
Defines functions reconstructGsMN

Documented in reconstructGsMN

#'@title Reconstuction of the specific-organism genome-scale metabolic network
#'@description Reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic network (GsMN) whose 
#'  nodes represents compounds and whose edges represents reactions.
#'@param metabolic.data, df or a character vector. More details see function 
#'  \code{getOrgMetabolicData} and \code{details}
#'@param RefData The reference metabolic data. It does not need reference data 
#'  While organism metabolic data was collected from KEGG database, and RefData 
#'  is set to NULL. Otherwise, RefDbCache, an internal dataset in this package,
#'  was taken as the Reference metabolic data for Genome scale metabolic reconstruction.
#'@param threshold numeric, Nodes belonging to components with fewer than the 
#'  value of threshold nodes will be ignored. This is a good option for networks
#'  that contain many small and trivial components. Default is 10.
#'@param is.gaint logical, Ignore all nodes except those in the giant component:
#'  selecting the only main largest component (connected set of nodes) of the
#'  network. All smaller components will be ignored. This is a good option for
#'  networks with a dominant component. Default is TRUE.
#'@details The input of this function can be of two forms. If organims is 
#'  collected in KEGG database, it can be obtained with 
#'  \code{getOrgMetabolicData} which is a data frame. Otherwise, 
#'  \code{metabolic.data} could be a  character vecotr which contains the KEGG 
#'  Orthology annotated information on this organism, e.g. we can download this 
#'  KO annotation profile in the \url{https://img.jgi.doe.gov} website for 
#'  species detected in a human microbime which not contained in KEGG organism 
#'  database. Several functions, such as \code{link{read.table}} and 
#'  \code{\link{read.delim}} could help us to read KO annotation profile.
#'@return igraph object
#'@seealso \code{\link{getOrgMetabolicData}}
#'## not run (organism in KEGG)
#'## metabolic.data <- getOrgMetabolicData("buc")
#'## g <- reconstructGsMN(metabolic.data)
#'## species detected in a human microbiome
#' annodir <- system.file("extdata","koanno.tab",package = "RevEcoR")
#' metabolic.data <- read.delim2(file=annodir,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' ##load the reference metabolic data
#' data(RefDbcache)
#' g2 <- reconstructGsMN(metabolic.data, RefData = RefDbcache)
reconstructGsMN <- function(metabolic.data, RefData = RefDbcache, 
  threshold = 10, is.gaint = TRUE){
  # gaint component
  net_gaint_component  <- function(g){
    decomposed.component  <- decompose.graph(g)
    gaint.component.index  <- llply(decomposed.component, 
      function(x)V(x)$name) %>%
      laply(length) %>%
  # delete the small group nodes
  deleteSG <- function(g,threshold = 10){ 
  if (!is.igraph(g))
      stop("Not a igraph object")
    delet.node <- NULL
    Step.count <- 6 
    while (all((neighborhood.size(g,Step.count)-neighborhood.size(g,Step.count-1))!=0)){
      Step.count <- Step.count + 1
    delet.node <- which(neighborhood.size(g,Step.count) <= threshold)
    gf <- delete.vertices(g,delet.node)
  if (match(".attrs.name",names(metabolic.data),nomatch=0)){
    #message("metabolic.data is the reaction information from KEGG organism pathway map...")
    metabolites <- metabolic.data[,c(2,3)]
    #message("metabolic.data is the KEGG Orthology annotation profile of the species...")
    if (inherits(metabolic.data, 'data.frame'))
      ko <- intersect(RefData$ko, metabolic.data[[1]])
      ko <- intersect(RefData$ko, metabolic.data)
    index <- match(ko,RefData$ko)
    metabolites <- RefData[c("substrate","product")] %>%
    metabolites <- data.frame(substrate=do.call(cbind,metabolites[1]),
  node <- unique(unlist(metabolites))
  net.matrix <- matrix(0,length(node),length(node))
  ##test = lapply(node,function(x)lapply(metabolites[,1],intersect,x))
  row.index <- lapply(metabolites[,1],match,node)
  col.index <- lapply(metabolites[,2],match,node)
  row.col <- mapply(expand.grid,row.index,col.index)
  row.index <- unlist(row.col[1,])
  col.index <- unlist(row.col[2,])
  for (i in 1:length(row.index))
    net.matrix[row.index[i],col.index[i]] <- 1
  diag(net.matrix) <- 0
  g <- graph.adjacency(net.matrix)
  V(g)$name <- node
  ## omit the glycans and drugs
  node2 <- str_count(node, "^gl|^dr") %>%
    is_greater_than(0) %>%
  ## drop the small dis-connetect components
  g <- delete.vertices(g, node2) %>%
    deleteSG(threshold = threshold)
  if (is.gaint)
    if (length(V(g)$name))
      g <- net_gaint_component(g)
yiluheihei/RevEcoR documentation built on July 31, 2019, 9:17 a.m.