#' Solve Truncated L1 Constrained Problem
#' Using Difference Convex (DC) method to solve minimization problem with Truncated L1 Constraint.
#' @param Y Response vector of length n.
#' @param X Design matrix with n rows and p columns.
#' @param K Constraint parameter in TLC.
#' @param tau Parameter tau in TLC.
#' @param tlc_weight Length p vector of weights corresponding to p variables,
#' each element is either 1 (with constraint) or 0 (without constraint).
#' Default are all 1's.
#' @param maxit_tlc Maximum number of DC iteration.
#' @param tol_tlc Convergence tolerance for TLC.
#' @return beta: a vector of length p containing estimated coefficients.
#' @export
#' @examples
TLC <- function(Y,X,K,
tau = 1e-5,
tlc_weight = rep(1,ncol(X)),
maxit_tlc = 100,tol_tlc=1e-5)
n = length(Y)
p = ncol(X)
beta = rep(0,p)
loss_old = sum((Y - X%*%beta)^2)
loss_new = loss_old
ite_ind = 1
while(ite_ind <= maxit_tlc)
ite_ind = ite_ind+1
weight_lasso = (tlc_weight / tau) * (abs(beta) <= tau)
t = K - sum(tlc_weight * (abs(beta) > tau))
zero_ind = which(weight_lasso==0)
if(length(zero_ind) == 0)
lm1 = lm(Y ~ 0)
} else {
lm1 = lm(Y ~ 0 + X[,zero_ind])
beta1 = lm1$coefficients
names(beta1) = NULL
beta = rep(0,p)
beta[zero_ind] = beta1
} else {
weight_lasso = weight_lasso*tau
t = t*tau
zero_ind = which(weight_lasso==0)
data1 = as.data.frame(cbind(Y,X))
fit_formula = as.formula(paste(colnames(data1)[1], "~ 0 + ."))
if(length(zero_ind) > 0)
sweep_formula = as.formula(paste("~0+",
collapse = "+"),sep=""))
} else {
sweep_formula = NULL
lasso2fit = lasso2::l1ce(fit_formula,data1,bound=t,absolute.t = T,
sweep.out = sweep_formula,standardize = F)
beta = lasso2fit$coefficients
names(beta) = NULL
loss_new = sum((Y - X%*%beta)^2)
if(abs(loss_new - loss_old) < tol_tlc)
} else{
loss_old = loss_new
nonzero_ind = which(beta!=0)
if(length(nonzero_ind) == 0)
lm1 = lm(Y ~ 0)
} else{
lm1 = lm(Y ~ 0 + X[,nonzero_ind])
beta1 = lm1$coefficients
names(beta1) = NULL
beta = rep(0,p)
beta[nonzero_ind] = beta1
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