2[ix4] +
muvec[il2 + 1] * xx2[ix3] + lacvec[il1] * nn[in1] * xx1[ix1] +
muvec[il2] * nn[in2] * xx1[ix2] +
-(muvec[il3] + lacvec[il3]) * nn[in3] * xx1[ix3] - gamvec[il3] * xx1[ix3]
# inflow:
# immigration when there are n+k species: Q^k,n -> Q^M,k_n; n+k species present
# cladogenesis in n+k-1 species: Q^M,k_n-1 -> Q^M,k_n; n+k-1+1 species present; rate twice for k species
# extinction in n+1 species: Q^M,k_n+1 -> Q^M,k_n; n+k+1+1 species present
# outflow:
# all events with n+k+1 species present
dx2 = gamvec[il3] * xx1[ix3] +
lacvec[il1 + 1] * nn[in1] * xx2[ix1] + muvec[il2 + 1] * nn[in2] * xx2[ix2] +
-(muvec[il3 + 1] + lacvec[il3 + 1]) * nn[in3 + 1] * xx2[ix3] +
-laavec[il3 + 1] * xx2[ix3]
# only when k = 1
# inflow:
# cladogenesis in one of the n-1 species: Q_M,n-1 -> Q_M,n; n+k-1 species present; rate once
# extinction in one of the n+1 species: Q_M,n+1 -> Q_M,n; n+k+1 species present
# outflow:
# all events with n+k species present
dx3 = lacvec[il1] * nn[in4] * xx3[ix1] + muvec[il2] * nn[in2] * xx3[ix2] +
-(lacvec[il3] + muvec[il3]) * nn[in3] * xx3[ix3] +
-(laavec[il3] + gamvec[il3]) * xx3[ix3]
divdepvec_time <- function(lacgam,pars1,lx,k1,ddep,island_ontogeny)
# pars1[1:4] = Apars
# pars1[5] = lac0
# pars1[6:7] = mupars
# pars1[8] = K0
# pars1[9] = gam0
# pars1[10] = laa0
# pars1[11] = island_ontogeny
# pars1[12] = t
# pars1[13] = 0 (for gam) or 1 (for lac)
Apars <- pars1[1:4]
lac0 <- pars1[5]
Epars <- pars1[6:7]
K0 <- pars1[8]
gam0 <- pars1[9]
laa0 <- pars1[10]
island_ontogeny <- pars1[11]
timeval <- pars1[12]
gamlac <- pars1[13]
area <- island_area_vector(
timeval = pars1[12],
Apars = pars1[1:4],
island_ontogeny = island_ontogeny
lacA <- pars1[5]
gamA <- pars1[9]
KA <- area * pars1[8]
lacgam <- (1 - pars1[13]) * gamA + pars1[13] * lacA
K <- KA
lacgamK <- c(lacgam,K)
DAISIE_integrate_time <- function(initprobs,tvec,rhs_func,pars,rtol,atol,method)
if(as.character(body(rhs_func)[3]) == "lx <- (length(x) - 1)/2")
y <- deSolve::ode(initprobs,tvec,func = DAISIE_loglik_rhs_time,pars,atol = atol,rtol = rtol,method = method)
} else if(as.character(body(rhs_func)[3]) == "lx <- (length(x))/3")
y <- deSolve::ode(initprobs,tvec,func = DAISIE_loglik_rhs_time2,pars,atol = atol,rtol = rtol,method = method)
} else
stop('The integrand function is written incorrectly.')
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