find_term: Find terms matching a query text

View source: R/get_IRI.R

find_termR Documentation

Find terms matching a query text


Searches the KB for terms matching the given text, and returns the result(s) as a data frame (see Value).


  type = NA,
  definedBy = quote(!,
  matchBy = NA,
  matchTypes = NA,
  nomatch = NA,
  limit = 100,
  verbose = FALSE



character, the search text


character, the type of term to find, as a IRI or using common namespace prefixes such as "owl", "rdf", etc. The default is NA, which will use the remote API's default, currently "owl:Class".


character, the ontology in which a class has to be defined. Either IRIs, or a list of OBO ontology ID spaces (such as "UBERON", "ZFA", etc), which will be expanded to full IRIs using the OBO ontology IRI pattern. Alternatively, a call expression returning a logical vector, with a dot in the position where the isDefinedBy value is to be passed. The default is an expression that filters out rows with no isDefinedBy value. Can also be set to NA to suppress any filtering by ontology.


character, the term's (metadata) properties against which to match. Provide as IRIs or using common namespace prefixes. The default is NA, which will use the remote API's default, currently "rdfs:label", "oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym", "oboInOwl:NarrowSynonym", and "oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym". To match only against label, use c("rdfs:label").


character, the types of matches (exact, partial, broad) to accept. By default (value NA), no filtering by match type is performed. Use c("exact") to accept exact matches only.


the value to return if there is no match returned by the remote API, or left after filtering.


the maximum number of matches to process. Set to NA for (virtually) no limit.


logical; whether to issue a message if no matches found


Matches can be filtered by type of term (class, property, etc), ontology in which the term is defined, and by type of match (exact, partial, etc). The term properties considered for matching can also be controlled.


A data frame with columns "id", "label", "isDefinedBy", and "matchType" and one row for each term match.

xu-hong/rphenoscape documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 8:43 a.m.