

capture_usage = function(...) capture.output(usage(..., output = TRUE))
n_spaces = function(n) paste(character(n + 1L), collapse = ' ')

# Test usage() ------------------------------------------------------------

make_fn = function(arg) {
  eval(call('function', as.pairlist(arg), quote(expr = )))
subsets_lgl = function(n) {
  lapply(seq_len(2L ^ n) - 1L, function(.) as.logical(intToBits(.))[1L:n])
subsets = function(x) {
  lapply(subsets_lgl(length(x)), function(.) x[.])

args_pre  = alist(x1 = , x2 = , x3 = , x4 = , y1 = 1, y2 = 2, y3 = 3, y4 = 4)
args_post = alist(a = '', b = 'b')
args_wo_dots = subsets(args_pre)
args_w_dots  = do.call('c', lapply(subsets(args_post), function(.) {
  lapply(args_wo_dots, function(..) c(.., alist(... = ), .))
args = c(args_wo_dots, args_w_dots)
fns = lapply(args, make_fn)

# test usage() for 7.5k+ functions
assert('usage() output respects indent and line width, whenver this is feasible', {
  ops = options(formatR.indent = 4L)
  re = sprintf('^%s\\S', n_spaces(getOption('formatR.indent')))
  w0 = nchar('a_function()')
  # call with maximal set of arguments
  usg = paste(trimws(
    deparse(make_fn(c(args_pre, alist(... = ), args_post))),
    which = 'left'), collapse = '')
  w1 = nchar(sub('^function ', 'a_function', usg))

  assertions = lapply(fns, function(f) {
    a_function = f
    r = (w1 - w0) %/% 4L
    lapply(seq(w0, w1 + r, by = r), function(w) {
      out = capture_usage(a_function, w)
        'output was created'        = length(out) > 0L,
        'lines within width'        = nchar(out) <= w,
        'indentation by indent amt' = grepl(re, out[-1L])

assert('for an S3 method, usage() uses the generic function name in call signature', {
  out = capture_usage(barplot.default, 60L)
  (out[1L] %==% '## Default S3 method:')
  (substr(out[2L], 1L, 8L) %==% 'barplot(')

assert('if width constraint is unfulfillable, usage() warns when fail is "warn"', {
  # verify that width constraint is unfulfillable
  out = suppressWarnings(capture_usage(barplot.default, 30L, fail = 'warn'))
  (any(nchar(out) > 30L))
  (has_warning(capture_usage(barplot.default, 30L, fail = 'warn')))

assert('if width constraint is unfulfillable, usage() stops when fail is "stop"', {
  out = tryCatch(capture_usage(barplot.default, 30L, fail = 'stop'), error = identity)
  (inherits(out, 'error'))

assert('if width constraint is unfulfillable, usage() is silent when fail is "none"', {
  out = tryCatch(
    capture_usage(barplot.default, 30L, fail = 'none'),
    warning = identity, error   = identity
  (!inherits(out, c('error', 'warning')))

assert('if width constraint is unfulfillable and fail is "warn" or "stop", the lengths of all overflowing lines are shown', {
  out = capture.output(
    suppressWarnings(usage(barplot.default, 30L, fail = 'warn'))
  warn = capture.output(cat(tryCatch(
    usage(barplot.default, 30L, fail = 'warn'), warning = conditionMessage
  bad_lines = out[nchar(out) > 30L]
  overflow_out  = nchar(bad_lines)
  overflow_warn = as.integer(sub('^\\(([[:digit:]]*)\\).*', '\\1', warn))
  (overflow_out %==% overflow_warn)

assert('usage() fits entire call on one line if it falls within width', {
  foo = function(bar, ..., baz = "baz") {}
  width = nchar('foo(bar, ..., baz = "baz")')
  (vapply(seq(width, width + 60L, by = 5L), function(w) {
    out = usage(foo, width = w, output = FALSE)
    nchar(out) %==% width
  }, logical(1)))

assert('usage() breaks lines maximally and uniformly when all lines of same length', {
  foo = function(bar, baz = 0, buzz, x, ..., y = 2, z = 3) {}
  w = nchar('foo(bar, baz = 0,')
  out = capture_usage(foo, width = w, indent.by.FUN = TRUE)
  (length(out) %==% 3L)
  (all(nchar(out) == w))

assert('usage() indents by getOption("formatR.indent", 4L), when indent.by.FUN is FALSE', {
  foo = function(bar, ..., baz = "baz") {}
  ops = options(formatR.indent = NULL)
  out = capture_usage(foo, width = 20L, indent.by.FUN = FALSE)
  (out[2L] %==% '    baz = "baz")')

  ops = options(formatR.indent = 2L)
  out = capture_usage(foo, width = 20L)
  (out[2L] %==% '  baz = "baz")')

assert('usage() indents by function name width, when indent.by.FUN is TRUE', {
  re = function(n) sprintf('^%s\\S', n_spaces(n))
  out1 = capture_usage(barplot.default, width = 60L, indent.by.FUN = TRUE)
  out2 = capture_usage(stats::lm, width = 60, indent.by.FUN = TRUE)
  (grepl(re(nchar('barplot(')), out1[-(1L:2L)]))
  (grepl(re(nchar('lm(')), out2[-1L]))

assert('usage() breaks line on function name, if function name exceeds width', {
  reallylongfunctionname = function() {}
  w = nchar('reallylongfunctionname')
  out = capture_usage(reallylongfunctionname, w, fail = 'none')
  (out %==% 'reallylongfunctionname()')

  warn = tryCatch(
    usage(reallylongfunctionname, w, fail = 'warn'),
    warning = function(w) unlist(strsplit(w$message, '\n'))
  l = nchar('reallylongfunctionname()')
  (warn[2L] %==% sprintf('(%s) \"reallylongfunctionname()\"', l))

  reallylongfunctionname = function(bar, baz, ..., a, b, c, d, e) {}
  res = lapply(c(5L, 10L, 20L), function(w) {
      out  = capture_usage(reallylongfunctionname, w, fail = 'none'),
      warn = tryCatch(
        usage(reallylongfunctionname, w, fail = 'warn'),
        warning = function(w) unlist(strsplit(w$message, '\n'))
  l = nchar('reallylongfunctionname(')
  (vapply(res, function(.) {
      nchar(.$out[-1L]) <= w,
      .$warn[2L] %==% sprintf('(%s) \"reallylongfunctionname(\"', l)
  }, logical(1)))

# Test internal functions (optional) --------------------------------------

exprs = list(
  quote(foo(bar, baz)),
  quote(foo(bar = 1, baz)),
  quote(foo(bar = 1, baz = "")),
  quote(foo(bar, baz = 2)),
  quote(foo(bar, ..., baz = 2)),
  quote(foo(bar, ..., baz))
counts = list(
  c(4L, 4L),
  c(4L, 4L),
  c(4L, 4L, 5L),
  c(4L, 8L, 5L),
  c(4L, 8L, 10L),
  c(4L, 4L, 9L),
  c(4L, 4L, 5L, 9L),
  c(4L, 4L, 5L, 5L)
totals_manual = lapply(counts, cumsum)
totals_count_tokens = lapply(exprs, count_tokens)
assert('count_tokens() matches manual count of tokens', {
    Map(function(x, y) isTRUE(all.equal(x, y, check.names = FALSE)),
        totals_count_tokens, totals_manual)
yihui/formatR documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 1:07 p.m.