
Defines functions tag_cloud

Documented in tag_cloud

#' Creating Tag Cloud in R (with Flash and JavaScript)
#' Use R to write tag data (tag words, frequency, hyperlinks and colors, etc)
#' into JavaScript, and the JavaScript code will generate a Flash movie. Finally
#' the tag cloud can be created with fantastic 3D rotation effect.
#' This function is based on the WordPress plugin ``wp-cumulus''. If there are
#' any arguments you don't understand, please check the reference.
#' @param tagData a data.frame containing at least 3 columns: \code{tag},
#'   \code{link} and \code{count}. Optional columns are \code{color} and
#'   \code{hicolor}
#' @param htmlOutput filename of the HTML output
#' @param SWFPath path of the SWF source file (\file{tagcloud.swf}); see
#'   \code{system.file("js", "tagcloud.swf", package = "fun")}
#' @param JSPath path of the JavaScript file (\file{swfobject.js}); see
#'   \code{system.file("js", "swfobject.js", package = "fun")}
#' @param divId id of the tag cloud div (HTML layer)
#' @param width,height width and height of the tag cloud
#' @param transparent logical; whether to use transparent backgroud for the
#'   Flash movie?
#' @param tcolor,tcolor2,hicolor,distr,tspeed see Details
#' @param version the required Flash version
#' @param bgcolor backgroud color of the Flash movie
#' @param useXML use XML file for the tag information or just a string; this
#'   will be passed to the Flash object as a variable
#' @param htmlTitle title of the HTML file
#' @param noFlashJS text to show if Flash or JavaScript is not supported
#' @param target target window of the hyperlinks; possible values are
#'   \code{NULL}, \code{'_blank'}, \code{'_top'}, etc
#' @param scriptOnly print the script in the console only? (if \code{TRUE}), no
#'   HTML file will be generated
#' @param encode encode the tag XML or not? (with
#'   \code{\link[utils]{URLencode}}) set it to be \code{TRUE} when your browser
#'   does not recognize the tag XML correctly
#' @param reserved should reserved characters be encoded? see
#'   \code{\link[utils]{URLencode}}
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{https://yihui.org}>
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{cat}}, \code{\link[base]{sprintf}},
#'   \code{\link[utils]{URLencode}}
#' @references About the WordPress plugin:
#'   \url{https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-cumulus/}
#'   Usage of the SWFObject: \url{http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/}
#'   An example of visualizing tags in my blog:
#'   \url{https://yihui.org/en/2009/06/creating-tag-cloud-using-r-and-flash-javascript-swfobject/}
#' @keywords dynamic file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(tagData)
#' htmlFile = paste(tempfile(), ".html", sep = "")
#' if (file.create(htmlFile)) {
#'   tag_cloud(tagData, htmlFile)
#'   if (!interactive()) browseURL(htmlFile)
#' }
tag_cloud = function(
  tagData, htmlOutput = "tagCloud.html", SWFPath = 'tagcloud.swf',
  JSPath = 'swfobject.js', divId = "tagCloudId", width = 600, height = 400,
  transparent = FALSE, tcolor = "333333", tcolor2 = "009900", hicolor = "ff0000",
  distr = "true", tspeed = 100, version = 9, bgcolor = "ffffff", useXML = FALSE,
  htmlTitle = "Tag Cloud", noFlashJS, target = NULL, scriptOnly = FALSE,
  encode = FALSE, reserved = FALSE
) {
  tagData$tag = htmlspecialchars(tagData$tag)
  if (missing(noFlashJS))
    noFlashJS = "This will be shown to users with no Flash or Javascript."
  tagXML = sprintf("<tags>%s</tags>", paste(sprintf(
    "<a href='%s' style='%s'%s%s%s>%s</a>",
    tagData$link, tagData$count, if (is.null(target)) "" else sprintf(" target='%s'", target),
    if (is.null(tagData$color)) "" else {
      ifelse(!is.na(tagData$color), sprintf(" color='0x%s'", tagData$color), "")
    if (is.null(tagData$hicolor)) "" else {
      ifelse(!is.na(tagData$hicolor), sprintf(" hicolor='0x%s'", tagData$hicolor), "")
    }, tagData$tag
  ), collapse = ""))
  if (encode) tagXML = URLencode(tagXML, reserved)
  if (useXML) {
    cat(tagXML, file = file.path(dirname(htmlOutput), "tagcloud.xml"))
  file.copy(system.file("js", c("tagcloud.swf", "swfobject.js"), package = "fun"),
  cat(ifelse(scriptOnly, "", sprintf(
    "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n</head>\n\n<body>",
  sprintf("\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>", JSPath),
  sprintf("\t<div id=\"%s\">%s</div>", divId, noFlashJS),
    "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\tvar so = new SWFObject(\"%s\", \"tagcloud\", \"%d\", \"%d\", \"%d\", \"#%s\");\n%s%s\t\tso.addVariable(\"tcolor\", \"0x%s\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"tcolor2\", \"0x%s\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"hicolor\", \"0x%s\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"tspeed\", \"%d\");\n\t\tso.addVariable(\"distr\", \"%s\");\n%s\n\t\tso.write(\"%s\");\n\t\t</script>\n",
    SWFPath, width, height, version, bgcolor, ifelse(transparent, "\t\tso.addParam(\"wmode\", \"transparent\");\n", ""),
    ifelse(useXML, "", "\t\tso.addVariable(\"mode\", \"tags\");\n"),
    tcolor, tcolor2, hicolor, tspeed, distr,
    ifelse(useXML, "\t\tso.addVariable(\"xmlpath\", \"tagcloud.xml\");",
           sprintf("\t\tso.addVariable(\"tagcloud\", \"%s\");",
                   tagXML)), divId),
  ifelse(scriptOnly, "", "</body>\n\n</html>"),
  file = ifelse(scriptOnly, stdout(), htmlOutput), sep = "\n")
  if (!scriptOnly)
    cat("HTML file created at ", htmlOutput, "\n")
yihui/fun documentation built on Jan. 28, 2023, 2:29 p.m.