
Defines functions xlGGRadar

Documented in xlGGRadar

#' xlGGRadar
#' This function is taken from the \code{\href{https://github.com/ricardo-bion/ggradar}{ggradar}} package.
#' ggradar allows you to build radar charts with ggplot2. This package is based on
#' \href{http://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/5795_e6e6411731bb4f1b9cc7eb49499c2082.html}{Paul Williamson}'s code,
#' with new aesthetics and compatibility with ggplot2 2.0.
#' It was inspired by \href{http://www.buildingwidgets.com/blog/2015/12/9/week-49-d3radarr}{d3radaR},
#' an htmlwidget built by \href{https://github.com/timelyportfolio}{timelyportfolio}.
#' @param plot.data dataframe comprising one row per group (cluster); col1 = \emph{group name}, cols2 - n = \emph{variable values}
#' @param axis.labels names of axis labels if other than column names supplied via \code{plot.data}, default \code{colnames(plot.data)[-1]}
#' @param grid.min value at which mininum grid line is plotted, default \code{-0.5}
#' @param grid.mid value at which 'average' grid line is plotted, default \code{0}
#' @param grid.max value at which 'average' grid line is plotted, default \code{0.5}
#' @param centre.y value of y at centre of plot, default < \code{grid.min}
#' @param label.centre.y whether value of y at centre of plot should be labelled, default \code{FALSE}
#' @param plot.extent.x.sf controls relative size of plot horizontally, default \code{1.2}
#' @param plot.extent.y.sf controls relative size of plot vertically, default \code{1.2}
#' @param grid.line.width Default \code{0.5}
#' @param gridline.min.linetype Default \code{'longdash'}
#' @param gridline.mid.linetype Default \code{'longdash'}
#' @param gridline.max.linetype Default \code{'longdash'}
#' @param gridline.min.colour Default \code{'grey'}
#' @param gridline.mid.colour Default \code{'blue'}
#' @param gridline.max.colour Default \code{'grey'}
#' @param grid.label.size text size, default \code{4}
#' @param gridline.label.offset displacement to left/right of central vertical axis,
#' default \code{-0.02 * (grid.max - centre.y)}
#' @param label.gridline.min whether or not to label the mininum gridline, default \code{TRUE}
#' @param axis.line.colour line colour, default \code{grey}
#' @param axis.label.size text size, default \code{3}
#' @param axis.label.offset vertical displacement of axis labels from maximum grid line, measured relative to
#' circle diameter, default \code{1.15}
#' @param x.centre.range controls axis label alignment. Default behaviour is to left-align axis labels on left hand side of
#' plot (\code{x < -x.centre.range}); right-align labels on right hand side of plot (\code{x > +x.centre.range});
#' and centre align those labels for which \code{-x.centre.range < x < +x.centre.range}
#' @param group.line.width Default \code{1}
#' @param group.point.size Default \code{4}
#' @param background.circle.colour Default \code{'yellow'}
#' @param background.circle.transparency Default \code{0.2}
#' @param plot.legend whether to include a plot legend, default = \code{FALSE} for one cluster; \code{TRUE} for 2+ clusters
#' @param legend.title Default \code{'Cluster'}
#' @param legend.text.size Default \code{grid.label.size = 4}
#' @details \strong{Plot extent} - parameters to rescale the extent of the plot vertically and horizontally, in order to
#' allow for ggplot default settings placing parts of axis text labels outside of plot area.
#' Scaling factor is defined relative to the circle diameter (\code{grid.max - centre.y}).
#' \strong{Grid lines} - includes separate controls for the appearance of some aspects the 'minimum', 'average' and 'maximum' grid lines.
#' @export
#' @author Ricardo Bion
#' @references Most of the code and documentation is from
#' \url{http://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/5795_e6e6411731bb4f1b9cc7eb49499c2082.html},
#' and the function code is taken from \url{https://github.com/ricardo-bion/ggradar}.

xlGGRadar <- function(
  font.radar = "Circular Air Light",
  values.radar = c("0%", "50%", "100%"),
  axis.labels = colnames(plot.data)[-1],
  grid.min = 0,  #10,
  grid.mid = 0.5,  #50,
  grid.max = 1,  #100,
  centre.y = grid.min - ((1/9)*(grid.max - grid.min)),
  plot.extent.x.sf = 1,
  plot.extent.y.sf = 1.2,
  x.centre.range = 0.02*(grid.max - centre.y),
  label.centre.y = FALSE,
  grid.line.width = 0.5,
  gridline.min.linetype = "longdash",
  gridline.mid.linetype = "longdash",
  gridline.max.linetype = "longdash",
  gridline.min.colour = "grey",
  gridline.mid.colour = "#007A87",
  gridline.max.colour = "grey",
  grid.label.size = 7,
  gridline.label.offset = -0.1*(grid.max - centre.y),
  label.gridline.min = TRUE,
  axis.label.offset = 1.15,
  axis.label.size = 8,
  axis.line.colour = "grey",
  group.line.width = 1.5,
  group.point.size = 6,
  background.circle.colour = "#D7D6D1",
  background.circle.transparency = 0.2,
  plot.legend = if (nrow(plot.data) > 1) TRUE else FALSE,
  legend.title = "",
  plot.title = "",
  legend.text.size = grid.label.size ) {


  plot.data <- as.data.frame(plot.data)

  plot.data[,1] <- as.factor(as.character(plot.data[,1]))
  names(plot.data)[1] <- "group"

  var.names <- colnames(plot.data)[-1]  #'Short version of variable names
  #axis.labels [if supplied] is designed to hold 'long version' of variable names
  #with line-breaks indicated using \n

  #caclulate total plot extent as radius of outer circle x a user-specifiable scaling factor

  #Check supplied data makes sense
  if (length(axis.labels) != ncol(plot.data)-1)
    return("Error: 'axis.labels' contains the wrong number of axis labels")
    return("Error: plot.data' contains value(s) < centre.y")
    return("Error: 'plot.data' contains value(s) > grid.max")
  #Declare required internal functions

  CalculateGroupPath <- function(df) {
    #Converts variable values into a set of radial x-y coordinates
    #Code adapted from a solution posted by Tony M to
    #  df: Col 1 -  group ('unique' cluster / group ID of entity)
    #      Col 2-n:  v1.value to vn.value - values (e.g. group/cluser mean or median) of variables v1 to v.n

    path <- df[,1]

    ##find increment
    angles = seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=(2*pi)/(ncol(df)-1))
    ##create graph data frame
    graphData= data.frame(seg="", x=0,y=0)

    for(i in levels(path)){
      pathData = subset(df, df[,1]==i)
      for(j in c(2:ncol(df))){
        #pathData[,j]= pathData[,j]

        graphData=rbind(graphData, data.frame(group=i,
      ##complete the path by repeating first pair of coords in the path
      graphData=rbind(graphData, data.frame(group=i,
    #Make sure that name of first column matches that of input data (in case !="group")
    colnames(graphData)[1] <- colnames(df)[1]
    graphData #data frame returned by function
  CaclulateAxisPath = function(var.names,min,max) {
    #Caculates x-y coordinates for a set of radial axes (one per variable being plotted in radar plot)
    #var.names - list of variables to be plotted on radar plot
    #min - MININUM value required for the plotted axes (same value will be applied to all axes)
    #max - MAXIMUM value required for the plotted axes (same value will be applied to all axes)
    #var.names <- c("v1","v2","v3","v4","v5")
    n.vars <- length(var.names) # number of vars (axes) required
    #Cacluate required number of angles (in radians)
    angles <- seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=(2*pi)/n.vars)
    #calculate vectors of min and max x+y coords
    min.x <- min*sin(angles)
    min.y <- min*cos(angles)
    max.x <- max*sin(angles)
    max.y <- max*cos(angles)
    #Combine into a set of uniquely numbered paths (one per variable)
    axisData <- NULL
    for (i in 1:n.vars) {
      a <- c(i,min.x[i],min.y[i])
      b <- c(i,max.x[i],max.y[i])
      axisData <- rbind(axisData,a,b)
    #Add column names + set row names = row no. to allow conversion into a data frame
    colnames(axisData) <- c("axis.no","x","y")
    rownames(axisData) <- seq(1:nrow(axisData))
    #Return calculated axis paths
  funcCircleCoords <- function(center = c(0,0), r = 1, npoints = 100){
    #Adapted from Joran's response to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6862742/draw-a-circle-with-ggplot2
    tt <- seq(0,2*pi,length.out = npoints)
    xx <- center[1] + r * cos(tt)
    yy <- center[2] + r * sin(tt)
    return(data.frame(x = xx, y = yy))

  ### Convert supplied data into plottable format
  # (a) add abs(centre.y) to supplied plot data
  #[creates plot centroid of 0,0 for internal use, regardless of min. value of y
  # in user-supplied data]
  plot.data.offset <- plot.data
  plot.data.offset[,2:ncol(plot.data)]<- plot.data[,2:ncol(plot.data)]+abs(centre.y)
  # (b) convert into radial coords
  group <-NULL
  group$path <- CalculateGroupPath(plot.data.offset)

  # (c) Calculate coordinates required to plot radial variable axes
  axis <- NULL
  axis$path <- CaclulateAxisPath(var.names,grid.min+abs(centre.y),grid.max+abs(centre.y))
  # (d) Create file containing axis labels + associated plotting coordinates
  axis$label <- data.frame(
    y=NA )
  #axis label coordinates
  n.vars <- length(var.names)
  angles = seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=(2*pi)/n.vars)
  axis$label$x <- sapply(1:n.vars, function(i, x) {((grid.max+abs(centre.y))*axis.label.offset)*sin(angles[i])})
  axis$label$y <- sapply(1:n.vars, function(i, x) {((grid.max+abs(centre.y))*axis.label.offset)*cos(angles[i])})
  # (e) Create Circular grid-lines + labels
  #caclulate the cooridinates required to plot circular grid-lines for three user-specified
  #y-axis values: min, mid and max [grid.min; grid.mid; grid.max]
  gridline <- NULL
  gridline$min$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.min+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
  gridline$mid$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.mid+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
  gridline$max$path <- funcCircleCoords(c(0,0),grid.max+abs(centre.y),npoints = 360)
  #gridline labels
  gridline$min$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.min+abs(centre.y),
  gridline$max$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.max+abs(centre.y),
  gridline$mid$label <- data.frame(x=gridline.label.offset,y=grid.mid+abs(centre.y),
  ### Start building up the radar plot

  # Delcare 'theme_clear', with or without a plot legend as required by user
  #[default = no legend if only 1 group [path] being plotted]
  theme_clear <- theme_bw(base_size=20) +

  if (plot.legend==FALSE) theme_clear <- theme_clear + theme(legend.position="none")

  #Base-layer = axis labels + plot extent
  # [need to declare plot extent as well, since the axis labels don't always
  # fit within the plot area automatically calculated by ggplot, even if all
  # included in first plot; and in any case the strategy followed here is to first
  # plot right-justified labels for axis labels to left of Y axis for x< (-x.centre.range)],
  # then centred labels for axis labels almost immediately above/below x= 0
  # [abs(x) < x.centre.range]; then left-justified axis labels to right of Y axis [x>0].
  # This building up the plot in layers doesn't allow ggplot to correctly
  # identify plot extent when plotting first (base) layer]

  #base layer = axis labels for axes to left of central y-axis [x< -(x.centre.range)]
  base <- ggplot(axis$label) + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) + coord_equal() +
    geom_text(data=subset(axis$label,axis$label$x < (-x.centre.range)),
              aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),size=axis.label.size,hjust=1, family=font.radar) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1.5*plot.extent.x,1.5*plot.extent.x)) +

  # + axis labels for any vertical axes [abs(x)<=x.centre.range]
  base <- base + geom_text(data=subset(axis$label,abs(axis$label$x)<=x.centre.range),
                           aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),size=axis.label.size,hjust=0.5, family=font.radar)
  # + axis labels for any vertical axes [x>x.centre.range]
  base <- base + geom_text(data=subset(axis$label,axis$label$x>x.centre.range),
                           aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),size=axis.label.size,hjust=0, family=font.radar)
  # + theme_clear [to remove grey plot background, grid lines, axis tick marks and axis text]
  base <- base + theme_clear
  #  + background circle against which to plot radar data
  base <- base + geom_polygon(data=gridline$max$path,aes(x,y),

  # + radial axes
  base <- base + geom_path(data=axis$path,aes(x=x,y=y,group=axis.no),

  # ... + group (cluster) 'paths'
  base <- base + geom_path(data=group$path,aes(x=x,y=y,group=group,colour=group),

  # ... + group points (cluster data)
  base <- base + geom_point(data=group$path,aes(x=x,y=y,group=group,colour=group),size=group.point.size)

  #... + amend Legend title
  if (plot.legend==TRUE) base  <- base + labs(colour=legend.title,size=legend.text.size)
  # ... + circular grid-lines at 'min', 'mid' and 'max' y-axis values
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$min$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$mid$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  base <- base +  geom_path(data=gridline$max$path,aes(x=x,y=y),
  # ... + grid-line labels (max; ave; min) [only add min. gridline label if required]
  if (label.gridline.min==TRUE) {

    base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[1]),data=gridline$min$label,size=grid.label.size*0.8, hjust=1, family=font.radar) }
  base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[2]),data=gridline$mid$label,size=grid.label.size*0.8, hjust=1, family=font.radar)
  base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=values.radar[3]),data=gridline$max$label,size=grid.label.size*0.8, hjust=1, family=font.radar)
  # ... + centre.y label if required [i.e. value of y at centre of plot circle]
  if (label.centre.y==TRUE) {
    centre.y.label <- data.frame(x=0, y=0, text=as.character(centre.y))
    base <- base + geom_text(aes(x=x,y=y,label=text),data=centre.y.label,size=grid.label.size, hjust=0.5, family=font.radar) }

  base <- base + theme(legend.key.width=unit(3,"line")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 20,
                                                                                    family = font.radar)) +
    theme(legend.text = element_text(size = legend.text.size), legend.position="left") +
    theme(legend.key.height=unit(2,"line")) +
    scale_colour_manual(values=rep(c("#FF5A5F", "#FFB400", "#007A87",  "#8CE071", "#7B0051",
                                     "#00D1C1", "#FFAA91", "#B4A76C", "#9CA299", "#565A5C", "#00A04B", "#E54C20"), 100)) +
    theme(text=element_text(family=font.radar)) +

  if (plot.title != "") {
    base <- base + ggtitle(plot.title)


xinye1/xltools documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 7:23 p.m.