
Defines functions phased_data_loader.bgen phased_data_loader.haps download_rutgers_map summary_haplotypes_test save_tests load_haplotypes save_haplotypes write_blocs get_blocs write_genetic_map get_bgen_file get_bgi_file getInternalIID.bgen getInternalIID.vcf getInternalIID.default getInternalIID getAnnotVariants.bgen getAnnotVariants.vcf getAnnotVariants.default getAnnotVariants get_bim_file get_genetic_map .onLoad

# TO DO :
# merge write_genetic_map and write_blocs functions
# merge get_augmented_genetic_map and get_blocs functions

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    gwhapConfig = list()
    # toy interpolated 1000 genomes
    f1 = system.file("extdata", "chr1.interpolated_genetic_map.gz", package="gwhap", mustWork=TRUE)
    f2 = system.file("extdata", "chr2.interpolated_genetic_map.gz", package="gwhap", mustWork=TRUE)
    chr = list(1, 2)
    names(chr) = c(f1, f2)
    filepaths = c(f1, f2)
    encodings = list("cM"="cM", "position"="bp","chr"=chr, "format"="table") 
    gwhapConfig[["genmap_toy_interpolated_1000"]] = list(filepaths=filepaths, encodings=encodings)

    # toy reference 1000 genomes
    f1 = system.file("extdata", "chr1_1000_Genome.txt",package="gwhap", mustWork=TRUE)
    chr = list(1)
    names(chr) = c(f1)
    filepaths = c(f1)
    encodings = list("cM"="Genetic_Map(cM)", "position"="position", "chr"=chr, "format"="table")
    gwhapConfig[["genmap_toy_reference_1000"]] = list(filepaths=filepaths, encodings=encodings)

    # toy rutger
    f1 = system.file("extdata", "RUMapv3_B137_chr1.txt", package="gwhap", mustWork=TRUE)
    names(chr) = f1
    encodings = list("cM"="Sex_averaged_start_map_position",
    gwhapConfig[["genmap_toy_rutger"]] = list(filepaths=filepaths, encodings=encodings)

    # toy flat(bim/plink) file to contain SNP physical position
    filepaths = c(system.file("extdata", "example.bim", package="gwhap", mustWork=TRUE))
    encodings = list('snp'=2, 'position'=3, 'chr'=1, "format"="table")
    gwhapConfig[["snpbucket_toy_flat"]] = list(filepaths=filepaths, encodings=encodings)
     # toy bgen file to contain SNP physical position
    f1 = system.file("extdata", "ukb_chr1_v2.bgen.bgi", package="gwhap", mustWork=TRUE)
    filepaths = c(f1)
    chr = list(1)
    names(chr) = c(f1)
    encodings = list('snp'='snp', 'position'='position', 'chr'=chr, "format"="bgen")
    gwhapConfig[["snpbucket_toy_bgen"]] = list(filepaths=filepaths, encodings=encodings)
    assign("gwhapConfig", gwhapConfig, envir = parent.env(environment()))

# access this global varaible with
# gwhap:::gwhapConfig

#' Read the genetic map
#' @description Read the genetic map
#' @param genetic_map_dir A path to a dir containing the maps
#' @param chromosomes list of integer representing the chromosome that one want to read
#' @return List representing the genetic map loaded.
#' @export
get_genetic_map <- function(genetic_map_dir, chromosomes=1:23) {
  gen_map = list()
  for (chr in 1:23){
    # read the rutgers map
    chr_map = get_rutgers_map(sprintf('%s/RUMapv3_B137_chr%s.txt', genetic_map_dir, chr))

    # append to gen_map list
    gen_map[[chr]] = data.frame(cM=chr_map$cM, pos=chr_map$position, rsid=chr_map$rsid, chr=chr)

#' Get bim file
#' @description Get bim file
#' @param file_path A path to a file with tablulation as a delimiter
#' @return The .bim file in a tibbles structure (data frame).
#' @import readr
#' @export
get_bim_file <- function(file_path){
  return(read_delim(file_path, delim='\t', col_names=c('chromosome', 'snp', 'bp')))

#' @export
getAnnotVariants <- function(obj)
  UseMethod("getAnnotVariants", obj)

#' @export
getAnnotVariants.default <- function(obj) {
  stop("getAnnotVariants not defined on this object")

#' @export
getAnnotVariants.vcf <- function(obj) {
  stop("getAnnotVariants not defined on this object")

#' @export
getAnnotVariants.bgen <- function(obj) {

#' @export
getInternalIID <- function(obj)
  UseMethod("getInternalIID", obj)

#' @export
getInternalIID.default <- function(obj) {
  stop("getInternalIID not defined on this object")

#' @export
getInternalIID.vcf <- function(obj) {
  stop("getInternalIID not defined on this object")

#' @export
getInternalIID.bgen <- function(obj) {

#' Get bgi file
#' @description Get bgi file
#' @param file_path A path to a .bgi file
#' @return data frame with the following columns: chromosome, position, rsid, number_of_alleles, allele1, allele2, file_start_position size_in_bytes
#' @import DBI
#' @export
get_bgi_file <- function(file_path){
  # create a connection to the data base managment system
  con = (dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), file_path))
  # read the variant table and store it as a data frame structure
  bgi_dataframe = data.frame(dbReadTable(con, "Variant"))
  # close the connection and frees ressources

#' Get bgen file
#' @description Get bgen file
#' @param file_path A path to a .bgen file
#' @param start the start genomic position
#' @param end the end genomic position
#' @param chromosome String. The chromosome code. '' by default
#' @param max_entries_per_sample An integer specifying the maximum number of probabilities expected per variant per sample.
#' This is used to set the third dimension of the data matrix returned. 4 by default.
#' @param samples A character vector specifying the IDs of samples to load data for.
#' @return bgen file loaded in a bgen format
#' @import rbgen
#' @export
get_bgen_file <- function(file_path, start, end, samples=samples, chromosome='', max_entries_per_sample=4){
  return(bgen.load(filename = file_path,
                   data.frame(chromosome=chromosome, start=start, end=end),
                   samples = samples,
                   max_entries_per_sample = max_entries_per_sample))

#' Write genetic map
#' @description Write genetic map
#' @param output A dir path where the map is saved
#' @param dataframe dataframe representing the augmented genetic map for one chromosome
#' @import utils
#' @export
write_genetic_map <- function(dataframe, output){
  write.table(dataframe, output, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

#' Get blocs
#' @description Get blocs
#' @param blocs_dir A path to the blocs dir
#' @param chromosomes A list of chromosomes that one want to read
#' @import readr
#' @return the blocs concatenated into a data table structure
#' @export
get_blocs <- function(blocs_dir, chromosomes=1:22){
  blocs_df = c()
  for (chr in chromosomes){
    blocs_chr = sprintf('%s/blocs_chr%s.txt', blocs_dir, chr)
    if(file.exists(blocs_chr)){blocs_df = rbind(blocs_df, read_delim(blocs_chr, delim='\t'))}

#' Write blocs
#' @description Write blocs
#' @param dataframe dataframe representing the blocs created for one chromosome
#' @param output A dir path where the blocs are saved
#' @import utils
#' @export
write_blocs <- function(dataframe, output){
  write.table(dataframe, output, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

#' Save haplotypes
#' @description Save haplotypes per chromosome. Each rows represent the subject with their IID as index.
#' Each column represent the haplotypes name that basicaly contain the follow information chromosome code, bloc start bp, end bloc bp and the haplotypes code
#' @param haplotype_combined haplotype dataframe. The rows correspond to the subject while the column correspond to the haplotypes name
#' @param chromosome chromosome code
#' @param output A dir path where the haplotypes are saved
#' @return None
#' @import utils
#' @export
save_haplotypes <- function(haplotype_combined, chromosome, output){

  # set the output path  TOFIX
  #haplotype_combined_path = sprintf('%s/haplotypes_%s.tsv', output, chromosome)

  # remove NA in the column name added by cbind
  #colnames(haplotype_combined) = vapply(strsplit(colnames(haplotype_combined),"[.]"), `[`, 2, FUN.VALUE=character(1))

  # save the haplotype as tsv file
  #write.table(haplotype_combined, haplotype_combined_path, sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE)

  # save the haplotypes as .RData
  saveRDS(haplotype_combined, file=sprintf('%s/haplotypes_%s.RDS', output, chromosome), compress=T)

#' Load haplotypes
#' @description Load haplotypes per chromosome.See save_haplotypes
#' @param output A dir path where the haplotypes are saved
#' @return haplotype_combined haplotype dataframe
#' @import utils
#' @export
load_haplotypes <- function(chromosome, dirpath){
    return(readRDS(sprintf('%s/haplotypes_%s.RDS', dirpath, chromosome)))

#' Save tests
#' @description Save haplotypes tests per chromosome. Each rows represent the subject with their IID as index.
#' Each column ...
#' @param haplotype_combined haplotype dataframe. The rows correspond to the subject while the column correspond to the haplotypes name
#' @param chromosome chromosome code
#' @param output A dir path where the haplotypes are saved
#' @return None
#' @import utils
#' @export
save_tests <- function(test, chromosome, output){
                   sprintf('tests_results_chr%d.tsv', chromosome)),
             sep="\t", quote=F, row.names=F)

#' Summary haplotypes test
#' @description Filter on the results obtained and keep only the significant p values
#' @param test_path A dir path where the tests are saved
#' @param threshold threshold
#' @param verbose silent warning messages. FALSE by default.
#' @import utils
#' @return None
#' @export
summary_haplotypes_test <- function(test_path, threshold = 5e-6, verbose=FALSE){

  # silent warning messages
  if(verbose == TRUE){options(warn=0)} else{options(warn=-1)}

  # init
  test_possible = list('bloc_test_results', 'complete_test_results', 'single_test_results')

  # init the outputs data frames
  bloc_test_results     = data.frame()
  complete_test_results = data.frame()
  single_test_results   = data.frame()

  # read each test and concatenate it into one dataframe for all blocs and chromosomes
  chromosme_test_path = Sys.glob(file.path(test_path, '*'))

  # create a summary dir
  dir.create(sprintf('%s/summary', test_path))

  for(chromosome_path in chromosme_test_path){
    for(test in test_possible){
      unit_test_path = Sys.glob(file.path(sprintf('%s/%s', chromosome_path, test), '*'))
      for(unit_path in unit_test_path){
        if(test=='bloc_test_results'){bloc_test_results <- rbind(bloc_test_results, data.frame(read_tsv(unit_path)))}
        if(test=='complete_test_results'){complete_test_results <- rbind(complete_test_results, data.frame(read_tsv(unit_path)))}
        if(test=='single_test_results'){single_test_results <- rbind(single_test_results, data.frame(read_tsv(unit_path)))}

  # filtre on the significant p values
  bloc_test_results = bloc_test_results[bloc_test_results$p_value < threshold, ]
  complete_test_results = complete_test_results[complete_test_results$p_value < threshold, ]
  single_test_results = single_test_results[single_test_results$p_value < threshold, ]

  # write the summary
  write.table(bloc_test_results, sprintf('%s/summary/bloc_test_results.tsv', test_path), sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  write.table(complete_test_results, sprintf('%s/summary/complete_test_results.tsv', test_path), sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  write.table(single_test_results, sprintf('%s/summary/single_test_results.tsv', test_path), sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

#' Download rutgers maps
#' @description download rutgers maps using the following url : http://compgen.rutgers.edu/downloads/rutgers_map_v3.zip
#' @return None
#' @export
download_rutgers_map <- function(){
  # dont use linux command
  # use the native R cmd instead

  # download the rutgers map
  system('wget http://compgen.rutgers.edu/downloads/rutgers_map_v3.zip')
  # unzip
  system('unzip rutgers_map_v3.zip')
  # remove the zip file
  system('rm rutgers_map_v3.zip')

#' Create a S3 object ready to be queried from a haps file
#' @param bgen_filename : full path name to the bgen file of the phased data
#' @return phased_data_loader : the genetetic mapin genMap format
#' @import rbgen
#' @export
phased_data_loader.haps <- function(haps_filename) {
  # check the existence of haps_filename file
  # TODO

  # read 2 flavors of haps file with 1 or 2 cols describing the snps
  sep = " "
  hap_field_num = count.fields(haps_filename, sep=sep)[1]
  phased_data = read_table(haps_filename, col_names=FALSE)
  if ((hap_field_num%%2) == 0){
    phased_data = phased_data[-2]
  samples_num = (length(colnames(phased_data)) - 5)/2
  tmp = sprintf("sample_%d", 0:(samples_num-1))
  new_col_names =  c(c('chrom', 'rsid', 'pos', 'allele_1', 'allele_2'),
                     unlist(lapply(tmp, function(s) sprintf("%s_strand%d", s, 1:2))))
  colnames(phased_data) <- new_col_names

  ret_obj <- list(phased_data=phased_data, is_phased=TRUE, full_fname_haps=haps_filename)
  class(ret_obj) <- c(class(ret_obj), "phased", "haps")


#' Create a S3 object ready to be queried from a bgen file
#' @param bgen_filename : full path name to the bgen file of the phased data
#' @return phased_data_loader : the genetetic mapin genMap format
#' @import rbgen
#' @export
phased_data_loader.bgen <- function(bgen_filename) {
  # silent warning messages

  # check the existence of bgen.bgi file
  # TODO

  # get the annotation
  full_fname_bgi=sprintf("%s.bgi", bgen_filename)
  annot_variants = get_bgi_file(full_fname_bgi)

  # open and check that data are phased
  data = get_bgen_file(file_path = bgen_filename,
                          start = annot_variants$position[1],
                          end = annot_variants$position[1],
                          samples = c(),
                          chromosome = '',
                          max_entries_per_sample = 4)
  #  print(str(data))
  annot_internalIID <-data$samples
  # In ukb chromosome names is not in the bgen/bgi :degenerated FLAG
  chrom_name_degenerated = FALSE
  if (unique(annot_variants$chromosome) == "") {
      chrom_name_degenerated = TRUE
  ret_obj = list(full_fname_bgen=bgen_filename,

  # create S3 object
  class(ret_obj) <- c(class(ret_obj), "phased", "bgen")

yasmina-mekki/gwhap documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 9:19 p.m.