
Defines functions html_pretty

Documented in html_pretty

#' Creating Pretty HTML from R Markdown
#' This function is an alternative to the \code{\link[rmarkdown]{html_document}}
#' and \code{\link[rmarkdown]{html_vignette}} formats to create HTML document
#' from R Markdown. It generates small yet pretty HTML pages that are suitable
#' for publishing project pages and package vignettes.
#' See the \href{https://prettydoc.statr.me/}{online documentation}
#' for more details.
#' @param theme Character string to specify the document theme. Currently supported
#'              themes are \code{"cayman"}, \code{"tactile"}, \code{"architect"},
#'              \code{"leonids"}, and \code{"hpstr"}.
#' @param highlight Character string to specify the syntax highlight theme.
#'                  Supported values are \code{NULL} (use Pandoc default),
#'                  \code{"github"}, and \code{"vignette"}.
#' @param css Additional CSS file to be \strong{merged} in the document. It will
#'            \strong{NOT} overwrite the CSS from the themes.
#' @param math The engine to render math expressions. Possible values are
#'             \code{"mathjax"} and \code{"katex"}. The \code{katex} engines
#'             supports offline (no internet connection) rendering of math expressions.
#' @param fig_retina The same argument in \code{\link[rmarkdown]{html_document}}
#'                   but with a different default value (\code{NULL} to disable
#'                   retina scaling)
#' @param keep_md Keep the markdown file generated by knitting.
#'                This is the same argument in \code{\link[rmarkdown]{html_vignette}}.
#' @param readme Use this vignette as the package \file{README.md} file.
#'               This is the same argument in \code{\link[rmarkdown]{html_vignette}}.
#' @param compressed_css Whether the compressed CSS should be used.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[rmarkdown]{html_document}}.
#' @return R Markdown output format to pass to \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}.
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{https://statr.me}>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' doc = system.file("rmarkdown", "templates", "html_pretty_vignette",
#'                   "skeleton", "skeleton.Rmd", package = "prettydoc")
#' rmarkdown::render(doc, html_pretty(), output_dir = tempdir())
#' }
#' @export
html_pretty <- function(theme = "cayman",
                        highlight = NULL,
                        css = NULL,
                        math = c("mathjax", "katex"),
                        fig_retina = NULL,
                        keep_md = FALSE,
                        readme = FALSE,
                        compressed_css = TRUE,
                        ...) {

# Some notes: To design our own output format, the most important part is to
# use a different CSS from html_document(), which can be done by passing the
# `css` paramter to Pandoc. html_vignette() is a good and simple example of
# designing new output format, and in fact html_pretty() is largely based on
# html_vignette() with some other features added in.
# The CSS used by html_pretty() consists of three parts: the theme CSS, the
# syntax highlight CSS, and the one provided by users. These three parts will
# be merged to generate the single final CSS file.
# However, there are some complexities here. Usually CSS also depends on
# external resources, such as fonts, images, etc. Therefore before we pass the
# `css` parameter to Pandoc, we need to copy these files into the proper
# directory. What's even more complicated is that the name of the directory
# is generated by knitr, so we do not know the actual path in advance.
# Fortunately, rmarkdown is very well designed, and we can use the hook
# pre_processor() to accomplish these tasks. This hook is invoked after
# document is knitted and before Pandoc is called. What we do inside the
# hook is to copy the resources (including the CSS file) to the directory,
# and pass the relative path of CSS to Pandoc.

    ## Directories for resources
    css_dir  <- system.file("resources", "css",              package = "prettydoc")
    hl_dir   <- system.file("resources", "css", "highlight", package = "prettydoc")
    font_dir <- system.file("resources", "fonts",            package = "prettydoc")
    img_dir  <- system.file("resources", "images",           package = "prettydoc")
    js_dir   <- system.file("resources", "js",               package = "prettydoc")
    tmpl_dir <- system.file("resources", "templates",        package = "prettydoc")

    ## Obtain theme CSS
    avail_themes <- gsub("\\.css$", "", list.files(css_dir, "\\.css$"))
    avail_themes <- grep("\\.min$", avail_themes, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
    theme <- as.character(theme)
    if (!isTRUE(theme %in% avail_themes)) {
        warning("theme not found, use default (cayman) instead")
        theme <- "cayman"
    theme_css <- file.path(css_dir, sprintf("%s%s.css", theme,
                                            if (isTRUE(compressed_css)) ".min" else ""))

    ## Also theme template
    avail_tmpl <- gsub("\\.html$", "", list.files(tmpl_dir, "\\.html$"))
    if (!isTRUE(theme %in% avail_tmpl)) {
        theme <- "cayman"
    theme_tmpl <- file.path(tmpl_dir, sprintf("%s.html", theme))

    ## Final CSS file
    ## We first save it to a temporary file, and then copy it to the appropriate
    ## directory in the pre_processor() hook
    final_css <- tempfile(fileext = ".css")
    file.copy(theme_css, final_css)

    ## Merge KaTeX CSS if math == "katex"
    math <- match.arg(math)
    if (math == "katex") {
        katex_css <- file.path(css_dir, "katex", "katex.min.css")
        file.append(final_css, katex_css)

    ## Merge syntax highlight CSS
    if (!is.null(highlight)) {
        avail_hl <- gsub("\\.css$", "", list.files(hl_dir, "\\.css$"))
        if (!isTRUE(highlight %in% avail_hl)) {
            warning("highlight style not found, use default instead")
        } else {
            hl_css <- file.path(hl_dir, sprintf("%s.css", highlight))
            file.append(final_css, hl_css)

    ## Merge user-supplied CSS file
    if (!is.null(css)) {
        file.append(final_css, css)

    ## Borrowed from html_vignette()
    pre_knit <- function(input, ...) {
        if (readme) {
                              output_format = "github_document",
                              output_options = list(html_preview = FALSE),
                              output_file = "README.md",
                              output_dir = dirname(dirname(input)),
                              quiet = TRUE)

    ## Hook function, invoked after document is knitted (so we know files_dir)
    ## and before Pandoc is called (so we can pass the `css` parameter)
    pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta,
                              files_dir, output_dir) {
        if (!file.exists(files_dir))

        pandoc_flags <- c()

        ## Copy CSS and resources to files_dir
        file.copy(img_dir,  files_dir, recursive = TRUE)
        if (math == "katex") {
            file.copy(font_dir, files_dir, recursive = TRUE)
            file.copy(js_dir, files_dir, recursive = TRUE)
            ## Pass files_dir to pandoc template
            pandoc_flags <- c(pandoc_flags,
                              "--variable", sprintf("resource-dir=%s", files_dir),
                              "--variable", "katex")
        } else {
            ## Create fonts folder
            out_font_dir <- file.path(files_dir, "fonts")
            if (!file.exists(out_font_dir))
            ## Exclude KaTeX fonts
            font_files <- grep("^KaTeX_.*", list.files(font_dir), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
            font_files <- file.path(font_dir, font_files)
            file.copy(font_files, out_font_dir)
        doc_css <- file.path(files_dir, "style.css")
        file.copy(final_css, doc_css, overwrite = TRUE)

        ## Paremeters passed to Pandoc
        pandoc_flags <- c(pandoc_flags, "--css", doc_css)

    ## `self_contained` needs to be explicitly specified, otherwise it will be
    ## set to TRUE
    extra_args <- list(...)
    self_contained <- extra_args$self_contained
    clean_supporting <- if (!is.null(self_contained)) self_contained else TRUE

    res <- rmarkdown::output_format(
        knitr = NULL,
        pandoc = NULL,
        keep_md = keep_md,
        clean_supporting = clean_supporting,
        pre_knit = pre_knit,
        pre_processor = pre_processor,
        ## Note that here `theme` and `highlight` are just parameters to make
        ## the HTML document tiny
        ## The real `theme` and `highlight` passed to html_pretty() are
        ## reflected in the final CSS file. Here `css` is set to NULL, but
        ## it will be set in the pre_processor() hook
        base_format = rmarkdown::html_document(fig_retina = fig_retina,
                                               css = NULL,
                                               theme = NULL,
                                               highlight = "pygments",

    ## We have to do this hack, sadly. :-|
    ## html_document() disables certain features (including MathJax) when
    ## we are using a template file other than default. I guess this is to
    ## avoid the incompatibility between templates and options. However,
    ## our templates only add a few <section> wrappers around existing
    ## elements, so it should be safe to override this restriction.
    pandoc_args <- res$pandoc$args
    pandoc_args[grep("^--template$", pandoc_args) + 1] <- theme_tmpl
    res$pandoc$args <- pandoc_args
yixuan/prettydoc documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 9:46 p.m.