Man pages for xzhoulab/iDEA
Integrative Differential Expression and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis

ComputeWeightCompute the weight for each gene to construct gene-gene...
CreateiDEAObjectSetup the iDEA object,
EMMCMCStepSummaryEM-MCMC function based on summary statistics, zscores
EMMCMCStepSummaryVariantEM-MCMC function based on summary statistics, effect size
EMMCMCStepSummaryWeightEM-MCMC with weight function based on summary statistics,...
iDEA.BMABayesian model averaging (BMA) approach to aggregate DE...
iDEA.FDRWe constructed a permuted null distribution by permuting gene...
iDEA.fitIntegrative DE and GSEA based summary statistics constructed a permuted null distribution by permuting gene...
iDEA.louisCorrect the p-values using Louis method
iDEA-packageIntegrative Differential Expression and Gene Set Enrichment...
iDEAWeight.fitIntegrative DE and GSEA based summary statistics and weight...
QQNormQuantile-Quantile normalization for count data
xzhoulab/iDEA documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 8:54 a.m.