
Defines functions alzheimer_test

Documented in alzheimer_test

#' Test Alzheimer's disease by finding out the different character in a
#' character rectangle
#' Please try hard to find the letter "N" in 300 "M"s, one "6" in 300 "9"s, etc.
#' @param char1 the 'background' character
#' @param char2 the character to be found out
#' @param nr number of rows of the character rectangle
#' @param nc number of columns
#' @param seed seed for random number generation
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{set.seed}}
#' @return If at least one test item has been passed, a data.frame will be
#'   returned telling the result of the test.
#' @note Don't be too serious about this test. I'm no doctor, but I think this
#'   will be a good present to your friends.
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{https://yihui.org}>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x = alzheimer_test()
#' }
alzheimer_test = function(
  char1 = c("9", "O", "M", "I", "F", "D"),
  char2 = c("6", "C", "N", "T", "E", "O"),
  nr = 10, nc = 30, seed = NULL, ...
) {
  if (!interactive()) return()
  cat("This is a REAL neurological test. Sit comfortably and be calm.\n\n")
  mlen = max(length(char1), length(char2), length(nr), length(nc))
  char1 = rep(char1, length = mlen)
  char2 = rep(char2, length = mlen)
  nr = rep(nr, length = mlen)
  nc = rep(nc, length = mlen)
  if (!is.null(seed))
    set.seed(seed, ...)
  tm1 = tm2 = ans = ans.u = ans.t = NULL
  for (j in 1:mlen) {
    x = rep(char1[j], nr[j] * nc[j])
    idx = sample(nr[j] * nc[j], 1)
    x[idx] = char2[j]
    mx = matrix(x, nr[j], nc[j])
    cat("\n\nTEST ", j, "\n")
      paste("Find the \"", char2[j], "\" below", sep = ""), "Do not use any cursor help"
    ), offset = 2))
    m = menu(c("Ready, Go!", "Let me quit the test!"))
    if (m == 0 | m == 2) {
      j = j - 1
    tmp = Sys.time()
    cat(apply(mx, 1, paste, collapse = ""), sep = "\n")
    cat("\nFind it now?\n")
    m = menu(c("Yes! (Input the answer later)", "No... (See the answer later)"))
    tm1 = c(tm1, as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), tmp, units = "secs")))
    ans.true = c(ifelse(idx%%nr[j] == 0, nr[j], idx%%nr[j]), ceiling(idx/nr[j]))
    tmp = Sys.time()
    if (m == 0 | m == 2) {
        "\nCharacter \"", char2[j], "\" is at [",
        ifelse(idx%%nr[j] == 0, nr[j], idx%%nr[j]), ", ", idx%/%nr[j] + 1,
        "].\n\n\n", sep = ""
      ans = c(ans, 3)
      ans.user = c(NA, NA)
    } else {
      cat("\nPlease input the Row number and Column number respectively\n  when you find the character:\n")
      ans.user = scan(nmax = 2)
      if (length(ans.user) == 2 & is.numeric(ans.user)) {
        ans = c(ans, as.integer(all(ans.user == ans.true)))
      } else ans = c(ans, 2)
      if (ans[length(ans)] != 1)
        cat("\nWrong answer! :( \nThe correct answer should be: ", ans.true, "\n\n\n")
    ans.u = rbind(ans.u, ans.user)
    ans.t = rbind(ans.t, ans.true)
    tm2 = c(tm2, as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), tmp, units = "secs")))
    if (j < mlen) {
      for (i in 1:round(max(nc) * 1.5)) {
        cat("  [Take a rest and continue the next test> ", rep("-", i), ">\r", sep = "")
    } else {
      for (i in 1:round(max(nc) * 1.5)) {
        cat("  [All tests are finished; see the results> ", rep("-", i), ">\r", sep = "")
  if (j >= 1) {
    cat("\nThere are", sum(ans == 1), "correct answers in all", j, "tests.\n")
    res = data.frame(
      char1[1:j], char2[1:j], tm1[1:j], tm2[1:j],
      ans[1:j], ans.u[1:j, , drop = FALSE], ans.t[1:j, , drop = FALSE]
yihui/fun documentation built on Jan. 28, 2023, 2:29 p.m.