Man pages for xu-hong/rphenoscape
Semantically Rich Phenotypic Traits from the Phenoscape Knowledgebase

add_provenance_recordGenerate and add provenance record to nexml
anatomy_ontology_irisGet IRIs of ontologies with anatomy terms
corpus_sizeObtain the size of different corpora
find_termFind terms matching a query text
get_char_matrixObtains a character-state matrix from a nexml object
get_char_matrix_metaObtains taxa and character metadata from a nexml object
get_dataGet data from an API endpoint
get_KBinfoSummary and metadata about the Phenoscape KB
get_ontotrace_dataObtain a synthetic presence/absence matrix
get_phenotypesRetrieve phenotypes by entity, quality, taxon, and study
get_studiesQuery the list of studies by taxa, anatomical entities, and...
get_term_iriFind the IRI of the term matching a text query
get_term_labelObtains the labels for a list of terms
is_extinctDetermine which taxa are extinct
is_relationTest which candidate terms are ancestors or descendants of a...
mutual_exclusivity_pairwiseDetermine whether two phenotypes are mutually exclusive
mutually_exclusiveDetermine mutual exclusivity between two or more phenotypes
nexml_dropDrop parts of a nexml object
obo_prefixExtract the OBO ontology prefix from IRIs
owlOWL Objects
pa_dep_matrixObtains a presence-absence dependency matrix
phenotypePhenotype Objects
phenotype_matchesWhich phenotypes match filter
pkb_args_to_queryCreates a list of named query parameters
profile_similaritySemantic similarity between profiles
rclean_jsonld_namesClean JSON-LD names in a list/data.frame
resolve_label_expressionConvert a label-based class expression in OWL Manchester...
rphenoscape-deprecatedDeprecated functions in 'rphenoscape'.
similarityCompute semantic similarity metrics between terms
state_symbols2labelsTranslates state symbols to labels in a character matrix
subsumer_matrixObtains a subsumer matrix
taxon_ontology_irisGet IRIs of ontologies with taxonomy terms
term_categoryDetermine the general category of terms
term_classificationGet term classification
term_freqsObtains term frequencies for the Phenoscape KB
terminfoTerminfo Objects
term_iriObtain IRI(s) for canonical terms and properties
termsGet term details (ID, label, definition)
xu-hong/rphenoscape documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 8:43 a.m.