
#' Create a new notebook file
#' Create a notebook file based on the metadata (e.g.,title and author, etc) and
#' the content.
#' @inheritParams refresh
#' @param title the title of the notebook
#' @param author the author of the notebook
#' @param date the date for the notebook
#' @param ... other metadata for the notebook
#' @param body the body of the notebook; a default list of content is used if
#'   not provided, otherwise it should be a list of sub-lists, with each
#'   sub-list being a list of elements \code{type} (\code{text} or \code{code}),
#'   \code{src} (source), and \code{out} (output); for \code{type = 'code'},
#'   \code{src} is a list of two elements \code{options} (chunk options) and
#'   \code{code} (source code)
#' @return The notebook filename (a temporary file by default, with the prefix
#'   \code{rnotebook}). The metadata and content are written to the file as a
#'   JSON string.
#' @export
#' @examples # !formatR
#' f = rnotebook::newnb()
#' rnotebook::refresh(f)  # compile the notebook
#' file.show(f)
#' f2 = rnotebook::newnb('foo-test.Rnb', author = 'R. A. Fisher', body = list(
#'   list(type = 'text', src = 'Hello **world**.', out = NULL),
#'   list(type = 'code', src = list(
#'     options = '', code = 'fisher.test(matrix(c(3, 1, 1, 3), 2))'
#'   ), out = '')
#' ))
#' file.show(f2)
#' rnotebook::refresh(f2)
#' # serve notebooks using the servr package (click the .Rnb filenames)
#' if (!requireNamespace('servr') || packageVersion('servr') < '0.1.10')
#'   install.packages('servr', repos = 'http://yihui.name/xran')
#' if (interactive()) servr::notebook()
newnb = function(
  file = tempfile('rnotebook', '.', '.Rnb'),
  title = getOption('rnotebook.title', 'An R Notebook'),
  author = getOption('rnotebook.author'),
  date = Sys.Date(),
) {
  if (missing(body))
    body = list(
      list(type = 'text', src = 'A _sample_ paragraph.', out = ''),
      list(type = 'code', src = list(options = 'tidy = TRUE', code = '1 + 1; x = dnorm(0)'), out = ''),
      list(type = 'text', src = c('We know the density of N(0, 1)', 'at 0 is `r x`.'), out = '')
  info = list(
    frontmatter = list(title = title, author = author, date = as.character(date), ...),
    body = body
  write_json(info, file)

#' Update a notebook file
#' Parse and recompile a notebook file through \pkg{knitr}.
#' @param file the notebook filename
#' @return The notebook filename (invisibly). The content of the notebook is
#'   updated as a side effect.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f = rnotebook::newnb()
#' rnotebook::refresh(f)  # compile the notebook
#' file.show(f)
refresh = function(file) {
  json = lint_nb(file)
  body = json$body
  if ((n <- length(body)) == 0) return()

  # arrange text and code chunks for knitr
  cells = lapply(body, function(cell) {
    if (cell$type == 'text') {
      knitr:::parse_inline(cell$src, knitr::all_patterns$md)
    } else {
      header = cell$src$options
      knitr:::parse_block(cell$src$code, header, header)

  # a lazy method to restore all knitr objects such as opts_chunk/opts_knit/knit_hooks/...
  on.exit(unloadNamespace('knitr'), add = TRUE)
  oopts = options(
    useFancyQuotes = FALSE, width = knitr::opts_knit$get('width'),
    knitr.in.progress = TRUE, device = knitr:::pdf_null
  on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE)
  knitr::opts_knit$set(encoding = 'UTF-8', progress = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    res = knitr:::process_group(cells[[i]])
    # if output and source are identical, avoid duplicate storage
    body[[i]]['out'] = list(
      if (!identical(res, paste(body[[i]][['src']], collapse = '\n'))) res

  json$body = body
  write_json(json, file)

#' Export a notebook to Markdown
#' Export a notebook file to Markdown (\file{.md}) or R Markdown (\file{.Rmd}).
#' @inheritParams refresh
#' @param output the output filename; by default, the filename is the input
#'   filename \code{file} with the file extension replaced by \file{.md}
#'   (\code{raw = FALSE}) or \file{.Rmd} (\code{raw = TRUE})
#' @param raw whether to export the notebook as raw R Markdown or only Markdown
#'   output; for the latter case, the notebook must have been compiled via
#'   \code{\link{refresh}()} beforehand
#' @return The output filename is returned invisibly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f = rnotebook::newnb()
#' rnotebook::refresh(f)  # compile the notebook
#' file.show(f)
#' f1 = rnotebook::export(f)  # export to markdown
#' file.edit(f1)
#' f2 = rnotebook::export(f, raw = TRUE)  # export to R Markdown
#' file.edit(f2)
#' unlink(c(f, f1, f2))
export = function(file, output, raw = FALSE) {
  if (missing(output))
    output = sub('[.][[:alnum:]]+$', if (raw) '.Rmd' else '.md', file)

  json = lint_nb(file)
  meta = json$frontmatter
  meta = c('---', to_yaml(meta), '---', '')

  out = lapply(json$body, function(b) {
    o = if (b$type == 'code') {
      if (raw) {
        opt = gsub('^\\s*|\\s*$', '', b$src$options)
        if (opt != '') opt = paste0(' ', opt)
        c(sprintf('```{r%s}', opt), b$src$code, '```')
      } else b$out
    } else {
      # for text chunks, b$out might be NULL, which indicates no inline code
      if (raw || is.null(b$out)) b$src else b$out
    c(o, '')
  out = to_utf8(c(meta, unlist(out)))
  out = head(out, -1)  # remove the last empty line

  writeLines(out, output, useBytes = TRUE)
yihui/rnotebook documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:26 p.m.