Man pages for xuz1/ENmix
Quality control and analysis tools for Illumina DNA methylation BeadChip

B2MConverting methylation beta value to M value.
calcdetPTo calculate detection P values
combpIdentification of differentially methylated regions
ctrlsvaNon-negative internal control surrogate variables
dupiccEvaluation of measurement reliability using duplicate samples
estimateCellPropCell type proportion estimator
freqpolyFrequency polygon plot
getBExtract methylation Beta values.
getCGinfoCpG probe annotation inforamtion
getmethCreate a methDataSet
ipdmrDifferentially methylated regions
M2BConverting methylation M value to beta value.
methDataSet-classClass '"methDataSet"'
methscoreDNA Methylation predictors
methyAgeMethylation Age estimator
mhtplotP value manhattan plot
mpreprocessmethylation data QC and preprocessing pipeline for Illuminal...
multifreqpolyMultiple frequency polygon plot
nmodeEstimating number of mode for each row of data
norm.quantileQuantile normalization.
pcrplotPrincipal component regression plot
plotCtrlInternal control plot
p.qqplotP value Q-Q plot
predSexEstimating sample sex
preprocessENmixThe ENmix background correction
qcfilterFiltering out low quality and outlier data
QCinfoExtract QC information
rcpIllumina methylation array probe type bias correction
rcp2Modified RCP method
readidatParsing IDAT files for Illumina methylation arrays .
readmanifestParsing Illumina methylation arrays manifest file.
relicREgression on Logarithm of Internal Control probes (RELIC)
repiccCalculating intraclass correlation coefficient using...
rgDataSet-classClass '"rgDataSet"'
rm.cgsuffixRemove suffix from CpG names and combine duplicated CpGs
simubedSimulation of bed format example file.
xuz1/ENmix documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 4:31 a.m.