#' Prepare input for DAISIE_stt
#' @inheritParams DAISIE_plot_sims
#' @param simulation_outputs A list with matrices? of simulation produced by
#' DAISIE_sim.
#' @param Tpars A named list containing diversification rates considering two trait states:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{[1]:A numeric with the per capita transition rate with state1}
#' \item{[2]:A numeric with the per capita immigration rate with state2}
#' \item{[3]:A numeric with the per capita extinction rate with state2}
#' \item{[4]:A numeric with the per capita anagenesis rate with state2}
#' \item{[5]:A numeric with the per capita cladogenesis rate with state2}
#' \item{[6]:A numeric with the per capita transition rate with state2}
#' \item{[7]:A numeric with the number of species with trait state 2 on mainland}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{DAISIE_plot_stt}}, \code{\link{DAISIE_plot_sims}}
#' @examples
#' utils::data("islands_1type_1000reps", package = "DAISIE")
#' simulation_outuputs <- DAISIE:::DAISIE_convert_to_classic_plot(
#' islands_1type_1000reps
#' )
#' @return a list with wrangled data to be used for plotting STT plots with
#' DAISIE_plot_stt
#' @export
DAISIE_convert_to_classic_plot <- function(simulation_outputs,
Tpars = NULL) {
if (!DAISIE::is_simulation_outputs(simulation_outputs)) {
"'simulation_outputs' should be a set of simulation outputs. \n",
"Actual value: ", simulation_outputs
replicates <- length(simulation_outputs)
### STT ALL species
s_freq <- length(simulation_outputs[[1]][[1]]$stt_all[, 1])
complete_arr <- array(dim = c(s_freq, 6, replicates))
for (x in 1:replicates) {
testit::assert("nA" %in% colnames(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all))
testit::assert("nI" %in% colnames(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all))
testit::assert("nC" %in% colnames(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all))
testit::assert(x >= 1)
testit::assert(x <= length(simulation_outputs))
testit::assert(length(simulation_outputs[[x]]) >= 1)
testit::assert("stt_all" %in% names(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]))
sum_endemics <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC"]
total <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nI"]
complete_arr[, , x] <- cbind(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, c("Time", "nI", "nA", "nC")],
sum_endemics <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA2"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC2"]
total <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nI"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA2"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC2"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nI2"]
nI <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nI"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nI2"]
nA <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA2"]
nC <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC2"]
complete_arr[,,x]<-cbind(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, 'Time'],
stt_average_all <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::median)
# testit::assert(stt_average_all == DAISIE::DAISIE_extract_stt_median(simulation_outputs))
stt_q0.025_all <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.025)
stt_q0.25_all <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.25)
stt_q0.75_all <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.75)
stt_q0.975_all <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.975)
colnames(stt_average_all) <- c("Time", "nI", "nA", "nC", "Endemic", "Total")
colnames(stt_q0.025_all) <- c("Time", "nI", "nA", "nC", "Endemic", "Total")
colnames(stt_q0.25_all) <- c("Time", "nI", "nA", "nC", "Endemic", "Total")
colnames(stt_q0.75_all) <- c("Time", "nI", "nA", "nC", "Endemic", "Total")
colnames(stt_q0.975_all) <- c("Time", "nI", "nA", "nC", "Endemic", "Total")
all_species <- list(
stt_average = stt_average_all,
stt_q0.025 = stt_q0.025_all,
stt_q0.25 = stt_q0.25_all,
stt_q0.75 = stt_q0.75_all,
stt_q0.975 = stt_q0.975_all
if (is.null(simulation_outputs[[1]][[1]]$stt_type1) == FALSE) {
s_freq <- length(simulation_outputs[[1]][[1]]$stt_type1[, 1])
complete_arr <- array(dim = c(s_freq, 7, replicates))
for (x in 1:replicates) {
sum_endemics <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type1[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type1[, "nC"]
total <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type1[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type1[, "nC"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type1[, "nI"]
complete_arr[, , x] <- cbind(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type1,
stt_average_type1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::median)
stt_q0.025_type1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.025)
stt_q0.25_type1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.25)
stt_q0.75_type1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.75)
stt_q0.975_type1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.975)
colnames(stt_average_type1) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.025_type1) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.25_type1) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.75_type1) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.975_type1) <- c(
type1_species <- list(
stt_average = stt_average_type1,
stt_q0.025 = stt_q0.025_type1,
stt_q0.25 = stt_q0.25_type1,
stt_q0.75 = stt_q0.75_type1,
stt_q0.975 = stt_q0.975_type1
s_freq <- length(simulation_outputs[[1]][[1]]$stt_type2[, 1])
complete_arr <- array(dim = c(s_freq, 7, replicates))
for (x in 1:replicates) {
sum_endemics <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type2[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type2[, "nC"]
total <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type2[, "nA"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type2[, "nC"] +
simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_type2[, "nI"]
complete_arr[, , x] <- cbind(
stt_average_type2 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::median)
stt_q0.025_type2 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.025)
stt_q0.25_type2 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.25)
stt_q0.75_type2 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.75)
stt_q0.975_type2 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.975)
colnames(stt_average_type2) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.025_type2) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.25_type2) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.75_type2) <- c(
colnames(stt_q0.975_type2) <- c(
type2_species <- list(
stt_average = stt_average_type2,
stt_q0.025 = stt_q0.025_type2,
stt_q0.25 = stt_q0.25_type2,
stt_q0.75 = stt_q0.75_type2,
stt_q0.975 = stt_q0.975_type2
all_species = all_species,
type1_species = type1_species,
type2_species = type2_species)
} else {
all_species = all_species,
type1_species = NULL,
type2_species = NULL)
# }else{
# stop("Don't consider two species types with two trait states")
# }
# }else{
# if (is.null(simulation_outputs[[1]][[1]]$stt_type1) == FALSE){
# stop("Don't consider two species types with two trait states")
# }
# ### STT state1
# s_freq <- length(simulation_outputs[[1]][[1]]$stt_all[, 1])
# complete_arr <- array(dim = c(s_freq, 7, replicates))
# for (x in 1:replicates) {
# sum_endemics <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA"] +
# simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC"]
# total <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA"] +
# simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC"] +
# simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nI"]
# nI <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,"nI"]
# nA <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,"nA"]
# nC <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,"nC"]
# complete_arr[, , x] <- cbind(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,'Time'],nI,nA,nC,sum_endemics,total)
# }
# stt_average_state <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::median)
# stt_q0.025_state <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.025)
# stt_q0.25_state <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.25)
# stt_q0.75_state <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.75)
# stt_q0.975_state <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.975)
# colnames(stt_average_state) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI",
# "nA",
# "nC",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.025_state) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI",
# "nA",
# "nC",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.25_state) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI",
# "nA",
# "nC",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.75_state) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI",
# "nA",
# "nC",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.975_state) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI",
# "nA",
# "nC",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# state0_species <- list(
# stt_average = stt_average_state,
# stt_q0.025 = stt_q0.025_state,
# stt_q0.25 = stt_q0.25_state,
# stt_q0.75 = stt_q0.75_state,
# stt_q0.975 = stt_q0.975_state
# )
# ### STT state2
# s_freq <- length(simulation_outputs[[1]][[1]]$stt_all[, 1])
# complete_arr <- array(dim = c(s_freq, 7, replicates))
# for (x in 1:replicates) {
# sum_endemics <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA2"] +
# simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC2"]
# total <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nA2"] +
# simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nC2"] +
# simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[, "nI2"]
# nI2 <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,"nI2"]
# nA2 <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,"nA2"]
# nC2 <- simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,"nC2"]
# complete_arr[, , x] <- cbind(simulation_outputs[[x]][[1]]$stt_all[,'Time'],nI2,nA2,nC2,sum_endemics,total)
# }
# stt_average_state1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::median)
# stt_q0.025_state1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.025)
# stt_q0.25_state1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.25)
# stt_q0.75_state1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.75)
# stt_q0.975_state1 <- apply(complete_arr, c(1, 2), stats::quantile, 0.975)
# colnames(stt_average_state1) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI1",
# "nA1",
# "nC1",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.025_state1) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI1",
# "nA1",
# "nC1",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.25_state1) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI1",
# "nA1",
# "nC1",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.75_state1) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI1",
# "nA1",
# "nC1",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# colnames(stt_q0.975_state1) <- c(
# "Time",
# "nI1",
# "nA1",
# "nC1",
# "present",
# "Endemic",
# "Total"
# )
# state1_species <- list(
# stt_average = stt_average_state1,
# stt_q0.025 = stt_q0.025_state1,
# stt_q0.25 = stt_q0.25_state1,
# stt_q0.75 = stt_q0.75_state1,
# stt_q0.975 = stt_q0.975_state1
# )
# return(list(
# all_species = all_species,
# state0_species = state0_species,
# state1_species = state1_species)
# )
# }
#' Create the Species-Through-Time plot. This is used to visualize
#' the output of \code{\link{DAISIE_sim}}
#' @param plot_plus_one Boolean to indicate to plot all values plus one.
#' Set to \code{TRUE} for default behavior.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} to plot all values without adding one.
#' Only works when there is one type of species
#' @param plot_lists List of lists containing average and quantile species
#' through time.
#' @param type String to indicate if stt of all species or all possible stt
#' should be plotted. Default is \code{"all_species"}.
#' @param time the time span simulated
#' @param Tpars A named list containing diversification rates considering two trait states:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{[1]:A numeric with the per capita transition rate with state1}
#' \item{[2]:A numeric with the per capita immigration rate with state2}
#' \item{[3]:A numeric with the per capita extinction rate with state2}
#' \item{[4]:A numeric with the per capita anagenesis rate with state2}
#' \item{[5]:A numeric with the per capita cladogenesis rate with state2}
#' \item{[6]:A numeric with the per capita transition rate with state2}
#' \item{[7]:A numeric with the number of species with trait state 2 on mainland}
#' }
#' @export
DAISIE_plot_stt <- function(
plot_plus_one = TRUE,
plot_lists = plot_lists,
type = type,
Tpars = NULL
) {
# Plot the y axis iff plus one
y_axis_type <- 'n'
y_axis_label <- "No of species"
if (plot_plus_one == TRUE) {
y_axis_type <- 's'
y_axis_label <- "No of species + 1"
stt <- plot_lists[[type]]
if (is.null(stt)) {
NULL, NULL, xlim = rev(c(0, time)), ylim = c(1, max(stt$stt_q0.975)),
ylab = y_axis_label,
bty = "l", xaxs = "i", xlab = "Time before present",
main = "Species-through-time - All species",
log = "y", cex.lab = 1.2, cex.main = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2,
yaxt = y_axis_type
graphics::polygon(c(stt$stt_average[, "Time"], rev(stt$stt_average[, "Time"])), c(stt$stt_q0.025[, "Total"] +
1, rev(stt$stt_q0.975[, "Total"] + 1)), col = "light grey", border = NA)
graphics::polygon(c(stt$stt_average[, "Time"], rev(stt$stt_average[, "Time"])), c(stt$stt_q0.25[, "Total"] +
1, rev(stt$stt_q0.75[, "Total"] + 1)), col = "dark grey", border = NA)
graphics::lines(stt$stt_average[, "Time"], stt$stt_average[, "Total"] + 1, lwd = 2)
graphics::lines(stt$stt_average[, "Time"], stt$stt_average[, "nI"] + 1, lwd = 2, col = "cyan3")
graphics::lines(stt$stt_average[, "Time"], stt$stt_average[, "Endemic"] + 1, lwd = 2, col = "dodgerblue1")
legend_names <- c("Total", "Non-endemic", "Endemic")
legend_colors <- c("black", "cyan3", "dodgerblue1")
time, max(stt$stt_q0.975), legend_names, lty = 1, lwd = 2,
col = legend_colors, cex = 1.2, border = NA, bty = "n"
if (plot_plus_one == FALSE) {
y_axis_values <- c(1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000)
graphics::axis(2, at = y_axis_values, labels = y_axis_values - 1)
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